Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1838 Shadow

Chapter 1838 Shadow

Eighteen hours had passed since the inception of the expedition, and the celestial ruins were now bustling with magus from various factions. Humans and elves alike navigated the intricate and labyrinthine vaults, each hoping to make the most of their time within this mystic realm.

Most vaults had become a hub of activity, hosting a multitude of magus parties, each filled with eager individuals seeking to conquer the ancient and enigmatic temples. However, as the ruins were meticulously explored, it had grown increasingly difficult to locate an uncleared temple, and magus had resorted to clearing drones and constructs to earn the tiny celestial shards instead.

Within the water vault, a small group of five magus was fortunate to discover a yet uncleared temple. Recognizing the challenge that lay ahead and the substantial effort required to conquer it, the group decided to collaborate with another party, sharing both the rewards and the burdens of the task.

After brief negotiations, one of the magus proposed an arrangement, "You can take three of the medals and all the tiny shards, and we'll take the medium shards."

The other party quickly agreed, and with the agreement in place, the group of five secured an extra medium-sized celestial shard and two golden medals.

With the coveted golden medal in hand, the group stood before the shimmering golden archway, pondering their next steps.

One Asian-looking magus holding a golden spear on his back turned to the beautiful female member of their group and posed a question. "Klea, I think it's time we take a break and absorb these shards. What do you think?"

Klea gracefully nodded in agreement and replied, "Yes, Yunxioa, I agree. Let's find a suitable spot at the crossings."

"Alright,". Together, they passed through the golden archway and entered the water vault crossing. Here, they joined a throng of magus from various factions who were already exploring the area, some absorbed in their celestial shards.

Twenty hours into the expedition, the majority of magus had ventured into the celestial crossings, leaving the first layer of the ruins mostly empty. It was during this time that an imposing outpost had already been established by the alliance. The outpost was a formidable fortress constructed through a fusion of powerful magics and intricate artifacts, sprawling enough to accommodate several hundred magus. A few dozen enforcers bustled around the vicinity, ensuring the area's security and maintaining order.

This outpost served as a crucial refuge for the magus to congregate and find respite, providing a brief reprieve from the formidable challenges of the celestial ruins.

While the group explored the compact outpost, a discrete cluster of magus kept a watchful eye on them from a distance, their curiosity piqued.

One of the observers whispered inquisitively, "We've been shadowing them for quite some time now. When are we going to put our plan into motion?"

Another, with scaly skin indicative of water proficiency, voiced his impatience. "I'm getting frustrated. As a water magus, I could have been seizing those celestial shards, but instead, I've only managed to gather a meager handful of tiny shards while tailing them so closely."

The female magus among them maintained her unwavering resolve. "Our top priority is her. Capturing her will deal the most significant blow to their group. Trust in the plan and follow my lead."

For the time being, they continued to watch and wait, ensuring their actions would not lead to repercussions and keeping their sights firmly set on their intended target.

Observing the actions of the five magus who had left the outpost, the burly magus remarked, "They're on the move again." Rather than pursuing them immediately, the female magus decided to employ a unique tracking spell, summoning an "Eye of the Abyss." This high-level spell allowed her to perceive the world through someone else's eyes, and she chose to use it through the target's perspective.

The seven Kronos magus maintained their distance from the group, observing them from afar as they entered one of the caves located near a stream. "They're absorbing the shards," the burly magus noted.

"Are we going to keep waiting?" one of them asked impatiently.

The female magus remained resolute. "Yes, be patient. Absorb your share quietly."

All seven continued to watch and wait, conserving their energy for the right moment. Surprisingly, after a few hours, the girl, their intended target, emerged from the cave by herself. The female magus smiles as she says to herself, "Where are you going, little girl?"

Taking a cautious approach, the Kronos magus refrained from direct engagement and tailed her for about 30 minutes. They eventually deduced her destination. "She's heading to the portal into the Light Vaults."

"Is she going to meet him?" one of the magus asked, the tension mounting.

"No, we cannot win if that guy joins her," another magus said with certainty. "We must stop her before they meet."

With this objective in mind, the female magus, who was the most powerful among the seven, harnessed her half-moon power to fly in pursuit of the girl. As she closed the gap between them, the female magus called out, "Fellow magus, if you don't mind helping this old woman."

The female magus had meticulously prepared for this encounter. She had changed her appearance, appearing much older, with wrinkles etched across her face, and her voice quivered with the frailty of age. Klea was momentarily thrown off by the authenticity of this disguise.

Suddenly, the female magus executed a swift and unexpected move. She conjured a dark purple smoke that enveloped Klea, making it impossible for her to see or breathe properly. Panic surged within Klea as she struggled to regain her composure amidst the choking haze.

"What!? What are you doing!?" Klea's voice cracked with fear, the urgency in her tone unmistakable. In a desperate attempt to disperse the disorienting smoke, she channeled her magic and unleashed a powerful wind spell. Gusts of air swirled around her, gradually clearing the purple haze. However, when the smoke finally dissipated, Klea's body felt unnaturally heavy, and her spirit energy seemed tainted, like a shadow lingering over her soul.

"Poison!!" Klea exclaimed in realization, the urgency and fear in her voice unmistakable.

The female magus chuckled wickedly, reveling in her sinister triumph. She leaned in closer to Klea and explained, "That's Necrobind venom, a paralyzing poison so potent it can immobilize even a full moon magus. You won't be able to move a muscle or cast a spell. You can't escape now." josei

As the female magus continued to taunt her, six other magus, all masked to conceal their identities, drew nearer. They formed a menacing circle around Klea, their eyes hidden behind the eerie masks.

"Who are you? What do you want!?" Klea demanded.

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