Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 189 - Who is she?

Chapter 189 - Who is she?

Chapter 189: Who is she?

Among the sea of acolytes, Emery noticed a figure frantically running towards him. Narrowing his eyes, Emery realized the figure was Silva.

"Emery!" Silva exclaimed, as she narrowly stopped in front of Emery. She was gasping for air due to how fast she had run.

"Woah! Calm down, Silva! What happened?" Emery exclaimed, as Silva almost crashed onto him.

"E-Emery!" Silva said, panting. "We don't have much time. Listen! I'm in the group D. Hence, my group will be your opponent."

Before Emery could process her words, Silva immediately continued, "In my group, there is one person you must avoid at all costs. His name is Lodos, he is the strongest in the group. But the thing that makes him the worst is because he is a maniac. You hear me?... Therefore, once the game begins, you better come and find me right away! That way, you will be much safer."

Emery was startled by the words Silva spoke. He was just standing there, processing the information Silva had shared with him. Because of this, Silva thought that Emery wasn't listening to what she said.

"Hey! Emery! Are you deaf?! What don't you respond to my words? This is a serious matter. It's very important for you to succeed in this game." Silva said with such an urgency, one would think the world was coming to an end in the next second.

Withdrawing from his thoughts, Emery calmly replied, "Yes, I know, Silva. Don't worry, I have things already prepared."

Stunned by the unexpected answer, Silva asked, "Things? What things? What do you mean?"

"You see, me and my friends have decided to join this small alliance…" Emery proceeded to briefly tell Silva about his agreement with Roran's group, so that Silva was careful about it. Emery then continued by showing his hand to her.

"If you find someone with a mark on their wrist like this, it means they are part of the alliance." Emery said, as he pointed his finger at his wrist where Silva could see a black mark etched there. The mark was the proof of the alliance.

"We even did a Soul Contract to act as a guarantee and make sure the alliance stayed cohesive. So, be careful." Emery added with a shrug.

Silva fell silent when she heard Emery's explanation. He thought she was thinking about it, however, to his surprise, instead of being grateful for the information he shared, Silva suddenly became angry.

"You helpless moron!!!" Silva shouted so loudly the acolytes around them turned their heads towards the two of them.

"Those people can't be trusted! And what's with that Soul Contract? That's very dangerous!"

Startled by Silva's sudden outburst, Emery quickly raised his hand. "Woah! Silva, calm down!" Emery said, while he apologized to the other acolytes around them.

"I'm serious, you moron! You won't stand a chance in the game with those guys. You should join me, I have two very strong elite half-bloods that will be helping me. You will definitely like them." Silva rapidly said. "Again, join my team. Don't trust those human purists!" Silva emphasized her offer again.

Klea and Chumo, who were still nearby, heard the shout and approached the two of them. The two of them could clearly hear it when Silva said 'human purists".

"Who are you saying cannot be trusted?" Klea asked with a glint in her eyes, as she stepped closer to Emery.

Silva flinched for a second and then decided to ignore Klea. Maintaining her gaze to Emery, she asked, "So, what do you say, Emery? Will you join me?"

"I'm truly sorry, Silva. I've made a promise with my friends. However, I hope we all can work together. That would be great." Emery said with a smile.

Upon hearing that, Silva became annoyed again. "Emery, I will say it one more time. If you want to succeed, you better stay with me, your own kind."

When he wanted to open his mouth, Emery suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. Klea unexpectedly cut in and said with a small smile, "I'm sorry. But I think we are Emery's kind. After all, we are pretty much family here."

Silva looked even more upset and annoyed when Klea broke into the conversation, "Who is this girl, Emery?"

"Ah… Her? She is.."

"I am his lover." Klea blurted out.




Not only Emery, Silva and Chumo were also shocked to hear that.

"Wait! Well, that's not-" Emery frantically tried to think of a way to clarify this increasingly awkward atmosphere. Unfortunately for him, Klea cut him off before he could do so.

"What do you mean by no? We did kiss and sleep together.. Didn't we?" Klea said, staring at Emery.

"...Aaa…" Emery lost his words and could only sigh deeply.

Silva looked even more annoyed and said, "Huh! Do what you want, Emery. I don't care anymore!"

She then turned around and walked away. After only a few steps, Silva suddenly stopped and walked back towards Emery. The next thing she did truly made Emery speechless. The white-haired girl grabbed Emery's arm before proceeding to bite it really hard.

"Argh! That's hurt." Emery said, while tapping Silva's head.

Seconds later, Silva released her bite and left with an annoyed huff. Emery couldn't help but release another deep sigh, as he watched Silva's figure disappear into the crowd. josei

Turning his head to the side, Emery was stunned to see Klea staring at him with an expression no less annoyed than Silva.

"What is that about, Emery? Hmm…" Klea asked. "Seriously… Why every time we have an assembly you always approach a girl? Huh! I don't want to be your lover anymore!."

As soon as she finished saying that, Klea walked away, leaving Chumo who was still in a state of shock. However, much to Emery's exasperation, Chumo slowly raised his thumb up while a big smile gradually surfaced on his face.

Emery couldn't help but want to smack Chumo right there, right now. Sadly for Emery, before he could wipe the smile off Chumo's face, a notification came out from the symbol on his hand.

[Will you participate in the second game of the Magus Games?]

"Yes, yes, yes." Emery hurriedly said, as he truly wanted to get out of this situation, fast.

[Total number of Group 7's normal acolytes : 320 acolytes]

[Total number of Group 7's elite acolytes : 50 acolytes]

After making sure each acolyte knew the results of their group's draw, Magus Serena closed the assembly by saying, "Remember! The top 50 acolytes with the highest points will not only be the winners of the game and have the right to advance to the next round, they will also be entitled to be part of the newest Elite Class of academy. Therefore, do your best and get in the top 50!"

Boisterous applause resounded through the arena as soon as magus Serena finished her speech. All acolytes proceeded to walk directly into the portal according to their respective draws.

As the figures of the acolytes faded into the portal, Magus Serena's voice could be heard one last time.

"Good luck everyone!"

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