Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1901 Celestial Battle 9

Chapter 1901 Celestial Battle 9

With a masterful display of his sword technique, Emery skillfully cleaved through the chaotic energies within the portal, creating a passage to another realm. As he stepped through, a chilling aura awaited him, an oppressive force that compelled him to invoke his [Emperor Focus] to resist its malevolent influence.

"Who are you, young one?" echoed voices accompanied by shadowy forms of colossal creature, towering at a staggering 20 meters, partially veiled in mist. Before Emery could react, a dozen tentacles, like serpentine extensions of the looming entities, lashed out towards him with alarming speed. Despite his prowess, the proximity to the entity proved perilous, and he found himself ensnared by the relentless grasp of the tentacles.

Emery acted swiftly, calling upon the latent power of Khaos that dwelled within him. "Cthulhu... Now is as good a time as ever!" he exclaimed.


In response, the ancient power surged through him, imbuing him with unparalleled strength and unleashing a torrent of spiritual energy that allowed him to break free from the tentacle's entanglement.

Emery emerged from the clutches of the entity's grasp, propelled by the unleashed power of Khaos. Simultaneously, a shadowy form materialized behind him — the manifestation of Cthulhu, the guardian of Khaos. The ominous silhouette added an eerie presence to the otherworldly realm as Emery, now armed with newfound strength, prepared to face the enigmatic adversaries before him.

"What...this is...the power of wisp...good, I will feast on you!" echoed a sinister voice as all two dozen tentacles surged toward Emery. However, fueled by the unleashed power of Khaos and the assistance of Cthulhu, Emery skillfully dodged and blocked the relentless onslaught with newfound strength. It became evident that Cthulhu's wasn't lied. The realm within the portal, the Nether realm allowed Emery to tap into Khaos with unprecedented potency.

Amid the chaotic dance between Emery and the colossal tentacles, the reality of this realm became clear – it amplified not only Emery's physical prowess but also the very essence of his being. A resounding roar echoed as his form evolved, his primal core reaching unprecedented levels and influencing the very essence of his blood.

In this heightened state, Emery's connection with the darkness-based laws deepened. As he tightened his grip on the [Savage Sword], a lost skill was rekindled within him. The accumulation of his mastery over the laws converged within the blade, giving birth to a formidable manifestation.

[Void Blade]

The dark energy blade, fueled by the amalgamation of Emery's newfound strength and the enhanced connection to Khaos, cut through the otherworldly realm with unparalleled potency.

Emery finally able to harnessed the skill he acquired in his intense battle against Zenonia, unleashing a surge of power that sliced through the encroaching tentacles with precision.


Empowered by the newfound ability honed in the crucible of combat, Emery pressed forward with his plan, systematically severing each tentacle that crossed through the portal, relentlessly disrupting the entity's connection.

"One down! Eight more to go!" he declared, his determination echoing through the otherworldly realm.

In response, sharp spikes were hurled toward Emery, but the magus faced them fearlessly. The enhanced power of Khaos bestowed upon him the ability to cast potent [Repulsion] spells. With deft precision, he deflected the projectiles and countered with a relentless barrage of [Dark Matter] blasts, each explosion adding to the chaotic dance of the battlefield.


The entity, wounded but far from vanquished, roared in defiance. Unfazed, Emery seized the opportunity, swiftly maneuvering to cut through another tentacle. The battlefield pulsed with the ebb and flow of energy, each strike a testament to Emery's relentless determination.

"You puny magus!!!" the enraged creature bellowed, responding with a relentless rain of spikes. In the midst of the onslaught, one spike found its mark, piercing Emery's shoulder. Reacting with swift resilience, he drew forth his [Rampant Staff], a tier 6 artifact pulsating with latent power, and thrust it into the creature's body.


As the staff penetrated, dark roots burst forth from its tip, snaking around the creature's form. The entangling roots spread rapidly, securing a significant portion of the giant entity in their grasp. Exploiting the distraction, Emery seamlessly transitioned to wielding the [Void Blade].

The dark energy blade hummed with power as Emery continued his relentless assault. Each swing was a calculated dance, a symphony of destruction as he aimed to sever the remaining tentacles.

"Six!! three more to go!"

The creature's rage manifested as it shattered the dark roots and the tier 6 Rampant Staff, pushing forward from the dissipating mist. Its colossal pincer hand charged at Emery with relentless force.

Swiftly employing [Blink], Emery evaded the impending attack, only to find himself ensnared by the remaining tentacles. The relentless grip tightened, crushing his lower body. In the face of imminent danger, Emery clenched his teeth, muttering, "Dammit!"

Just as despair threatened to consume him, a brilliant light emanated from behind. A figure entered the portal, and to Emery's relief, it was Mahinder, the divine monk. "You demons are not going anywhere!!!" Mahinder declared. Breaking the beads adorning his neck, he uttered incantations that culminated in a spectacular explosion of radiant energy.

The blast severely damaged the tentacle constricting Emery and obliterated the last three that connected the creature to the portal. As the creature recoiled, Mahinder's intervention proved instrumental in severing its connection to the dimension.

With a resolute gaze, Mahinder delivered crucial news, "Reinforcements are here, retreat!" The divine monk's timely arrival and the promise of reinforcements injected a renewed sense of hope into the dire situation.

Faced with the overwhelming opposition of the enraged creature, Mahinder, embodying unwavering determination, seized Emery's arm and propelled him toward the gate. The creature's furious bellow reverberated through the otherworldly realm.

"You are not going anywhere!!" it thundered.

A mere 10 meters away from the portal, the creature's colossal pincers swung menacingly toward them. In a stunning display of courage, Mahinder forsook evasion and instead charged at the oncoming colossal pincer. A surge of massive energy enveloped the monk, shaping a golden palm that intercepted the attack. Simultaneously, the energy propelled Emery into the portal, leaving Mahinder to face the wrath of the creature alone.

"Mahinder, let's go!!" Emery urgently called out, but instead of following, he witnessed the monk closing his eyes with a serene smile.

"It's time to pay for my sins."

With those words, Mahinder's chants came to an abrupt halt, and his corporeal form dissipated into golden emotes. The radiant energy that emanated from his sacrifice formed a formidable barrier, intense enough to repel any remnants of the entity from passing through. In this final act of self-sacrifice, Mahinder had become a shield, ensuring Emery's safe passage through the portal.

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