Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1957 Request

Chapter 1957 Request

Emery diligently spent several days replenishing his pill stocks after his successful venture in the poison resistance project. Upon his return to the apothecary center, he once again found himself seeking additional special jobs to undertake.

Grandmaster Saagar greeted him with words of praise, stating, "You did really well on your last job; I am impressed."

As Emery perused the available tasks, Grandmaster Saagar informed him that someone sought a meeting. It turned out to be Grandmaster Hypotia, and she inquired, "May I know how you could create the poison resistance so fast?"

Emery openly shared his approach, disclosing the presence of a poisonous mythical beast soul that helped him while keeping Khaos's existence concealed. This revelation seemed to startle Grandmaster Hypotia, as if she had stumbled upon something she had long sought.

In response to Emery's explanation, she proposed a special job task, stating, "I can issue a special job for you if you can help me with my problem."

Familiar with Grandmaster Hypotia and intrigued by the prospect of a poison-related challenge, Emery readily agreed to assist.

"Follow me," Grandmaster Hypotia instructed. She led Emery her workshop and into one of the rooms within. As they entered, Emery noticed an immediate drop in temperature. It appeared to be a special room designed for controlled environments.

Inside, Emery's gaze fell upon a familiar figure seated in the lotus position – Winri Lampads, one of the participants from the mastery exams. Despite the cold surroundings, Winri looked distressed. Beads of sweat adorned her forehead, and the dark-haired woman's skin displayed ominous dark veins, indicating her discomfort.

Concern etched on his face, Emery couldn't help but ask, "What kind of poison is this?" Grandmaster Hypotia proceeded to provide a detailed explanation, unraveling the mysterious and dangerous nature of the toxic affliction affecting Winri.

Winri, a scion of a venerable apothecary lineage on a mid-realm planet within the sector, was identified early on as a promising talent. In preparation for her journey toward becoming a master apothecary, her family bestowed upon her a coveted heirloom – a divine flame meant to merge seamlessly with her spirit core.josei

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm The infusion of the divine flame brought forth remarkable results, enhancing Winri's skills to craft exceptional apothecary products. However, this newfound proficiency came at a considerable price – a fiery poison that coursed through her veins whenever she harnessed the potent energy of the divine flame.

Recognizing the gravity of Winri's situation, Grandmaster Hypotia took her under her tutelage five years ago. Despite Grandmaster Hypotia's extensive expertise in the law of ice, she struggled to find a remedy for Winri's affliction. Paradoxically, as Winri progressed in her apothecary mastery, the flaming poison grew more unpredictable and tumultuous, posing a formidable challenge to both mentor and disciple. The intricate interplay of the divine flame and its toxic consequences added a layer of complexity to their ongoing efforts to mitigate the effects.

"The last treatment I administered to her only lasted one week," Grandmaster Hypotia revealed, a hint of annoyance evident in her voice. Despite seeking counsel from various experts, healers, and poison specialists, none could offer a lasting solution. She had even reached out to a renowned figure known as the god of medicine, but the elder remained secluded in seclusion for months. lightsnovel

Faced with the prospect that her disciple might not endure another month, Grandmaster Hypotia, driven by desperation, sought out any known experts in the field of poison. It was during this search that she learned about Emery's recent successful job, sparking a glimmer of hope.

"Please, will you give it a try?" Grandmaster Hypotia implored Emery, her tone a mixture of desperation and hope. Although Emery sensed the grandmaster's skepticism about his chances of success, he understood the seriousness of the situation.

To begin, Emery delved into the comprehensive information provided by Grandmaster Hypotia. He meticulously examined the multitude of treatments and remedies applied to Winri, ranging from an array of cold-based potions to various poison recipes. Each element in the intricate tapestry of Winri's affliction was reflected in the narrative shared by the grandmaster.

Leveraging VIA, Emery meticulously analyzed each treatment, eliminating over 95% of possible poison types. Despite the thorough examination, the outcome revealed a disheartening trend – Winri's condition had witnessed a continuous decline.

Seeking a more hands-on approach, Emery approached Winri, settling into a similar lotus position behind her. Placing both of his arms on her back, he intended to assess her condition thoroughly with the aid of Chututlu. As he prepared to channel his energy to aid in the diagnostic process, the unexpected note of concern from Grandmaster Hypotia caught him off guard.

"Be careful," the cautious words conveyed an unspoken concern and hinted at something hidden within Winri's condition that Emery was yet to discover.

In mere seconds, Emery immersed himself in Winri's essence, sensing the insidious presence of the poison coursing through her blood. However, as he ventured closer to her core, a sudden resistance met his psychic probes. A vehement, burning energy pushed back against his attempts, and it became evident that this opposing force didn't originate from Winri herself.

"Her core... there is something alive within," Emery exclaimed.

The realization of why his earlier explanation about the mythical beast intrigued Grandmaster Hypotia became clear and the caution she expressed now echoed with significance. There was, indeed, another soul residing within Winri, and this newfound knowledge prompted Chututlu to speak.

<Divine fire… haha, stupid human, that's the soul of a powerful flaming creature>, the Chaos guardian taunted, its presence echoing within Emery's mind.

Guided by Cthulhu, Emery ventured deeper into the recesses of the flaming barrier surrounding the core, allowing him to sense the presence of the formidable beast soul residing within. As the metaphysical fog lifted, the creature revealed itself in the form of a terrifying flaming scorpion, its essence pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Chututlu, ever amused by the unfolding spectacle, issued a warning.

<Be careful… This… is a divine beast…, one mistake, and you could be burnt to a crisp.>

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