Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1079

Chapter 1079: Blaze Ode

The soldier with the spots on his face said, "My mother once said that everything that glows is a treasure."

Another soldier sneered, "So there's glass under your bed? Those things shine, too."

"No, glass needs a refraction of light to shine. But look, damn it, the moonlight didn't even reach that place. Tell me, what kind of glass shines in the darkness?"

The soldiers fell silent. The freckled soldier said, "I'll go take a look. If it's a gem, then Johnny, you can fuck a woman like Rowe, and we can drink a lot of wine, the best kind in Old Sam's Tavern!"

"I'll go too." The soldier named Qiang En echoed. Obviously, his colleague's suggestion was very tempting.

"Alright, you guys go over quietly. We'll keep watch for you here. If Lord Darren asks about it, it's good that someone will send him away."

As soon as they finished speaking, the two soldiers brought a long rope, one tied to the wall and the other hanging to the foot of the wall. The defensive wall of Flaming Light City was six meters tall. If he didn't use the tools, he wouldn't be able to die if he fell down like this, but he would inevitably suffer. As soon as they were ready, the soldier slid down the rope. They chose a more remote location on one side of the wall to ensure that they would not be seen by other soldiers on night duty. After all, the more people who knew, the fewer spoils they would share.

It took more than ten minutes for Jon and the striped-faced soldier to climb up the hill and find it in a bunch of manuscript grass. The striped soldier was sure that it was a gem, or at least a fragment of a gem. Otherwise, this irregular crystal would not shine on its own. Its faint blue light illuminated two overjoyed faces. However …

"It's really cold." Qiangen intended to tear off the corner of his clothes to wrap around the thing in his hand.

The striped-faced soldier said excitedly, "It's much colder. The gemstones are all cold. Why don't I take them …"

Jon scolded with a smile, "Why are you in such a hurry? It's as if I'm going to take it all by myself." He suddenly saw a pair of gray and dirt-stained hands stretching out from the darkness behind his speckled face. Then, he covered his mouth with one hand and stabbed his sharp fingernails into the soldier's neck with the other. With another tear, the warm blood in his colleague's neck sprayed out on Qiang En's face. Qiang En could even see his companion's fiercely beating blood vessels!

"Ah! No!" Qiangen stood up and the gemstone in his hand glowed, illuminating the murderer's face. It was an ugly, deformed face. His eyes were strangely large, without a nose, his mouth tilted to one side, without lips, but every fold on his strange face was filled with malice. Jon quickly slid down the hill, rolled at the bottom of the hill, stood up, and ran back with no life.

As he ran, he turned around and looked at the corpse. The corpse was tilted and crooked, and the eccentric chased after him. Behind it, on the low slope, more and more shadows emerged from the shadows, and they chased down from the hillside. "What kind of monsters are these?" Qiang En couldn't help but moan as his round eyes shone with a terrifying light.

"Look, Qiang En is back?"

"Eh? Where's Donnie?"

"Look over there. Something is following Qiang En. Damn it, is it a wolf?"

"No, what are those strange things?"

The remaining soldiers on the city wall noticed something was amiss and instinctively set up their guns. Qiang En ran to the back and pulled the gem onto his chest. He scrambled up the rope with his hands and feet in shock. At this time, the monster closest to him was less than ten meters away. He howled, "Shoot! Shoot!"

The soldiers on the wall woke up as if they had just woken up from their dreams. They didn't care if the gunshots would cause trouble for them, so they aimed at the monster at the front with a few low curses. At the same time as the gunshot rang out, the monster's head fell to the ground and rolled. However, there were still many monsters like this behind it.

That night, the Neanderthals attacked Flaming Light City. Gunshots and shouts rang out all night. The flames of Flame Light City had never been so bright before. The flames of war rising around the city walls almost lit up the sky.

Alan also saw a flash of fire.

At this moment, he was in the void of will. The void volcano was above his head, and he was exploring the depths of the void. Just like that night in Frost Wind City, when he went deep into the void, he saw a dark red magma coming towards him. This time, he was mentally prepared. He narrowed his eyes and instantly crashed into the magma. Then he could feel that something mysterious was happening to his body. The flames were burning him, and everything in his body turned into ashes. He was like a butterfly that broke through a cocoon, eventually turning into a part of the flames.

An indescribable joy rose from the depths of his heart, as if a wanderer had returned to his homeland. Fire and magma were his destiny. He passed through the blazing flames and lava and crashed into a boiling sea of flames. The sea of flames had no boundaries. Occasionally, a burst of boiling lava would spurt out from the sea. Poisonous smoke rose here, and the heat waves burned people. However, Alan did not find it terrifying. Instead, he felt comfortable returning to his mother's womb.

He no longer had a body here, he was just a ball of burning flame. But he still wanted to curl up like a baby and fall into the sea of flames. When he fell into the sea of flames, the whole world was singing. The rising flames were both hymns and songs that instantly spread throughout the universe, the nine star systems, and the millions of living beings. Only a few people were able to sense the slight changes that were undetectable.

In the deepest part of the chaotic battlefield, to the east of the Agares Blood Sea, stood a pitch-black ancient castle at the end of the Heavens and Earth. A storm was washing through the castle, and with a poisonous rain, it slid past the straight, curved, and various forms of ferocious iron spikes on the castle. They landed on the statues of many stone statues and ghosts, gathered on the ground, and then flowed into the ditch.

The main hall of the castle was dimly lit, and on the throne made of black steel, Frius opened his eyes. When his eyes lit up, the flames in the two braziers lit up the entire hall. The door suddenly opened, and Beruke, the fire fiend who had once presided over the Death Star Project, flashed in from outside. He looked at the flaming fireworks in horror and said, "Your Majesty, this is …"

"Nothing. I just had a dream." Felius waved his hand, and the flames of the brazier dimmed again.

"Dream?" Beruke didn't know what kind of dream would wake up the Black Emperor from his slumber. He even released the terrifying Origin Energy out of control, causing more than 80% of the slaves in the Dark Castle to die in an instant. Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to ask, and Frius wouldn't tell him. Thus, the Fire Demon retreated and carefully closed the door for the emperor.

Frius did have a dream. In that dream, he had already cut off Spenak's head. Suddenly, the entire world burned. Everything spat out flames. In the sea of flames where there was nowhere to hide, it was as powerful as he was burned to ashes.

"This is ridiculous." He said, then closed his eyes again.

Frius had thought of many things, but he had never thought that he would be destroyed. Even if Orfasis were to personally come, that would not have happened.

However, he didn't know that when he opened his eyes, at the other end of the sea of blood, in the ancient imperial city where Demon King Sbernak was located, beneath the deepest abyss of a thousand meters, a steel coffin that was fixed by eighteen pitch-black chains and suspended in the air was constantly shaking. Suddenly, the black iron coffin lid soared into the sky. Blood glowed in the coffin, and it was filled with dark red blood.

Then, amidst the fresh blood, a palm that was wrapped in a ferocious iron armor stretched out. On this day, Sbernak, who had been asleep for hundreds of years, awoke and soon announced that he would crush Frius, who had betrayed him. The civil war between the two Sovereigns of Agares is imminent. josei

Back in the void of Allen's will.

In the sea of flames deep within his will, Alan continued to sink. He could vaguely feel that something was summoning him. He looked through the sea and the flames and landed on a burning trench, which was constantly spitting out flames. Suddenly, his view was infinitely drawn away, and Allen was shocked to realize that it was not a trench, but a line. There were many lines on a gigantic figure, and there were countless lines like these.

Then a blazing sun rose above his head. Alan narrowed his eyes and saw a brown stripe appear in the blazing sun. Then he realized that it was also not a sun, but an eye!

His body trembled violently. When he regained his senses, he saw Lucy with a shocked expression, along with Regis and the others. The expressions on their faces were very strange. Alan opened his mouth and said in a hoarse voice, "What's wrong with you guys?"

Lucy looked relieved when she saw him speak, and smiled bitterly, "I suppose we're asking you this. Look, your tent is burnt out."

Alan looked around, and his vision was indeed wide. He was supposed to be in his tent. After leaving Dragonspear Town, dozens of gunmen, including Perot, joined Allen's team. They nominally followed the caravan to Oliska, but Allen knew that they were intentionally supplementing his defenses. Originally, according to their plan, they would have to go from Dragon Spear Town to Liquor Town, and then pass through Flame Light City to the Devil's Throat. However, the people of the Gao Cang Clan knew of a shortcut that could pass through the Devil's throat, and now, Allen and the caravan were located in the forest known as the "secret realm" by Perot and the others.

When night fell, they slept in the secret realm. Alan sat quietly to temper his Origin Energy and successfully entered the Void of Will. He imagined that after he entered the sea of flames, the temperature in the camp rose sharply and even Allen's tent burned. Lucy and the others were worried that something would happen to him, so they woke him up.

Only then did Alan know the cause and effect, but the experience in the depths of his will had now become blurry, as if he had had a long dream. However, when she woke up, she could no longer remember everything in her dream. Alan only remembered the boundless sea of flames and the figure of the giant whose eyes were like the sun.

What exactly was that?

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