Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1144

Chapter 1144: Condor Reveals

The sun gradually rose, and the dock gradually became lively. The fishing boat was ready to go to sea, the captain shouted loudly at the sailors who were still asleep, the rooster's crow and the barking of the dogs came from afar, all of which told Solo that it was getting late.

It's getting late.

It was nine o'clock in the morning, and Solo's patience was fading. He began to send scouting boats out of the harbour to check, but found nothing. It was not until noon that he suddenly knew that Julian and the others would not come. Seven out of ten of the news was fake.

"Damn vulture." Solo didn't care about lunch. He ordered all the warships to leave the harbor and fly the banners again. With this torment, the people of Red Leaf Harbor knew that there was an additional naval fleet at the dock at some unknown time, and this fleet set off very quickly. But how could it be so easy to trace the whereabouts of a merchant ship that had already disappeared despite how vast Santa Trina was?

On the deck of the ship, Solo supported the fence and cursed the bald eagle more than a hundred times in his heart. Regardless of whether that bastard was intentionally sending fake news or if his identity was discovered, Solo felt that it was no different from a piece of cake.

"It would be best if such an incompetent person died." The Admiral said in the end.

His fleet could no longer proceed south. The Boleyn family had recently organized a family fleet and expelled several navy troops stationed in the south, claiming that the southern sea would be completely sealed off from all imperial warships before Julian returned to Oliska. Otherwise, it would be considered a war.

Soro didn't want to challenge the heritage of an ancient clan, especially since there were three Sacred Names in that clan. Who knew if there were other powers in the dark?

The Admiral's guess was undoubtedly correct. The three merchant ships carrying Julian did not enter Red Leaf Harbor, and Allen and the others had no intention of abandoning the ship and landing. They set off before sunrise and passed through Red Leaf Harbor at dawn, while Solo was still waiting for them on the deck of the ship. By the time the Navy scouts moved about in the Gulf, the merchant ships were long out of sight.

A man looked at the sea outside the porthole and sighed. The middle-aged man was thin and hunchbacked. Everyone who knew him called him hunchback. As for his real name, no one remembered it. He was Shuo Lin's coachman, his attendant, and had served Shuo Lin for more than ten years. He was deeply trusted. At this point in time, the hunchback should have gone down to take care of the horses to make sure they were healthy enough to reach the South. However, he was still in his room, and had no intention of moving at all.

Until someone knocks on the door.

The hunchback opened the door and saw two soldiers. The hunchback knew that they were subordinates of the count on the ship, and the soldier said, "Mr. Solin wants to see you."

The hunchback nodded, walked out of the door, and closed it. He touched the handle and said, "Please lead the way."

Under the lead of the soldiers, the hunchback finally arrived at the deck of the ship. He raised his head and swept his eyes. Not only was Solin here, but Julian, Alan, and other important figures were also here. Julian looked at the sea with his back to him. Shorin walked over and said in a low voice, "Hablin, is there anything you want to say?"

Hablin was the name of a hunchback. Only Shoren would call him by his name, unlike other people who would call him a hunchback one by one.

Hunchback, no, Hablin laughed. He then slowly straightened his waist until he finally straightened his body. Only then did Shorin realize that he was not a short coachman. Hablin looked at Shorin with a calm expression and smiled, "I have nothing to say, Your Excellency. It can only be said that Your Excellency's plan was brilliant. He deliberately leaked the itinerary to let me spread the fake news and cleverly emptied the Imperial Navy. However, I don't know when Your Excellency found out about my identity."

"Shorin doesn't know who you are. In fact, none of us know who you are." Alan replied on behalf of Solin, "I told His Highness that the terrestrial environment is more advantageous for vultures. However, I didn't say it, provided he can hold himself back at sea and not communicate with the outside world. Unfortunately, you can't help it, and the only means of transmitting information at sea is birds such as crows. So, as long as you monitor the movements of the ship, you will be able to find clues."

"Unfortunately, my eyes and ears are far more than you think."

What Hablin didn't know was that when he released the crow in a hidden corner, he had a good view of a Steel Sharp Warrior hidden in the shadows. Every Iron Sharp Warrior was Lucy's eyes, and these Iron Soldiers didn't reveal their auras like humans, which was why the cautious Hablin revealed his footing. Of course, there was no need to reveal these arrangements to the vultures.

Hablin nodded and looked at Shorin again. "I am an orphan. The war has cost me my parents and my home. I am constantly wandering around the territories," he said. At the age of seven, I almost died at the hands of some local ruffians. At that time, a man saved me. He gave me food and clothes and taught me something else. Only when I'm older will I know that he wants to nurture me into a vulture. "

"Afterwards, I will follow you, my lord. Your Excellency, you treat me very well. Although I am disguised as a hunchbacked trash, you still address me by my name. You are a respectable person. Fortunately, my boss has not been given a mission. I thought that I would continue to be your coachman until I quietly left one day. But not long ago, when I almost forgot my true identity, that mission came down. "

Habrin knelt down and lowered his head to Shurin, "Your Excellency should be able to guess what will happen next. The reason why I told you all this is not to beg for mercy from your Excellency." I just wanted to tell my lord that Hablin would rather be your coachman than that vulture, but fate didn't give me a chance to choose. "I have nothing to say now. I can only hope that Sir's journey will go smoothly. I... I..."

The man on the ground suddenly coughed violently. Shorin hurriedly helped him up, only to see that Habrin had already spat out white foam. He smiled at Shorin and stopped breathing.

Looking at his corpse, Shuo Lin had mixed feelings and could only let out a soft sigh.

"Wait until we reach Ark Harbor before burying him." Julian said softly.

Solin lowered his head and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness."

It wasn't surprising that a vulture like Hablin would be thrown into the sea to feed the fish after his death. Now that Julian had said this, he was already very kind, but Solin was thanking him on behalf of Hablin. After Shoren left the deck with the corpse, Julian exhaled, wanting to break the strange atmosphere on the deck, and deliberately laughed, "Count Allen, you actually plotted against me. I really thought that I was going to get off at Red Leaf Harbor today, and I had someone pack up my things for me last night."

Ellen shook his head and smiled, "How can we fool the vultures on the ship if we don't deceive His Highness? It's only at this moment that we're finally safe."

Julian nodded and looked at the sea in front of the ship. "What kind of place is the Ark Harbor?"

"Your Highness will know soon." Alan said.

But in reality, this wasn't going to happen anytime soon. From Tiger Shark Harbor to Ark Harbor, even if the wind and water were smooth, it would still take about twenty days at the fastest. Therefore, when the merchant ship arrived at Ark Harbor, it would already be a month later.

At dawn Ruola was sitting in front of the mirror with her maid combing her long hair. She looked at herself in the mirror. A few months ago, she was Miss Jorah, but now she was Mrs. Orlando. After the grand wedding in Spear City, Ruo La and Orlando returned to Ark Harbor to take care of the territory together. Orlando is humorous, gentle and considerate, and anyone who gets along with him will be very happy. josei

Ruo La was no exception. At first, she would occasionally think of that person. But now, she felt that she had forgotten about the past. But after receiving a message, that person appeared in her mind.

Today, three merchant ships carrying Julian will arrive at Ark Harbor. Alan followed the prince. Ruo La looked at herself in the mirror and suddenly shook her head. Orlando came in and whistled to his wife in front of the mirror, "We, Lady Ruola, are always so beautiful."

Ruo La rolled her eyes and the maid behind her chuckled. Orlando waved his hand and took over the maid's job. The latter was no longer surprised and took the opportunity to leave the room, leaving the room for the couple. Orlando changed Jorah's long hair and fixed it with a gem net. He looked at his wife in the mirror and said, "You don't look happy."

Ruo La reached out and gently grabbed Orlando's hand. "Otherwise, I won't go to the harbor to meet him. You can represent him."

"How can that be? In name, you are the agent of Ark Harbor. I am your attendant." "I know what you're thinking. You're scared to see Ellen, aren't you? How many times do I have to tell you, Jorah? I don't mind you thinking about him now. It's scary if you forget someone you loved so easily," Orlando said with both hands on her shoulders.

"It's a beautiful memory for me, just like the girl I loved when I was still a teenager. And it's because of these beautiful memories that life becomes fuller." Orlando shrugged, "Or do you think I'm a stingy man who gets jealous of a relationship that ends at the end? Come on, Ellen's not as charming as me. I need to be jealous of him?"

He laughed.

Zora laughed and Orlando's words untied the last knot in her heart. She stood up and kissed Orlando's cheek, "Thank you."

"If you really want to thank me, should we be honest?" Orlando looked at the big bed with a wicked smile.

Jorah snorted, "Never mind, I don't want to waste another hour tidying up my hair. Didn't you say you were my attendant? Follow me, Mr. Orlando, and don't let our distinguished guests wait in the harbor. It would be rude of you to be the master."

Looking at his wife, who had returned to her usual self, Orlando bowed exaggeratedly and said, "All the listeners, madam."

Ruo La's intentionally tense face immediately burst into laughter.

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