Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1153

Chapter 1153: Horn Blowing (2)

'Hurry up, gentlemen. Every minute you work now gives you a chance to live when the war starts. I'm not trying to scare you. Unless you want to be food at the exotic tables, especially those like you, Tom. Fat, lazy, exotic people love it.' A man in his forties stretched out his big, hairy hand and patted the fat boy who passed him like a bear. Then, a smile broke out on his bearded face.

"Don't scare me, Uncle Harley," Fatty complained. "I've been working pretty hard."

"You're right, Tom. You're fat and slow, but you're a good mason. I'd be even happier if you moved a little faster." The man named Harley pushed Fat Tom, "Go, remember to make the wall strong, don't let those damn outsiders fall with a push." josei

They were on the walls of Mountain City. Although the walls of Mountain City were already notoriously tall and thick, City Lord Remington was still worried and asked for the walls to be raised by five meters in order to resist the attacks of outsiders. Therefore, most of the masons, stonemasons, and many other workers in Mountain City were transferred to the city wall to form a large construction team. Halley was the overseer of this team. He had to make sure that the heightened walls could be completed within the deadline and withstand the baptism of war. If he couldn't do that, he would lose his head. Halley didn't dare to take it lightly. He had to strictly control the progress of the project, the quality of the construction, and so on every day. As long as there was a slight disqualification, he would order the craftsmen to correct it immediately.

The entire mountain city was in a state of mobilization.

The soldiers of Mountain City trained rigorously in the camps and outside the city every day, while the fireworks in the weapons workshop did not stop at all, producing as many weapons and equipment as possible. Most of the men in the city were conscripted as militia, responsible for support and logistics during the war. Most of the merchants in Mountain City chose to leave. No merchant was willing to stay in the city that was about to become a battlefield, except for those whose families were in Mountain City.

The citizens were busy, and Remington was not idle. Ever since he became the Lord of Mountain City, he had been keen to rob his younger brother, Parson. However, Parson did not appear again as if he had disappeared from the mortal world. Following that, orders came from Allen's territory, requesting Mountain City to mobilize and prepare for a possible war. Remington's attention was diverted from the search for Parson.

At this moment, he was in the barracks, watching the soldiers train. He then came to a corner of the barracks, where ten beast chariots were parked. There were engineers conducting routine tests on these soldiers. These people were all from Alan's side. Remington walked over and asked, "Who knows how long it will take for Belmord to return?"

One of the officers bowed and said, "Soon, my lord. And Lord Alan will come with us this time, at least that's what Lord Belmord left behind."

"Lord Alan, he's back?" Remington nodded. "This is good news. I hope he will bring more troops."

Reminton left the barracks while the soldiers continued to work. He brought a group of guards to the city wall, and now there were craftsmen working on the scaffolding that was full of scaffolding. Remington found Harley and asked, "How's the project going?"

"Everything is going well, my lord." "They will be completed as scheduled," Halley assured. "Don't worry about that."

"We need to catch it tightly. After the city wall is raised, we need to push the catapults and cannons up."

"I see, my lord." Halley turned around and shouted, "Listen, from today onwards, the working hours will be extended by four hours. You guys have to move faster. If you want to survive, all of you have to do your best!"

Remington nodded and leaned against the wall to look out of the city. From here, one could vaguely see the tower a kilometer away. Towers like this stretched all the way to the Lagerma Mountains, spanning the entire Extinct Shadow Highlands. Remington thought, hoping that the horn on the tower wouldn't blow.

He prayed so secretly almost every day.

But today, the gods shut their ears and did not hear his prayers.

On a tower closest to the Ragmar Mountains, a veteran boasted to two recruits, "When I was your age, I killed a wild boar in the highlands. You know that big guy, he's as big as an ox. Its fangs can make a hole in your stomachs. However, it was such a big fellow that had fallen under my knife. So there's no need to be afraid of outsiders. Furthermore, I doubt that those fellows will really appear. "Our Mountain City is not a big place. Capturing Mountain City may not be beneficial."

"But I heard from my father that if the mountain city falls, the Lyon Mountain Road will be in danger. And this mountain road is the only way to the continent in the south, so if the outsiders gather troops in the south, the chances of the mountain city being attacked are very high." A new recruit who had just turned sixteen said. His face had yet to lose the teenager's astringency.

The veteran laughed, "I know your father, son. Old Jaeger is a blacksmith, when did he become a military strategist. Oh, if he is so capable, Lord Remington will have to ask him to be the commander of the army."

The recruit's face flushed red, "Father said. That's the news he heard. It's very reliable."

"Alright, child." The veteran shook his head and said, "My experience tells me that the truth is what I see with my own eyes. The rest is just speculation. And speculation is always unreliable."

Another recruit had been standing by the fence of the tower since just now, closely monitoring the direction of the mountain. Then the old soldier turned around and said, "What, Little Tony, have you seen the wolves in the mountains? Don't be afraid, those things won't leave the mountains."

"No, those shouldn't be wild wolves." "Perhaps you should come and see for yourself," the recruit said anxiously.

The veteran frowned and walked over. He picked up the telescope on the ground and asked, "What are you looking at?"

The recruit pointed in a direction in the mountains, "Over there, I think I saw a black shadow just now. But the speed was too fast for me to see clearly, but from the outline, it doesn't look like a wild wolf or any other animal. Could it be …"

He did not continue, but the meaning was very obvious.

The veteran raised his binoculars and looked in the direction his comrades had pointed. It was a small path on the edge of the mountain, but there was nothing there. The veteran muttered, "You must be dazzled. There's nothing there." As he moved his binoculars, the veteran's expression froze when his gaze shifted to the left side of the path. On that mountain wall, a thin and lean body was climbing up. That creature had dim copper skin, and it was actually reflecting a metallic light in the sunlight. His spine was strangely exposed, and on both sides of his arm, bone blades stretched out like crescent moons.

He seemed to have noticed that he was being watched, so he suddenly turned his head and looked at the old soldier through the binoculars. Thus, the old soldier saw a bat-like face that was magnified by many times, and his eyes that shone like ice.

The binoculars in the veteran's hands fell to the ground. He turned around and said in a trembling voice, "It's a Blade Demon, an outsider! Quick, blow the horn!"

The recruit who was sitting on the ground was shocked. He ran to the other side of the tower in a hurry and blew the horn hanging on the tower with all his strength. Wuwuwu, the bugle horn sounded from the tower and traveled into the distance. A moment later, another tower a kilometer away also blew a horn, and then the horn sounded one after another. After a short while, Remington heard the horn coming from outside the city and his body trembled.

What he was worried about had finally happened.

It was also a highland, but the Wilderness Highland was much more peaceful. Ever since the Empire's investigation team discovered that the ruins were useless, the team left the highlands, restoring the usual tranquility of the Wilderness Highlands. The lake near the ruins was now overflowing with sunlight. The scenery was beautiful. Some gray-backed birds linger by the lake and float on tree trunks, pecking at small fish or insects in the trunks.

Bugs and birds chirped, and the atmosphere in the highlands was peaceful.

Suddenly, a gray-backed bird seemed to be frightened. It flapped its wings and cried out in alarm as it flew. On the surface of the water below the bird, the clear lake water could see the bottom of the lake below. Right at the bottom of the lake, a huge eye suddenly appeared. A golden eyeball, then closed it again, but the surface of the lake began to tremble. The birds flew up in fright and circled around the lake a few times before flying off into the distance. It was as if he had encountered a natural enemy, and it carried with it the smell of fleeing into the wilderness.

At this time, the lake water had already started to boil, and bubbles appeared on the surface of the lake, breaking open again. This phenomenon lasted for half an hour before it gradually stopped. After a long time, a series of bubbles rose up in the middle of the lake. Then, a long black hair floated on the surface of the water. Finally, someone raised his head in the lake water.

It was an indescribably beautiful youth, his facial features exquisite and beautiful, with a neutral aesthetic feeling. It was noteworthy that there was a golden vertical ripple in his pupils, like the reflection of the eyes of some wild beast under the sunlight. The youth then clumsily swam towards the shore, his movements filled with a serious sense of incongruity, as if he was using his hands and feet for the first time. However, he quickly adjusted his condition. By the time he was not far from the lake shore, he was already like a skilled swimmer, and his movements were incomparably skilled.

He climbed onto the shore, unexpectedly not wearing any clothes, his naked body still hung some pale cortex, just like the old skin that had just fallen off. He looked at his hands and feet, repeatedly stretching his fingers, as if he was extremely curious about his body.

At this time, the ground around the lake began to tremble, and ripples appeared on the surface of the lake. Not long after, a giant beast emerged from the forest and crushed a few trees. It stopped in front of the youth. The giant beast looked a little like a turtle, but it had tentacles on its shell. Its six thick legs squatted down. It stretched out its huge head and gently squatted on the youth's body. It looked like it was kissing him.

The youth directly jumped onto its head and pointed to the north. He opened his mouth and said in an unclear tone, "Go there … Father, we're back …"

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