Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1158

Chapter 1158: Retreat Temporarily

The wind surged and the flames sped forward. A pillar of fire swept past, and a long corridor of flames rose up from the outsider army. It was clearly visible under the night sky. The flames were so bright that even the heavy rain could not be extinguished. When the foreign commander saw this scene, he directly jumped onto the head of a waiting beast and clearly saw Alan rushing towards him alone. The Saber Demon expert's eyes flashed with an icy cold light. He pointed in Allen's direction and shouted in an alien language, ordering the army to press down in that direction.

Even though the main force was fighting on the battlefield below Mountain City, there was still an army of around two thousand people in the rear of the outsiders. As soon as the commander gave the order, he dispatched nearly a thousand people to Allen, including some experts from the Shadow Duchy.

Alan was riding his horse along the path Sargeras had opened when the enemy soldiers in front of him suddenly closed in, and an invisible oppressive force continuously surged in. He narrowed his eyes, knowing that the other party's commander did not give him a chance to fight alone. Instead, he wanted to use the advantage of numbers to suppress or even kill him. He smiled. This was a battlefield, and the other party's reaction could not be more reasonable. He took a deep breath, lightly pressed his hands on the horse's back, and leapt into the air.

In midair, Alan's Heavenly Calamity Circuit lit up, and a ball of dark flames suddenly rushed out. Dark flames swirled around, floating in the gray bone armor. Alan had activated the Flame Shadow Tyrant Armor by the time the two long belts of Heavenly Fire hung down. The blade of Red King lit up with a scarlet flame. Alan slashed down with his saber in the air, and the Skyfire Saber Qi incomparably rushed forward, sending dozens of outsider soldiers flying. Before the soldiers could fall to the ground, their bodies were already burning rapidly in the air. By the time they landed on the ground, they had already turned into charred corpses.

Only then did Alan land on the ground. He lifted Red King and thrust him into the ground. Using the saber as the starting point, a crack winded through the air. A moment later, the ground behind the enemy began to tremble. It rose, and a clay bag gradually rose, causing the outsider soldiers rushing towards Allen to be at a loss. More cracks are formed on the ground, and they extend in all directions, centered around the clay bag.

Commander Saber Demon finally felt that something was amiss when he saw the man on the beast's head and shouted for the army to leave the dirt bag. Oh, no, it's a little hill now. Unfortunately, before the commander's orders could be carried out, the cracks on the ground lit up one after another. A flame shot out from the crack. From the sky, it was like an invisible, gigantic engraving. As the center of the line, a scorching stream of fire suddenly burst out from the hills, blasting a group of soldiers who had accidentally passed by into the air and burning them into fireballs.

At this time, a soldier found his body out of control. It was as if some sort of power was pulling them backwards. The gravitational force grew stronger and stronger, and even the heavily armored people of Gatu involuntarily flew backwards. The soldiers of Saber Demon stabbed their bone blades into the ground, wanting to fix themselves, but they could only plough out ravines on the ground in vain. The Ghanaians wanted to dive underground to avoid the invisible force field on the ground, but when they dived into the ground, they discovered that the ground had already turned into a sea of fire.

Standing on the giant beast's head, the Saber Demon Commander watched helplessly as the army that was sent to suppress Alan was pulled towards the hill that was spewing out a stream of fire by an invisible gravitational field. Then, the entire ground trembled violently. Fire flowed from the direction of the hill and gathered into a thick, black pillar of fire! The pillar of fire was more than ten meters in diameter, instantly engulfing hundreds of soldiers, and even more soldiers were pulled into the pillar of fire.

The pillars of fire soared into the sky, and the hills were still rising high. From afar, it looked like a volcano had been raised from the ground! The volcano erupted, and countless blazing rocks fell in all directions like cannonballs. The rain of fire covered the battlefield that was nearly a thousand meters square!

Wherever the rain of fire went, there were explosions. Those soldiers who were lucky enough not to be pulled into the pillar of fire had no choice but to accept the bombardment that was comparable to a heavy artillery bombardment. As a result, the army that suppressed Allen collapsed.

Sargeras had already been taken back by Alan. Alan removed the Flame Demon's projection while the Blazing Flame Mountain attracted the attention of outsiders, so as not to attract Sargeras' attention. At this moment, he was like a phantom, advancing through the chaotic enemy army. At this time, the potential of the Flame Shadow Tyrant Armor was slowly being unleashed. It was the product of the Calamity Circuit combining the powers of Alan, Sierra, and Karin. Among them, Seiglas's power came from darkness and shadows.

The alien army chose to attack at night, which was undoubtedly their favourite stage. But the night was also Allen's home court. In the darkness of the night, the omnipresent darkness and shadows provided Allen with too much convenience. He was able to blur the enemy's line of sight, so after the chaos caused by the Blazing Flame Mountain, his traces disappeared from the enemy's eyes. Even the commander of the Saber Demon didn't notice Alan, until the guardian on the beast suddenly let out a muffled groan and fell from the throne. Saber Demon Commander Tornado turned around and saw Ellen's long saber hanging low, standing on the throne.

Without any extra words, the battle broke out in an instant. josei

Commander Saber Demon took a breath, and as his chest rose and fell, his Qi was released explosively. At the fist of his right hand, under the skin between his middle finger and index finger, a bluish bone blade suddenly grew and stabbed towards Allen's heart. As if he hadn't seen the Lifeseizing Blade, Red King spat out explosive flames and swept them like clouds towards his opponent's head.

The moment the two of them attacked, they would die together, and neither of them seemed to have any intention of stopping. The bone blade moved forward swiftly, and the long blade swept across, causing the two figures to collide in an instant.

Saber Demon's bone blade stabbed into the Flame Shadow Tyrant Armor and was instantly guided by the shadow energy. The blade tip seemed to be pointing at the thick and smooth skin, making it difficult for the bone blade to withstand the force and directly slashed out diagonally. Even so, the momentary impact hit Allen's heart heavily, causing his face to turn red and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. The high temperature of Red King's explosive flames caused the blood to flow out of his mouth. At this moment, Fire Cloud had already swept past Saber Demon's head. When the flames were retracted into the saber, a headless corpse appeared on the beast.

The Saber Demon Commander still maintained his thrust posture, but the corpse shook and fell in the end. When the other Saber Demons saw this, they were extremely shocked. Alan took a deep breath and endured the intense pain in his chest. He tapped his toes lightly and flashed out of the battle beast, throwing it into the battlefield below.

Not long after, Keller heard a series of hurried horns from the rear of the foreign army. The enemy soldiers who were constantly rushing towards the defensive line first had astonished expressions, then hesitated, but after a moment, they began to evacuate in an orderly manner. Outsiders began to withdraw from Mountain City. After leaving countless corpses behind, they disappeared into the night. Keller heaved a sigh of relief when he saw no more alien warriors alive. Only then did he realize that the rain had stopped at some unknown time.

"We won?"


On the city wall, a soldier cheered. Then, cheers swept across the entire mountain city, including the battlefield below. The soldiers were excited. Even the Bucks smiled. After all, they had experienced a difficult battle. What was more congratulatory than being able to survive all of this? Obviously not, so Keller did not stop the soldiers from letting go of their emotions. However, he knew that tonight's battle was not a victory on Mountain City's side.

That was only because Alan had miraculously killed the Zhongjun army and killed the other party's commander, allowing the enemy to temporarily retreat.

They'll come back.

Keller knew, but at this moment, he was unwilling to think about such a heavy-hearted thing. Now he only wanted a drink, even if the general was so tired that he wanted to fall asleep.

In the barracks medical room, Laura was covering Alan's wounds. The Saber Demon Commander's saber was guided by the shadow power of the Flame Dark Tyrant. In the end, not a single saber pierced into Allen's body, leaving a deep bone scar on his chest. The Saber Demon expert's sharp strength even penetrated through the armor's reverse scales, which showed how dangerous that saber strike was. If it was inserted, the consequences would be unimaginable. For this reason, Laura complained about Allen risking her life. Alan obediently shut up and calmly accepted his woman's scolding. A faint smile hung on his face. In the end, Laura drugged him and sewed up the wound. However, it seemed that Allen would not be able to engage in a fierce battle, otherwise his injuries would worsen.

After wrapping him up, Laura repeatedly asked him not to make a move for the next few days. Only when Alan nodded helplessly did she stop. Hubble and Belmord walked in. The former was still wearing heavy armor, but there were bloodstains everywhere on his stomach, and there were several gaps that almost tore the armor apart. Hubble sat down on the ground and muttered, "Those cowards just ran away after a while. I'm not satisfied yet!"

Belmord smiled bitterly and said, "I'm glad they didn't insist. To be honest, there was a moment when I thought I was going to lose it."

"No matter what, their retreat is only temporary." Alan sighed, "The other side's main force is not that exhausted. Even without support, they can organize a second attack. Let's look at us. Not to mention the soldiers who died in the battle, it will take a lot of time and energy to build damaged fortifications. I don't think the other side will sit idly by and wait for us to recover our vitality before organizing an attack."

"So, your Excellency means that we have to evacuate?" Remington pushed open the door and entered. After saluting Alan, he sighed, "Our family has run Mountain City for more than a hundred years. Seventy years ago, outsiders invaded the empire, but Mountain City did not experience much upheaval. I didn't expect that we would give up this city when we got to my hands."

"That's because the situation is different now." General Keller also walked in and said, "Back then, the main battlefield of the outsiders was not in the South, so your mountain city was able to survive the war. But today, they are fighting north and south at the same time, and the current situation of the empire is unstable. I can say that this war will probably become the most severe war since the founding of the country."

"Right now, even the wisest people can't see the outcome of this war. We can only say this …" Keller raised his head and rubbed his chest with his hand. "God bless the empire."

Alan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

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