Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1162

Chapter 1162: Legend of the Southern Region

This was a caravan. The main members of the caravan were the Blade Demon Cultivator and a dozen or so people from Gatu. Among them, a Level 23 Gatu expert was the leader of this team. This Gatu man's skin was light blue. He didn't know if it was painted with paint or if it was born like this. His head was thick, black and hard, and his hard hair was braided into a large braid with a red ribbon and casually thrown behind his head.

He walked on foot, his thick, heavy armor painted with frightening patterns of white paint. Everyone in Gatu liked heavy weapons, and this person was no exception. The double-sided crescent axe in his hand weighed almost a ton. However, it was extremely easy for him to carry it. The team pulled the carts with strange creatures that looked like cows but had no eyes. They had humps on their backs, six thick legs, no sound as they walked, and only the occasional sound of breathing allowed one to know that they were living creatures. These creatures were called piggybacks by outsiders, and they were often used by Shadow Duchy to drag supplies. On the carts they were towing, there were all kinds of supplies that were about to be used for the frontlines. Including grain, ordnance, equipment, artillery shells and so on.

One could imagine what kind of assistance this batch of supplies would bring to the outsider army when they arrived at the frontlines.

Unfortunately, this was the end of their itinerary for today.

After more than half of the troops passed by, Fares, who was hiding in the bushes, suddenly had an imposing aura. The black ice jumped into his palm, and the tip of the spear was immediately filled with a faint frost mist. The bushes where Fares was hiding exploded, and the mercenary captain jumped up, his spear like lightning. In an instant, he picked up a cart, and the black ice bounced up. The cart and the beast pulling the cart overturned and rolled to the other side of the tree. The cart's goods were scattered all over the ground.

Such a change caused the outsider soldiers in the team to be stunned for two seconds before they could react.

The Saber Demon soldiers screamed as they used their bone blades to cut towards Fares. The latter still had time to shrug his shoulders. Then, the black ice turned into thousands of streaks of black lightning in his hands, shrouding the attacking Saber Demons in their spear momentum. The Black Ice Battle Spear struck the chests of all the Saber Demon soldiers at the same time at lightning speed. The spot where the Saber Demon soldier was hit immediately climbed onto the white frost. The white frost spread at a visible speed, and the chill even penetrated into the soldier's internal organs and even bone marrow. At most, the Saber Demons could only take one more step and completely stop their movements. Their bodies were covered in frost, and they seemed to have died.

Fares rushed forward and smashed the ice sculptures. The black ice was inserted into the belly of another cart. The mercenary captain raised his spear with both hands and pushed it upwards. The spear pressed out an arc, causing the cart to collapse into pieces and the goods inside to be scattered all over the ground.

In front of the group, the Gatu expert noticed the disturbance behind him and was so angry that he cursed and shouted. He was about to return with his battle axe in hand when a light suddenly lit up at the corner of his eyes. Then, a dazzling river of stars suddenly spread across the mountain forest. The galaxy came from nowhere, but it went straight to the Gatu expert. This expert could only give up his original idea and raise his axe to obediently knock on the galaxy.

The galaxy kept trembling and eventually scattered into tens of millions of glows. Within that crystal-like light, Regis flashed forward, his hands interweaving with swords and swords to form a dense offensive, suppressing this Gatu expert with all his might. As Regis appeared, the human warriors ambushed in the forest rushed over. Immediately, murderous sounds echoed in the forest. Half an hour later, the battle ended.

All outsider soldiers, including the Gatu expert, were killed. Fares and Regis, who were in charge of leading the ambush, chose a shade to rest in, while the soldiers were responsible for cleaning up the battlefield. A moment later, a soldier gave a brief report to the two of them, but both of them frowned when they heard this. Indeed, this was indeed a troop of supplies. However, regardless of the number of troops or supplies, there was a difference between the information they had obtained from Hubble.

The number was small.

Regis scratched his head and said, "Could it be that we accidentally got in the passenger car?"

"No, I don't think so." Fares shook his head and said: "The intelligence is not wrong, and the Shadow Duchy's supply routes have not changed at all." However, they had reduced the amount of supplies they could carry. This should be an adjustment made by the other party's commander after considering the leakage of information. In this way, there would be no need to change the plan temporarily, and the losses would be reduced. If I were their commander, then apart from reducing the amount of cargo, adding more supplies would make up for the loss caused by the leakage of route information. "

"Don't forget, our forces can't intercept all the supply routes. Imagine that the Orlando couple, who are in charge of the other supply routes, will probably encounter the same fate as you and me."

'"Those damn outsiders are so cunning," he scolded hatefully.

Fares smiled. "This war is not going to end so easily. Don't forget that when Lord Alan left, he only told us to do our best."

"Speaking of which, Allen has been gone for a few days. I wonder what's going on in Mountain City."

"It shouldn't be too optimistic." Fares stood up and picked up Black Ice. "Let's go. We have to go back. There's still a series of fierce battles to be fought."

Regis nodded in agreement.

On the evening of the fourth day, after passing through the border post on Mount Lyon Road, the troop from Mount City finally entered the Unicorn Ridge. After passing through the gentle slope to the west of the Emerald Mountain Range and turning into a relatively flat grassland, Remington saw a dense patch of tents. Under the afterglow of the red sun at dusk, the colorful war flags floating on the tents reflected various colors of light, causing people to be dazzled.

Along the way, Remington heard Alan say that the Unicorn Ridge had gathered all the troops they could gather from the nearby territories. However, when he saw this vast barracks with his own eyes, he was still shocked by the scene before him. Apart from the troops from Allen's territory, the barracks also included the Deep Sea Scaled Concubine from Ark Harbor, the private army led by the Unicorns, and the militia that they had temporarily recruited.

Together, the army has more than ten thousand men, which is an exciting number.

However, Remington had never thought that if the main battlefield was placed on the unicorn territory, how could there be less than ten thousand outsiders invading the territory? Perhaps the enemy's army would be ten times larger than humans', or even more. Ellen did not say this, lest it ruin Remington's good imagination. If the harsh reality comes, at least until then, there is no need to feel despair ahead of time. That's what Ellen thought.

Before the shadow of the west enveloped the southern region, the unicorn collar was still as beautiful and peaceful as before. Smoke curled up in the barracks. The orderly was cooking. In the spacious barracks, sounds of steel rang out. Soldiers were brandishing their swords and swords to each other, warming up for the upcoming war. Soon, someone saw the team and found Alan riding on a horse. Then, the soldiers gathered at the edge of the camp, shouted Alan's name, and raised their swords and knives to pay their respects to him.

Alan smiled and nodded. He pulled out Red King and the warhorse walked past the crowd. Red King gently tapped on the swords along the way. Every crisp sound was the greatest encouragement to the soldiers. When Allen's figure disappeared on the main road to Unicorn Castle, many soldiers still shouted Allen's name, but they were driven back to the barracks by their officers. Allen had now become a legend in the South. Whether it was going north to the Imperial Capital, participating in the Blaze Fort war, or protecting the Prince's safe passage to the South. Any experience can be talked about for a long time, and some poets have even planned to compile his journey into travel notes.

Young people, especially young men, regarded him as their idol. The charm of his idol was a reason why Allen's army was able to recruit so many soldiers. josei

Now, Alan had arrived at Unicorn Castle. Someone was already waiting for him at the castle gate. When Alan got off the war horse, a figure crashed into his embrace. Lucy hugged him tightly and smelled the herbs on him. "Are you hurt?" She exclaimed.

"It's just a minor injury."

Just as he finished speaking, Laura, who was standing behind him, unceremoniously said, "If a wound that is almost visible to the bones is also called a minor injury, then please tell me to what extent can it be called a serious injury?"

Alan smiled bitterly. Lucy shook her head and let go of him. She opened her hands to welcome Laura and said, "Welcome back."

Laura gave her a big hug and said, "You don't know how hard it is to look at him. I'd rather go to war than this."

"I can imagine." Lucy covered her mouth and smiled, "Fortunately, I can help him next. Watch him and don't do anything too dangerous." Then she noticed the youth behind Laura. Looking at his face, which looked exactly like Alan's, Lucy asked in surprise, "Who is he?"

Laura blinked and said, "His child."

Lucy's mouth immediately opened in an O-shape, and Laura added, "But it's not real. Strictly speaking, it should be adopted."

"Remember Bai?" Ellen hinted after Laura had appetized Lucy.

Lucy nodded, "The king snake you raised … Wait, you don't want to call him white, do you?"

The youth came out, hugged Lucy, and smiled, "Mother."

Lucy's face flushed with embarrassment.

"What about me, kid?" Laura said angrily.

Looking at Bai Chao's pleading gaze, Alan decided to ignore this talkative fellow. He left a few people behind and walked towards the crowd in front of him. After months of not seeing each other, the owner of the unicorn collar, Ante, grew a little taller. He put on a suit of armor that fitted his body, held his helmet in his hand, and nodded to Ellen in greeting. Ellen looked at him and asked casually, "Are you ready for the battlefield?"

"This is my territory. The war is going on here. As a lord, I cannot shirk my responsibility." The youth replied in a deep voice. He was more mature than before.

Ellen nodded. "It's good to have a lord's consciousness, but Ante, a good lord doesn't have to be at war. I think you're better at other things, so you don't have to force yourself. You and I belong to the alliance. If you don't object, I'd like you to give me the lead in this war."

Ante looked straight into Alan's eyes and smiled a moment later. "Since you said so, then I won't be polite enough to let go of this heavy responsibility."

Alan stretched out his hand and Ante held it. "Thank you for your trust, Viscount Ante," said Allen.

"Please, Earl Allen, get those guys out of here!" Ante said in a low voice.

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