Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1170

Chapter 1170: Grey Dawn

"Just for that kid who doesn't even have Level 30?" Sword Servant Merry said with a disdainful expression, "It's not that Lord Wrongfei was injured last time, isn't that kind of brat easy to catch?"

"Don't underestimate him, Merry." Stark said in a low voice, "To be my brothers and sisters, regardless of their own potential, it is obvious that there is a great power that works on them." That power is called destiny. Since destiny has allowed us to walk the same path and compete with each other, then no matter how inconspicuous they may be, I will not take them lightly. Because you will never know what will happen in the next moment. "

"It's just like outside the Imperial Capital. I originally thought that I was certain of something, but because of a companion beside him, not only did it cause me to lose all my Origin Energy, I also lost two whole levels of Origin Energy. That's his fate. Obviously, his fate hasn't abandoned him yet, so I have to be more careful."

"Speaking of which, my lord, your injury?"

Stark shook his head. "It took me so long to recover from the wound Tangelio gave me." The injuries weren't a problem, but the gun in that girl's hand made me have to pay attention. That gun was too strange. Even if it could cut through the spatial rift of everything, it could not stop the bullet from passing through. After being shot by it, I instantly lost two levels of Origin Energy, and the Origin Energy continued to dissipate after that. Not long ago, after the Origin Energy that had fallen by about half a level, that strange energy finally disappeared. "

"Ellen, if my brother still has one or two companions with such extraordinary abilities, then the battle between me and him will not be decided easily."

"I'm not even confident of going south this time. I can only see if I can take advantage of this opportunity in the next war. However, I've already laid down the chess game. If nothing unexpected happens, he can only end up in the place I hope to be."

Stark did set up a trap.

From Diego, he learned everything about Alan, including his identity on Earth and so on. Before the Blood Burning Road appeared, he had also found clues about the Son of Twilight like the people of Adahua Planet from the looted materials. After the Blood Burning Path appeared and killed Duke on Planet Angri, Stark confirmed that the so-called Son of Twilight should be referring to them.

When one of them finally sits on the throne of destruction, the Son of Twilight will be born. The trap against Alan was set in this capacity. Bring Allen's blood back to Earth and send the message of the Son of Twilight back to Adahua Planet through the permanent envoy of Adahua Planet to Earth. With Stark's understanding of the people of Adahua Planet, he believed that Orfasis would interfere when he learned of this matter.

Stark wanted to cut off Alan's path of retreat. The Son of Twilight was related to whether all life in the universe could have a future. For his own future, Adahua Planet was even more like the Federation of Earth, so he would definitely go against Allen. At that time, regardless of whether Alan was willing or not, he had to break with it. This also meant that he would lose all backup. Evidently, the Son of Twilight was the enemy of all living beings. When his identity was exposed, Stark did not believe that anyone was willing to stay by Alan's side.

When the time came, it would naturally be much easier to deal with him. The only thing Stark had to pay attention to was that he had to kill Alan before anyone else could attack him before he could complete the bloodline inheritance.

All Stark could do next was wait.


The sudden sound of the horn woke Alan up from his sleep. The two girls on his left and right arms quickly got up. Ellen put his hand on the bed and dodged to the window. The curtains were drawn open, and outside the castle, in the enemy camp on the west side, troops began to move out of the camp and gather on the open ground one after another. Seeing this scene, Allen could not be clearer that the outsiders were attacking. josei

At this moment, a soldier shouted from outside the door, "Lord Alan, General Salon, please gather at the castle square immediately."

"I'll go immediately."

He turned around and Laura had already left to put on her equipment. Lucy brought him the armor reverse scale and put it on Allen's body. Ellen held her face and said, "You have to promise me that you won't cross the Iron Sharp Warrior's line with Laura today, and that Jeltes will be there to protect you."

"Don't worry, I know how to protect myself."

"See you later then." Alan left the bedroom and saw Bai in the living room. The youth was already wearing a lock armor. Although, according to his intentions, the defensive power of this armor was not comparable to his scales at all, in order to avoid being too ostentatious, Alan still let him put on his armor. Bai held Red King in his hand and saw Alan handing him the knife with a smile. Alan touched his head and said, "Follow me. Don't make a move."

Bai nodded forcefully and answered with a "yes".

By the time they arrived at the castle square, Salon and the other two generals were ready, while the Orlandos arrived a little later than Alan. Orlando wore light green armor, a silver cloak, and a dark green spear in his hand. It was Hoy's usual weapon, Billy. Ruo La wore her usual light blue armor stomach and a white cloak, while a long sword filled with crystals and gemstones hung around her waist.

Seeing them, Salon nodded and said, "Sorry to disturb your dreams, but it wasn't my fault." Our enemies were finally out of patience and ready to attack. Today seems to be a long day. Please defend your positions according to our previous decision. Every inch of the empire's land, whenever we have a breath of air, we will never give way! "

Everyone nodded.

Saron said to Alan, "Your Excellency, come with me for the time being."

Keller brought over a tall warhorse and handed it to Alan. Alan and Bai rode together and left the castle behind Salon. As he rode along the main road to the shore, Allen saw that in the barracks circling the shore, the soldiers were urged by the horns to leave the barracks in an orderly manner behind their officers and gather on the broader lawn to set off for the battlefield.

After Allen's team arrived at the shore, everyone split up and headed to their respective positions. Allen was supposed to be in charge of defending the east side of the artillery battlefield, but Salon wanted him to give the enemy a dismount before the two armies clashed, so he went with Salon to the main formation of the Bucks for the time being. On the spacious open space outside the barracks, the main corps of the Bucks, which had quite a complete set of arms, had already formed their formation. At this moment, it was dawn, and the sky was slightly bright. A ray of white light appeared in the eastern sky. The sun had risen, but unfortunately, the morning mist was too heavy and cloudy, making it impossible for the sun to penetrate the clouds and fog, making it look grey and weak.

In this kind of weather, one could imagine the mental state of the soldiers. Alan saw blankness and fear on his faces. Even though it was the regular army of the empire, it had been a long time since a war like this had occurred. These soldiers had never experienced the true flames of war. It was perfectly normal for him to have such an emotion now. He followed Salon to the front of the formation. A superior officer and Salon briefly talked for a while before returning to his seat.

Holding his helmet in his hand, Salon trotted back and forth on his horse. He swept his gaze across the faces of his subordinates' young soldiers and focused their attention on him. When the old general returned to the front lines, he said, "I joined the Bucks at the age of fifteen and started as the most inconspicuous soldier. I have been in this army for fifty years. During this long time, I have seen countless fresh faces join the army. I have also seen countless familiar people sleep with their eyes closed. But there's only one thing I haven't seen before … "

"Wherever I can see, I've never seen an outsider occupy the empire's land, even if it's only an inch! And today, it's no exception!" '"I know you're scared, I know you're scared of death. Who wouldn't? I'm like you, but today, I have to forget all this. I have to be fearless. Because I know that if I retreat today, tomorrow, my wife and children will die in the flames of war!"

"Then tell me, soldiers, what are your choices for moving forward or retreating?"

A soldier raised his saber and shouted, "Bucks, don't retreat!"

'"Don't retreat!" Then, the voice echoed throughout the world. Salon nodded, took out his saber, and pointed forward, "Then, let's go!"

The army moved.

On the other side, in the mountain forest camp to the west, a desolate horn sounded. Hundreds of trombones sounded at the same time. Groups of Saber Demon soldiers put on crude armor and headed outside the camp. On both sides of the camp gate, Catus constantly stuffed helmets and swords into every soldier who passed by. These pieces of equipment had only recently been forged, and they all looked extremely rough. They had not undergone any refined processing at all, let alone decoration. Their only advantage is that they are heavy enough and plentiful enough.

Blades were rarely equipped with armor and swords, but today, they were fully armed.

After tens of thousands of Saber Demon soldiers left the camp, they began to head towards the battlefield beneath the forest. The black tide that covered the mountains and fields, even the most courageous people would see their fur explode. After the Blade Demons surged out of the camp, the Catus beat their heavy-sounding war drums and let out regular shouts. These savage and violent warriors wore heavy armor and were equipped with heavy weapons. They followed behind the Blade Demon soldiers with large strides.

Then, there were dozens of beasts, hundreds of piggybacks, the black Ghanaians, and a war chariot that was dragged by three beasts and was as large as a fortress. On the platform of that war chariot was an outsider general who commanded the entire army. It was a tall and strong Gatu man. He wore a ferocious beast skull as a helmet with a long string of bright red feathers tied to it. His bare upper body was painted with white, red, and yellow pigments and was coated with complex circles. On his waist was a belt made of various wild beasts and human skulls, emitting a savage and brutal aura.

The outsider general held a strange heavy weapon in his hand. On one side of the weapon was a huge crescent axe that was half the width of a table, but on the other side was a war hammer that was filled with spikes. He held the hammer axe high and let out a terrifying and loud roar!

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