Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338: Creator

There was a long, narrow window, with no one supporting it, facing north.

She raised her hand and stretched out the window, seemingly wanting to catch something, but she still retracted.

A hundred steps behind her, she coughed softly and smiled, "Looks like my distinguished guest can't be idle."

The old butler, Grace, walked out of the shadows and said in a low voice, "My lord, Tong Wu has come to an end."

"Oh?" Alice did not turn around and continued to look north. To the north of the castle, it was barren. She said, "Tong Wu can't bear to be lonely either. After all, the Residual Realm is too small for him. The entire Residual Realm is invincible except me. I, he dares not cross it. He is not interested in anyone else. He could have left the Residual Realm, but he wasted a thousand years here. Finally, he waited for an opponent. Listen, his heartbeat has never been as fierce as this moment."

"This man is currently excited."

Grace's eyes flashed with worry as he opened his mouth. Alice shook her head, "It doesn't matter, Tong Wu has his limits. Besides, our distinguished guest is not a simple person. How can it be simple with that person's similar aura? That person is destined to be out of the ordinary."

"You go, I think you want to see the duel between the two of them."

The old butler bowed deeply and retreated into the shadows. Alice looked out of the window and turned to leave.

To the north of the Forgotten Realm was the Great Wasteland, the Hill of Reaper, and Demonic Shadow Empire!

In the Colosseum, Alan and Tong Wu stood ten steps apart. With a relaxed expression, he spread out his hands and asked, "How do you want to compete?"

"Just follow the rules of the Colosseum." Tong Wu's voice was hoarse, his voice was unpleasant to hear, and because he rarely spoke, there was always an awkward and strange tone to his pronunciation: "But for us, the Colosseum is too big, so I would like to add another rule?"

"Sure." Alan agreed without asking.

Tong Wu stamped his foot expressionlessly. So a crack burst out at his feet and spread out, drawing a circle around the two of them. The bronze martial face said to Allen, "Take this as the boundary. If you go out of the boundary, you lose."

"Fair." Alan began to walk towards Tong Wu, and so did the latter.

The two of them stood in the middle of the circle. The diameter of the circle was only three meters, and the space was very limited. Tong Wu's actions were a bit of a slap in the face, but as he said, if there wasn't such a narrow space, it would take them an unknown amount of time to decide the winner and the loser.

Tong Wu knew that the lord was going to have dinner with Alan. From a certain point of view, the general could be considered "considerate".

Tong Wu, who had always had a stern face, grinned, and then the battle began without warning.

Without shouting or activating his Origin Energy, he smashed his fist towards Alan's face. The latter raised his left arm and bent his elbow to block. At the same time, his right hand clenched his fist towards Tong Wu's lower abdomen, but he clenched his fist for the general. Allen's left elbow pushed open the bronze fist, and his arm stretched out, turning into a knife that sliced straight at the side of his neck. Copper Lightning reached out to grab Ellen's wrist, so both of the latter's hands were caught by Copper Lightning, unable to move.

Alan smiled, then both of them raised their legs and bent their knees at almost the same time, smashing into each other heavily.

Lightning burst out from the ground in the Colosseum, and a sharp and penetrating sound wave whistled out, causing the spectators to frown. A few of the weaker generals even reached out to cover their ears and looked at each other. They could tell that Tong Wu and Allen were not using Origin Energy. At this moment, they were only competing in terms of their combat skills and physiques.

It wasn't surprising that Tong Wu had such a strong physique. To the surprise of the generals, even by human standards, Allen was far from being strong. In terms of physical fitness, he wasn't inferior to Tong Wu!

Xue Feng clenched his teeth.

At this time, the knee collision was fruitless. Tong Wu gracefully let go of Alan and took the initiative to retreat to the edge. He waved his hand and said, "Come again."

Alan also retreated to the edge, but he, who was less than three meters away from Tong Wu, was the first to charge forward. Tong Wu "happily" welcomed him and took the initiative to smash his fist into Alan's forehead. Alan lowered his body and swept his leg over Tong Wu's feet like a whip. The latter lost his balance and rolled. He supported his hands on the ground and twisted his waist to sweep the whip towards Alan's waist. Ellen didn't want to pick up his leg knife that was enough to break a golden rock. He changed his posture and pressed his hands on Tong Wu's feet, borrowing the strength to fly and step on the ground general one foot after another.

Tong Wu took the opportunity to roll and dodge, allowing Alan to miss. In the blink of an eye, the two of them switched positions and jumped up at the same time. Then, their fists and feet fell on each other like rain and wind. At this moment, the two of them seemed to be connected and gave up any defenses. Their opponents used their own bodies to carry their fists and feet, and then used even heavier attacks to return the favor. As a result, they suddenly switched from the long exchange of attacks to the current close combat.

The muffled sounds of the collision were endless. It was even because the fists and feet of the two were too fast that the sounds of collisions were almost contiguous, making it difficult for people to distinguish between them. Until this moment, the two of them still hadn't used any Origin Energy. However, the battle between their fists and flesh caused the crowd of generals watching to tug at the corners of their mouths. Just listening to the sound of fists and feet colliding made them feel pain. The generals didn't dare imagine what they would be like if they were anyone else in that battle. Probably, even standing was difficult, right?

However, not only were the two people standing there, their expressions did not change.

This battle, which only attacked but did not defend, swept across Allen's face with a bronze fist, and the latter stepped on the opponent's heart and declared the end. The two of them were knocked back by each other and stopped at the same time. Then, they pounced towards each other. Tong Wu clenched his fists like he was beating a drum as he shouted angrily and raised his arm in an attempt to strike. Alan used his palm as a knife and leaned over. josei

Then, two figures brushed past him.

In the end, Tong Wu was a bit slower and was pushed back by Allen's hand knife. Just as he was about to fly out of the circle, his arm was suddenly tightly grabbed, but Allen pulled him back.

"I lost." Tong Wu said straightforwardly.

Ellen shook his head. "You didn't lose to me, you lost to the rules. This kind of battle doesn't mean anything to us. If you really want to say it, it can only be considered a draw."

Tong Wu frowned and wanted to say something. Alan said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Well, don't forget that I have dinner with your lord. If you insist on admitting defeat, I'm afraid your colleagues won't accept it. If they take turns fighting, it'll be a waste of time."

Hearing this, Tong Wu reluctantly nodded.

This result was the best for Alan or Alice's generals. Alan had proved that he was as tough as Tong Wu with his actions, and the generals had preserved their face. They could be said to be delighted. However, when the two of them walked out of the Colosseum, the general named Xue Feng had already disappeared without a trace, nor did he know why he had left the arena. However, through the battle with Tong Wu, the general on Alice's side finally knew that it was not unreasonable for Alan to become an honored guest of the castle. This was enough for Alan.

By the time the hourglass moved to the night time zone, Alan, who had already changed into a new set of clothes, was led into another hall in the castle by Grace. This hall was not as luxurious as the Time Hall, and was filled with abyss crystals. The hall that was used for dining had less of the mysterious charm of the Time Hall, but more fireworks. The burning fireplace, the long table with food, the decorations and murals, and the armor, spears, and swords in the corner gave Allen the feeling of returning to Earth.

"What do you think? I asked Grace to rearrange it according to human habits and aesthetics. Do you still like it?" On the other side of the hall, the hostess Alice walked over.

Alan nodded and said, "You have a heart."

She did have the intention to rearrange the dining room for a dinner, which showed how much she valued Alan.

As the guests took their seats, Grace personally served at the side. He took a portion of the food from the maid and placed it in front of Alice and Alan. Alice smiled and said, "I wonder if the food is to your liking. After all, this is not your hometown. There are some things that are made no matter how similar they are, they never taste the same as what you remember."

Alan cut off a corner of the steak and chewed it into his mouth. The sauce and even the taste were very close, but the meat was not real beef. It tasted a little strange. But compared to the food at Lim's Restaurant in Green Light Town, it was a hundred times better.

At this moment, Grace poured another glass of wine for the two of them, which looked like red wine on Earth. However, after tasting it carefully, it was even more spicy than red wine. However, after entering his abdomen, it actually caused a ripple of Origin Energy within his body, and that feeling was not something that red wine could give him. Alan was slightly surprised. Alice explained, "It's a drink made from the sap of the Energy Devouring Tree. Drinking more can increase your Origin Energy, but it's useless to you and me."

She then talked about the customs of Agares. Alice's understanding of the planet was naturally much more detailed and comprehensive than Alan's information from the Federation. This was a rare opportunity for him to understand the planet when he first arrived. Especially about Dobia and Demonic Shadow Empire, Allen remembered almost without forgetting. It was just that Alice hadn't mentioned anything about her and Spenak up until now. Fortunately, Alan wasn't in a hurry. Not to mention, he didn't want to let go of such a rare meal with delicious food. He hasn't had a good meal since he arrived in Agares.

After changing the plates on the table once, Alice finally said, 'I was wondering how long you could bear to ask questions about me and Sbernak. But until now, you haven't asked a single question. Are you patient, or aren't you interested in me and Sbernak?'

Ellen politely put down his knife and fork and wiped his mouth with a towel beside him. "I'm very interested in the customs that Madam said just now, so I don't feel impatient at all. And I think if Madam wants to say it, I don't need to ask you. If I don't want to say it, I probably won't be able to get anything out of your mouth."

Alice covered her mouth and chuckled, "You have a very similar aura to him, but you are much more interesting than him."

Alan said seriously, "Who is he?"

'"He" Alice thought for a moment and said, "If you want to talk about me and Sbernak, you have to mention him. I heard that you humans believe in gods and believe that they created you. If there really are gods in this world, then he is my God, my Creator."

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