Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1352

Chapter 1352: To One Person Only

In a small room, there was a round table with seven or eight people seated around it. He had a cigar in his hand, and the room looked miasma. At first glance, he thought that it was a gathering of the big shots on the surface, but in reality, any random person who was dragged out of this place and thrown into the Federation was a famous figure. Not to mention Old Marshal Capulo, who was standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back, was the general of the Golden Lion or the old military elder of the old party.

But now, these people were all hiding in this room that was less than 50 square meters. Other than the seats they were sitting in, there was almost no room for them to move.

At this moment, intense light was constantly flickering outside the window, and loud explosions could be heard. Even the room occasionally shook, and new ash fell from the ceiling onto the head of some big shot.

At this time, the federal battle over the remains of the floating island was in full swing. Not only did the Federation army send out a large number of soldiers, even the Golden Lion also took part in this operation. In addition, there were the Freedom Gate and the troops of Light Concealment Society, which could be considered as a declaration of stance for the last gathering.

The scramble for the island's wreckage was initiated by Mr Mobit and was initially opposed, claiming it was a waste of money. In the end, however, the proposal was approved and implemented, and Mobius argued for three reasons. First, the symbolism of Babylon was so important that if it were allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy, it would cause an incalculable blow to the morale of humanity, especially the army; Secondly, when the island exploded, the incident happened suddenly. In a hurry, only a large number of people escaped. However, many resources, including the central intelligence brain of the Federation, had yet to be recovered. There was a large amount of information related to federal secrets. If he didn't seize it back, the enemy would probably obtain it and decrypt it, which would further weaken the human resistance. Finally, in order to expedite the dismantling of the Federation's surface forces, the people of Nelm had already entered Earth's fleet to fight in a scattered manner. He could take advantage of this time to fight a beautiful victory through the wreckage recapture battle, so as to pave the way for his counterattack.

After the bill was passed, after a series of operations, there was today's war.

Capulo and the others were only a hundred kilometers away from the battlefield. Originally, this was an abandoned town, but now it was used as a temporary camp for the golden lion. Not only had the command center been set up here, it had also knocked down a large number of buildings in the town and built fortifications and barracks.

"Marshal, have you ever wondered if it would be too impulsive for us to directly leave the Federation if that Mobius is our true self?" A bald old man put out his cigar with only one cigarette butt left on the table, his eyebrows lowered, and his face was filled with worry.

Capulo smiled and said, "Actually, when I came back to Earth and saw him, I knew that he was Capulo." Or that imposter, do you really think I can't tell that he's a Sibe? No matter how similar his appearance was, there were some things in his bones that could not be imitated. Mobbit has his own insights. There are some things that no one else can imitate. "

The old man was surprised, "Then you …"

"I also virtual to pseudo-snake? That's right, so what if we know he's fake? Could it be that I have evidence to expose him, and what good would it do me to expose him? Look at the evidence in Beskard's possession and still hesitate for a while, and you know why I didn't do that. Because that would be bad for him, for me, and not for the whole Federation. I wanted to take down this fake president step by step before dealing with him. Otherwise, why do you think I would spend my time picking up a Leylou? "Capullo bit his cigar and said," It's a pity that I've worked in vain. That brat was ambitious enough to reach the line of the people of Nelm. "Once the aliens invade, there's no need for any plans."

"Then this Mobbit now?"

"Mobbit" Capulo's expression was a little complicated. "Actually, he's from the army. If he cooperates with me, I don't mind being a Commonwealth Marshal. Unfortunately, that man definitely won't agree with me. He has his own ways. I admire him, but that's all."

After a pause, Capullo sighed and said, "In the Federation, the only person I admire is one."

The generals at the table all raised their heads.

"There's no need to guess. So what if I tell you?" Capulo puked out a cigarette ring and silently said, "That person is Horn."


Someone said, "Horn is indeed an extraordinary person. He escaped from the Iron Prison Explosion and then suddenly returned to Babylon. He killed many of his opponents in one breath. His combat strength is so high that he probably chased after the Marshal, right?"

Capulo dusted off his cigarette and said, "What are you chasing? He's the same height as me. If I put everything aside for a life-and-death duel with him, I'm only fifty to fifty percent sure of winning."

The room was filled with cold breaths. josei

These people looked at each other, never expecting Capullo's evaluation of Horn to be so high.

"In fact, many people underestimated Horn," Capullo said in a low voice. "Alexander Maine didn't have to say that the idiot only managed to catch Horn for a few years before he came to power quickly. You see, once Horn gets serious, Alexander doesn't even deserve to carry his shoes. "This is still the unwritten principle that Horn recognized in the noble circle. If he didn't care about the bottom line, the ten Maines would have told him to kill him long ago."

"But I admire Horn not because of his battle prowess." Capulo's eyes turned sharp. "It's the man's blood." Although he was born into a noble family, there was an iron-blooded demeanor of a soldier in his bones. Back then, when he attacked Nether Domain Star, everyone thought that it was extremely irrational and even stupid for him to crash into the Blade Demon's lair. "However, it was precisely because of him that the Federation had the opportunity to establish a base on the Nether Domain Star and even suppress the Saber Demon Beat."

"Hey, Beskard is not simple. Old Horn laid the foundation of the Federation on Nether Domain. His grandson discovered the source of Saber Demon's civilization, and the Federation is leading the way."

Capullo looked into the distance and said, "If anyone knows where Horn is now, it must be me."

"Marshal, what do you say?" A golden lion general couldn't help but ask.

Capulo turned around and said in a deep voice, "Because if I were Horn, I would probably have already found an opportunity to kill the Nelm Star Destroyer and attack the Demon Lord Cajasso in order to determine the outcome of the battle!"

"It's a pity that I'm not Horn. He can give up the family's focus. I can't leave the golden lion, so I'm not as good as Horn in this regard."

All the big shots in the room had strange expressions on their faces. Was this still the Capulet they knew?

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