Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1569

Chapter 1569: Pale Hope

Simeel's expression turned even worse.

Allen did not intend to stop and continued, "Besides, it is ridiculous to place your hopes on one person. It is about the fate of your entire clan. Is it really good to casually place it on a legendary figure?" Moreover, how do you know that Andorra is certainly worthy of the hope entrusted to it? Even if that person is still alive, where was he when your clansmen were captured? Where was he when the planet was destroyed? "A person who didn't dare to stand up before the catastrophe of the race's survival. Do you still expect him to lead you in resisting?"

"Stop! Stop!" Simeel shouted, covering his ears.

She was a strong girl, but at this moment, tears rolled in her eyes. It was good that her long-held conviction was so cruelly pushed down by Alan that she did not immediately collapse. Despite her apparent reluctance to admit it, there was another voice in Simeel's mind that constantly reminded her that Allen might be right. If someone else had said so, Simeel could have laughed it off. But if that person was the emperor of Demonic Shadow Empire, his weight would be completely different. So she didn't want to admit it, but her rationality told her that Alan wasn't wrong, which made the girl quite contradictory.

Allen parted her hands and said, "Rather than betting on a day-by-day player, consider working with me." Simeel, give me the intel on Omiska. There's no need to go to Loz. Come back to Agares with me tomorrow. After I quelled the rebellion, I will attack Omisga with all my might. Your clansmen will be saved, and I can give you a territory to rest and recover. "

"No, the Sunseeker is still alive. His Majesty Andorra will liberate us. I believe in him, I believe in him!" Simeel shook Alan's hand and jumped out of bed and rushed out of the door.

Alan looked at the door and sighed softly. When he walked over to close it, his heart skipped a beat. A hand pressed down on the edge of the door, and Tarot's face appeared in Alan's eyes. The old man whispered, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty Allen." I heard all your conversations, but I agree with your proposal. But miss … no, princess. Princess Simir had always believed in the legend of the Sunseeker, in the man who was her great-grandfather, and in Andorra's liberation of the Gus. "These beliefs are the driving force behind her journey, so she can't accept your view for a moment, even if you're talking about a better solution now."

"It doesn't matter. I'm just making a suggestion. Of course, she insists on going to Planet Los Angeles, and I will also make a trip. However, after that, you must hand over Omiska's information to me as promised."

"Of course." Tarot stepped back and said, "Excuse me."

Alan nodded and was about to close the door. Tarot added, "You're right. We Gus don't have the courage to resist the Kidds. In the hundreds of years of slavery, those who had the courage had already died tragically at the hands of the Kidds, and the rest of them only wanted to survive. The princess also knew this, and she also knew that she did not have the strength to awaken the courage of her compatriots, so she painstakingly chased after a legend. She thought that perhaps His Majesty Andorra could rekindle the courage of everyone … "

"I know." Alan closed the door.

Looking at the tightly shut door, the old man sighed and left with heavy steps.

The next day, Alan was eating breakfast at the bottom of the tavern when Simeel walked over. Her eyes were swollen. It seemed that she had cried a lot last night. The girl bowed to Alan and said, "Good morning, Your Majesty."

"Are you alright?"

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine." Simeel said politely, but instead felt a sense of alienation, "If His Majesty has no orders, I will go to dinner."

Alan replied, "Yes." Naturally, he did not need to curry favor with a little girl, even though he knew that she was angry and used this attitude to talk to him. In fact, this was also an immature method, but it was normal to think that Simeel was just an adult.

After breakfast, Old Bloch called a land vehicle to take them to the starship berth. Before leaving, Old Bloch said to Simeel, "Please be careful, Your Highness."

"I know." Simeel closed the door.

It took him two hours to get to planet Loz. After the starship took off, Alan stayed in a small room. He planned to return to Agares after escorting Simeel on this last trip. Let's go to Demoic Ring City first to see if Lamo has the guts to sit on the throne in the Dark Shadow Hall. If Ramo dared to do so, Alan wouldn't mind letting him be the shortest-lived emperor. Since Saffle had given him such a big gift, it would be too unreasonable if he didn't return the favor. Just like that, a knock sounded on the door. Alan called out, "Come in." The automatic door opened, and Tarot drilled in. The old Gus drilled into the room and the space immediately became crowded. Tarot rubbed his head and said, "Sorry, Your Majesty. It would have been better for Miss to come …"

Ellen knew that Simeel was still angry and nodded, "It's okay. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. I want to explain to you some matters that need to be paid attention to after I arrive on planet Loz." "Despite Mr. Thom's information, we need to keep a low profile in our search for the Sunseekers," Tarot said. "Although Loz is not a Kidd colonial planet, the Kidds have deployed a few troops on that planet. If it's not necessary, we don't want to clash with the Kidds."

'"Oh," Alan said, "No problem, I'll settle the bill with the Kidds later."

Tarot thanked him and said, "Your Majesty, if we can't find the Sunseeker, I wonder if you can help us get rid of the enslavement of the Kidds."

Ellen smiled and said, "Don't you think it would be better for Simeel to tell me about this?"

"If that's the case, then I understand."

"I don't understand." Allen asked, "Your Majesty Andorra has been missing for so long. How do you know that he is still alive?" josei

"Well, it was two years ago. At that time, we accidentally discovered an item belonging to His Majesty the Andorran, and by tracing it, we found the person who brought it out. In his contact with him, he seemed to have seen someone who looked like His Majesty. Unfortunately, he was killed not long after. We believe it was the Kidds. So we downloaded Omisga's information, especially the data on that space weapon, and then we escaped. "

"In that case, you are planning to use Omiska's intelligence to threaten the Kidds if necessary."

Tarot nodded, "That's right. If that information were to be released, Omiska would be an unguarded stronghold. The Kidds would be afraid that they wouldn't dare to kill until they took the items back. Otherwise, Fini wouldn't have captured Tom and threatened him yesterday, but directly charged in."

"Understood." After Alan finished speaking, he did not reply. Tarot was also tactful and stood up to leave.

Planet Luo Zi was poor in resources, but there was a special type of mineral produced on the planet, and refining it could produce enormous amounts of energy. Unfortunately, the Roots did not have such a refining technique, and they had never discovered the value of such precious minerals. After the Kidds discovered it, they easily occupied more than a hundred important ore veins on the planet. Under the constant excavation, the environment of Planet Luo Zi quickly became harsh, and it was a disaster for the natives on the planet. The Kidds only gave this mineral a number, and the Lozi people called it the Blood of Lozi.

If the entire Domain of Yordon was considered a huge city, then Agares was definitely the location of the wealthy area. As for Planet Loz, it was undoubtedly a slum area. The Gus starship landed on a wilderness. As Alan walked down the deck, a strong wind with a rusty smell came. The wind carried a large amount of metal particles, and the sound of fried beans rang out from the armor outside the starship. When it hit a person's face, it would even wipe away blood. Hence, Simir and the others wrapped themselves from head to toe and even wore goggles on their eyes. Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to move on the ground in this climate. As for Alan, he wasn't afraid of the bad weather, but in order to avoid being noticed, he wore protective clothing just like Simeel.

Tarot was directing the crew to put down a land vehicle. The land vehicle looked like a starship, as if it could be thrown into a garbage dump at any time. However, after sitting on it, he discovered that the space inside was spacious, and the performance was good after it was activated. It was enough to disguise itself as a starship. Lu Chu left the starship berth and entered a town after an hour or so. The town was low-rise, and from afar, one could see a row of chimneys constantly emitting thick black smoke into the sky. As Alan jumped out of the car, his keen senses became a problem, and he could easily tell that the air was filled with rust, oil, and a dozen other odors. All of these odors were caused by heavy pollution. Green fluorescent sewage could be seen everywhere on the ground of the town, and there was even a stench floating in the drains without any protection measures.

Right next to the drains, there were Lozi children playing around, as if they didn't care about the sewage belt nearby at all.

Luo Zi's head was large and body was small. He looked like an upright Qingwa. Their skin was dark and their bodies had proliferating bodies. However, he did not know if they had mutated because of environmental pollution or if they were originally like this. Apart from children, adult Lozi's eyes were dull, like walking corpses without souls. They only glanced at Allen and the outsiders and did not pass, as if they were not alert to strangers at all.

Perhaps they had lived on this planet for too long, and they had lost all hope. In their eyes, Allen saw despair that went deep into their bones.

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