Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 434

Chapter 434: Carlo

The sea suddenly darkened.

Just now, the sky was clear, but in just a few minutes, the wind and clouds had changed. The gathering dark clouds gradually formed funnel-shaped clouds on the other side of the horizon. Occasionally, a strong light would explode as if it was about to tear the heavens and earth apart. The sky became gloomier and gloomier, but the flashes on the other side of the sea became stronger and stronger.

Another iron tree and silver flower exploded, illuminating every wrinkle on Sal's face. His expression was solemn. Everyone who had been on the sea all these years knew of this kind of astronomical phenomenon. That was called the Sea Dragon Cloud. Normally, when the Sea Dragon Cloud appeared, it wouldn't be long before there would be a storm. If he was unlucky enough to hit a tornado in Shanghai, it would definitely be an epic disaster!

"Quickly, quickly find a place to hide from the wind. If you don't want to die, everyone move!" Sal opened his throat and shouted.

His mood was depressed to the extreme.

Not long ago, he had lost the Naga people on Pearl Island, but now, he had bumped into the Sea Dragon Cloud. A storm feast was waiting for him. How could he relax?

The sailors worked hard to raise their sails so that they could catch the wind and speed away from the sea. All the slurry beneath the hull began to row. The men were eating and drinking with all their might. Dense beads of sweat emerged from their bare bodies, and they used all their strength to fight against the sea.

Sal held onto the railing and looked down. A scarlet ribbon of water rose up from the seawater. The water was like blood, causing Sal's heart to sink. At this moment, a thunderclap rang out between heaven and earth. An extremely intense bolt of lightning, like a spear thrown by a heavenly deity, pierced through the clouds obliquely and exploded into the sea not far away, immediately stirring up a sea of water. josei

The seawater burst out into the sky, turning into rain lines that fell, and the taste was salty and bitter.

Then it began to rain.

The rain intensified in the blink of an eye and turned into a storm. The visibility on the surface of the sea immediately decreased. The wind and rain were so heavy that one could not open their eyes and breathe. The surface of the sea was turbulent, and a huge wave suddenly rose, as if a small hill had been raised on the surface of the sea.

The waves hit the ship, and Sal shouted with all his might, "Starboard full!"

It was as if a ship was being slapped face to face. It must have been a ship that had been destroyed, and the Blood Shark's ship was no exception. The helmsman's face was pale as he hurriedly swung the helmswheel and pulled the ship to an angle parallel to the waves. As the waves slammed down, the ship suddenly tilted and slid backwards, causing the people on the deck and in the cabin to lose their footing. Fortunately, after the wave passed, the boat did not drown. It was just that many places were flooded.

Sal wiped his face and looked out at the world that was trembling in the wind and rain, his mouth full of bitterness.

On the other side of the sea, another seamount rose. This was a huge wave that was even taller than before. When the wave reached its limit, it turned into a rolling sea wall, pressing down all the way, causing Sal's eyes to be filled with horror. Right at this moment, a huge shadow suddenly covered the blood shark's boat. Then, the sea wall slammed down, but part of it was blocked by the shadow. As the sea wall shattered, it turned into a billowing turbid current and flowed to both sides.

Only then did Sal see clearly that there was a building ship in front of his ship. The ship hull that looked like a fortress was over ten meters tall. Above it, there were sharp barrages scattered all around the ship. This towering ship that looked like a giant was clearly painted with the design of a killer whale. Only Killer Whale Harbor, the direct descendant of Bloody Earl Eric, would use this symbol.

At this moment, the ship descended onto the deck and the sailors pulled up the ropes, connecting the components of the railings to secure them. Open a deck at the bottom of the ship, connecting the ship with the blood shark. In the cabin door, a knight wearing blood-red armor and a white cape said, "Mr. Sal, please come to the ship. Young Master Carlo wants to see you."

"I see." Sal frowned.

That was the Blood Count's personal guard, the Blood Tooth Knight. Naturally, only the Count's blood relatives could use the Blood Tooth Knight. The young master named Carlo was Earl Eric's third son. Being impulsive and bloodthirsty, he had completely inherited Earl Eric's character and was therefore the most loved by the Earl. Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent the Bloodfang Knights to his side. One had to know that there were only twelve Blood Fang Knights beside the count.

Thrall walked across the deck with unease. The Bloodfang Knight waved his hand, and a sailor pulled the hinge cable and lifted the deck, completely isolating the world from the storm outside. The interior of the ship was strangely calm. Everyone who came and went took light steps, shuttling through the huge hull like a ghost. Sal walked through the passageway leading to the upper deck of the ship. The Blood Fang Knight followed behind him unhurriedly, maintaining a distance of three meters.

This constant distance created a huge pressure in Sal's heart. It was as if one could smell the faint smell of blood in the air as long as one looked carefully at it. It was the pressure from the Bloodfang Knights. Which of these elite guards above Level 15 wasn't someone whose hands were stained with blood? In their eyes, Sal knew that he was as tiny as an ant.

He coughed dryly and forced a smile on his face, "Why would Young Master Carlo leave Killer Whale Harbor at this time?"

The knight behind him was silent, as if he hadn't heard Sal's question. Sal had to give up the idea of probing when he hit a nail on the head. In the end, he was taken to a room on the upper deck of the cabin. The room was opened, and a faint hot smoke came from it. There was actually a bathtub in this 100-meter-square space. The bathtub was filled with moderately warm water, and a figure appeared behind the muffled water vapor.

In the corner of the room, two men were stepping on a turbine, which was powering the blower beside them. A blast made of cowhide and wood, motionless by manpower, creates a gentle breeze for the room. The gentle breeze blew away a little of the water vapor, so Sal saw a domineering figure. It was a man sitting in the bathtub with his back to him. Every piece of his skin was covered with scars. The dense scars seemed to be the best explanation for this man's Hundred Scriptures Battlefield.

Beside him, two naked maids were wiping his body with soaked towels. Hearing the sound of the door opening, the man turned around and knocked a rough face into Sal's eyes.

Sal was shocked and quickly fell to the ground, "Young Master Carlo."

"Hey, Mr. Sal. What are you doing? The floor is wet. Get up quickly." The man's voice was like the wind and sand of the desert, leaving behind echoes in this sealed space.

Sal hurriedly stood up and said, "What brings Young Master Carlo here?"

'"Of course, it was the old man's order. I almost exterminated a lowly mutant and transferred me back at this critical moment. To be honest, it made me very unhappy. But forget it. After all, it was the lord who was in charge this time. At least I had to show him some face. Then, Mr. Sal, have you completed your mission?" Carlo asked with a smile. He reached out and gently pinched the maidservant's chest.

The woman wanted to refuse and welcome him, making Carol laugh.

Sal was sweating profusely. "This subordinate was incompetent. He had already captured three Nagas, but on Pearl Island, he lost them …"

Suddenly, a scream rang out from the bathtub. Carlo was absent-minded and squeezed the woman's chest hard, causing her chest to distort. How could the maidservant have ever withstood Carlo's hand power and immediately fainted under his pinch? Carlo let go of the woman and turned to look at Sal with a smile. "That's a big joke, Mr. Sal. You're still so funny."

He waved his hand and said, "Come down and take a bath together."

Sal didn't dare to disobey his orders and directly walked down the bathtub in his clothes. Carlo asked him to come over and suddenly grabbed his neck with one hand and said, "Tell me what's going on, old man!"

'"Listen to me, young master. It's not my fault. It's the work of a knight named Allen …" Sal told the whole story of Pearl Island without daring to hide anything.

Carlo asked in detail, and Sal answered honestly. After hearing this, Carlo sneered, "Alright, in order to enter the corridor of the Nether River, the old man paid a huge price to invite the one known as the 'Twilight Prayer'. If it wasn't for him, you would have found the entrance to the Nether River, let alone the Naga Royal Clan. After paying this price, you actually lost Naga?"

"Young Master …"

"Stop, I don't want to hear your excuse to hide your incompetence!" Carlo sneered, "I told the old man that there was no need to hide anything. It would be over if he sent troops to escort Naga back. He had to hide it from the empire and let you Blood Sharks transport the goods. Now, you idiots have lost all the goods."

'"Now tell me, where's that Allen guy? I'm here, so I have to bring something back. If I don't bring that guy's head back, the old man will probably be mad, right?" Carlo said after catching Sal.

"He should be at Ark Harbor, Young Master," Sal cried. "He's with Roger, and I've asked about it. They have something to ship to Ark Harbor."

"Ark Harbor? Is it that useless territory of Earl Ouban?" Carlo smiled. "That really gave me a good excuse. Do you want to take this opportunity to take down Ark Harbor? There's nothing else in the Ridley family. There's plenty of money."

"Someone, turn around and head to Ark Harbor!"

"Yes, Young Master." The Bloodfang Knight replied from outside the door.

Just as Sal heaved a sigh of relief, his entire body suddenly fell into the water. Carlo pressed his head with one hand and forcefully pressed him into the water. Sal struggled desperately, but how could he break Carlo's hand? Carol snorted, "It's a waste of air for a useless old thing like you to live. Go to hell first to atone for your sins!"

The sound of water rang out, and a moment later, Sal stopped. Carlo lifted him up and threw him on the floor. The old man's eyes were wide open, but he was no longer breathing.

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