Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 443

Chapter 443: Night Strike

"Chuck! Get out of here!"

The furious Sir Thorman pushed hard and knocked the bedroom door open. On the big bed in the bedroom, there were figures undulating. Chuck was lying on top of a woman. Seeing that his uncle was coming, he was shocked. He wrapped his lower body in a blanket and asked in a panic, "Uncle Tomen, why are you here?"

The woman on the bed shrieked and shrank into a corner. Tuomen glared at her fiercely and gestured with his hand. The two wolf-like guards behind him dragged the woman out and closed the bedroom door.

"Why can't I come? Look at what you've done. You actually messed up!" Tuomen roared angrily.

Chuck pointed at his swollen mouth and shouted, "Uncle, you can't blame me. Look, that country bumpkin actually hit me!"

Thorman swept his cane under his feet and screamed at Chuck. The baron's face darkened and his anger rolled in his eyes. Turank has already told me that if it weren't for your rude words from the beginning, there might still be room for change. Damn it, do you know what a good opportunity this is for us? "I finally got this good job from Lord Daniel, but you idiot, you wasted my efforts!"

Chuck covered his feet and said, "Uncle, it's just a knight of the Border Land. What's so great about it?"

'"You're really …" Tuomen was so angry that his entire body trembled. He tore off the painting in the room and shredded the image that was worth several hundred gold coins. "What do you know? As long as he can kill Hungry Wolf Duruf. Not to mention he's a knight of the Border Lands, even if he's not from the empire, he's worth recruiting. If it wasn't for your father, I would have killed you today!"

He smashed the crumpled painting on Chuck's face and knocked the door open.

For Chuck, the chaotic night came to an end in the dawn. At eight o'clock in the morning, a mysterious guest quietly visited. Chuck took him to his study room and carefully closed the doors and windows, not wanting outsiders to see the scene of his meeting with him.

The guest smiled and said, "On behalf of Lord Raffles, I would like to thank you twelve percent. Mr. Chuck, you've done a good job in this matter."

Chuck snorted, "It's not easy for me to do this. Look at my injuries. Also, because of this, Uncle Tomen will definitely not reuse me in the future!"

"It doesn't matter. Sir Raffles will make ample compensation for this. Don't worry about that." He put a suitcase on the table and opened it. It was divided into three squares. The largest square on the left was filled with gold coins, and the golden weight was also said to be over a thousand gold coins. There were two squares on the right, and there were several amber yellow crystals piled on top of one. Each of these amber yellow crystals was worth more than a thousand gold coins. Together, they were more valuable than the pure gold coins on the left. There was only one necklace below. The necklace was made of platinum, and its style was elegant and gorgeous. It was embedded with a piece of translucent jade.

The guest pushed the suitcase forward and said, "These are all yours. Apart from that, Sir Raffles invites you to Dawn Castle, where there will be a more suitable location for you."

Chuck was overjoyed. Not only did he get a lot of money, he was also able to get Sir Raffles' attention. Naturally, it was better than staying on the bench in Sunset City. Chuck took the suitcase as fast as he could and nodded, "Please reply to Sir Raffles. I'll be leaving tomorrow."

"It's a long way to Dawn Castle. Please be careful on your way, Mr. Chuck. I wish you a pleasant journey." The guest smiled.

After saying goodbye to Chuck, they turned out of an alley and two men followed behind the guest. The guest did not look back and said in a deep voice, "That idiot will leave tomorrow. Remember to do it beautifully and don't leave any traces behind."

The two men nodded and began to disperse, merging into the crowd in the street. The guest smiled and looked at Chuck's house before turning into an alley and leaving. Raffles' reward was not easy to get, and in order to prevent Daniel from knowing that they were the ones who caused Alan's refusal to join. Therefore, Chuck had to disappear. Of course, he couldn't make a move in the city, but if something happened to Mr. Chuck on his way to Dawn Castle, it wouldn't be easy to say.

Chuck had been busy this day, secretly packing up all the possessions he could take away, preparing to secretly leave the city at night. Under the interweaving of nervousness and excitement, Chuck finally arrived at dusk and began to imagine his wonderful life after arriving at Dawn Castle. At the same time, a village fifty kilometers away from Sunset City also welcomed an extraordinary night.

The village of Denis, a village administered by Sir Thomas, was not far from the Sumara River, which served as the border of the Territory. The villagers mainly rely on fishing for their livelihood, and some of them go hunting in the nearby mountains and forests. The village of less than three hundred people was not well off, and fortunately Sir Thomen's tax revenues were within their means, so the village did not disappear.

It was getting late and smoke rose from the village. There was a wooden fence on the outskirts of the village, mainly to prevent wild beasts from intruding at night. In the village, there was a guard composed of hunters and an infantry squad stationed in Sunset City to protect the villagers. There were fewer than thirty soldiers and villagers in the guards, and most of the time, it was the soldiers who did the vigil, which was their minimum duty.

Tonight was no exception. Just after dinner, a few soldiers who were on guard arrived at the outpost on the outskirts of the village. The sentry post was a small wooden house, no different from the hunter's cottages in the mountains and forests. There was a simple fireplace and a few beds inside, and wood was piled up outside, so that the soldiers could keep warm by fire late at night. However, it was not winter, so there was no need for these things.

There were few foreign enemies in Deni village, even though it was Count Oppen's territory across the Sumara River, the village on the other side of the river did not pose any real threat to this place. The most threatening thing was the wandering wild beasts. Most of the wild beasts came out late at night, so at this time, the soldiers were more relaxed. They sat on wooden stakes outside the sentry post and chatted to pass the time.

Suddenly, a panicked hunter ran out of the forest in front of him. He even carried a few hare on his body. However, due to his panic, the hunter fell three times in a short distance of less than a hundred meters, so much so that his prey fell to the ground. A soldier recognized him and smiled, "Julian, why are you running so fast? Are you in a hurry to go home and sleep with your wife?"

The soldiers burst into laughter.

Hunter Julian ran to the sentry post, panting heavily, pointing to the other side of the Sumara River and shouting out of breath, "… No, no … Someone, I …"

The soldier patted his back and said, "Speak slowly. Don't be anxious. What did you see?"

Julian suddenly raised his head and roared with all his might, "The army, it's the army! The army that crossed the river from the count's side, they're coming this way!"


While the soldiers were still shocked, a horse hiss came from the forest. They looked doubtfully at the bright moonlight that shone on the grass that came out of the woods this evening. In this almost holy moonlight, a warhorse suddenly rushed out of the forest and plunged into the grass under the moonlight. It was a knight, followed by a few other cavalry. After these knights, a flame appeared. Following that, soldiers with torches ran out of the forest, following behind the knights in a torrent!

"Sound the alarm!"

"Prepare for battle!"

The soldiers of Denny village screamed. At this critical moment, they did not forget to ring the alarm bell. They were well-trained. However, when the first bell rang, a few fireballs suddenly shot out from the enemy's side and shot straight towards the sentry post. The soldiers outside the wooden house shouted and ran away. In the next moment, the wooden house was blown away, and scorching waves of air blew out in all directions.

The soldier who was ringing the alarm ran out of the wooden house, screaming miserably. He had turned into a fireball. After running for only two steps, he fell to the ground without any sound.

The warhorse was extremely fast, but in a short moment, it had already rushed to the vicinity of the sentry post. The soldiers watched all of this in despair. Their strength was completely insignificant under the opponent's mighty momentum, and they could not even resist. The first knights stopped in front of the soldiers, while the other knights and warriors passed by him like a tide. Under the moonlight, the silver hair of the knight shone brightly.

He looked at the soldiers with bright red eyes and said indifferently, "Surrender. You have no chance of winning."

A soldier shouted unwillingly and rushed towards the knight with his sword drawn. The others seemed to hear the knight let out a sigh, and then a pitch-black saber in the knight's hand moved. As a result, a wisp of orange light appeared under the moonlight, and the light swept past the soldiers. The soldier's entire body trembled and stopped. Then, the light armor on his body cracked. Then, his body tilted and his upper body slipped onto the grass. However, his lower body was still standing on the spot.

After a while, blood sprayed out from the corpse's section, spraying a few soldiers and the hunter in the vicinity with their faces.

At this time, the village was already brightly lit, and the voices of the people soared into the sky.

Alan looked at the remaining soldiers and asked, "Choose. Resist, or surrender?"

The soldiers looked at each other and smiled bitterly. One after another, they took off their weapons and answered with actions instead of answers. Alan nodded and said, "Very well, follow me."

"My lord, if you want us to participate in the slaughter, then kill us!" The soldiers suddenly shouted. josei

Alan looked at them in surprise, but shook his head and said, "I'm not that brutal. As long as no one in the village resists, I won't kill them lightly."

Only then did the soldiers feel relieved. That was their bottom line.

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