Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 446

Chapter 446: Spear And Tongue

There was no obvious boundary mark like the Sumara River in the Emerald Mountain Range. The Viscount and Count's territories were intertwined here, and only a few stone stakes were pinned down and stretched crooked to the left and right, barely allowing people to recognize the boundary between the two territories. Normally, for hunters living in the nearby forest, the boundaries were blurry in their hearts. Hunters could freely enter and exit different territories as long as they didn't go too deep.

However, today, this blurry boundary became incomparably clear. Count Orban's army camp was far from the line, leaving no chance for Daniel to attack. As a result, the viscount's army stopped four to five hundred meters away from the boundary. Orban looked up and saw that Daniel did not bring all the troops. Behind this viscount of strength were knights in red and silver. They wore scarlet cloaks and covered their thick armor stomachs from head to toe. Even the warhorse's harness had elegant patterns, looking extremely gorgeous.

Those knights were Daniel's elite troops, and the Holy Unicorns were well known even in Oppen's territory. The Heavy Knights only had fifty men, but their role was not much inferior to that of a thousand-man infantry regiment. Daniel had armed these knights to the teeth, and even if they were naked and possessed an average level of twelfth rank, even if Ou Ban had ample financial resources, he would not be able to gather such a warrior.

The Holy Unicorns lined up behind Daniel, forming a battle formation of ten people each. A total of five rows of people, their helmets shining brightly and their cloaks fluttering, naturally gave off a forceful aura. In addition to the two hundred cavalry and hundreds of infantry, an excellent thousand-man army appeared in Ou Ban's eyes.

Even though there were only a thousand troops, Ou Ban knew that his team was inferior to Daniel's. Just the 50 unicorn knights were enough to pierce through his defenses. The count couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If he hadn't obtained a talent like Allen, how could he have forced Daniel to move the unicorn knights out? He couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed in his heart.

On the other side, Daniel also wore gorgeous and dignified armor. He raised his head and shouted, "Earl Oban."

Daniel's tone was cold and arrogant, causing Ou Ban's expression to change slightly. "Viscount Daniel," he snorted softly before nodding. josei

'"Why did Count Orban come to such a remote place in the poor countryside of my Emerald Mountain Range instead of staying at his own ark? Others didn't know that he was going to attack my territory. But I told them that the Count would never do that, didn't you, my dear Count?" Daniel's lips curled into a contemptuous smile. The meaning behind his words was that Earl Oban did not dare to attack the territory, but did not dare to do so.

'"Of course not," he laughed. "But I suddenly had a hunting intent, so I brought everyone here to hunt. Viscount Daniel, it seems that my sudden action frightened you quite a bit. Otherwise, how would I have had the chance to see your elite unicorn knight?"

The Count's counterattack left Daniel speechless as if he had been struck by a stick. "It's not autumn yet," he said with a smile, "and the wild beasts in the mountains are not fat. The count is also in high spirits. He left the rest of the place, but came all the way here. I'm afraid he will be disappointed."

"How could that be? Hunting is mainly about the state of mind, and prey is secondary. Viscount Daniel probably won't have such an interest."

Daniel's expression darkened. Oban's words implied that he was a villager who only knew how to chase after prey and not enjoy the pleasure of hunting. Daniel had only appeared ten years ago, and neither the individual nor the clan was as old as the Ridley Clan. It was precisely because of this that Daniel was still only a viscount of strength and could not be promoted to count.

O 'Bain's words were stepping on his sore spot, and Daniel said coldly, "I wish your army would be as good as yours, count, and I should be interested in learning a thing or two."

"Viscount Daniel seems to have forgotten that you attacked my territory not long ago. According to tradition, I can take legal revenge on you. If Viscount Daniel is really interested, why don't we fight here?"

Apart from the unicorn knight behind Daniel, the rest of the soldiers' expressions became a little unnatural. Although Orban's army could not compare qualitatively to the unicorns, it could outnumber them in numbers. Ouban's direct troops, along with two mercenary corps, now had nearly three thousand men pressing down on the border. There was no danger here. Once a fight broke out, even if a unicorn could win, it would only be a tragic victory.

How could Daniel not understand a simple truth that even soldiers knew? He gritted his teeth and forced out a smile. "Come to my Unicorn Castle if you want revenge," he said. "As for now, I don't think it will disturb the Count's interest in hunting."

He then said to the soldiers behind him, "Since the count is only here to hunt and is still in his territory, we have no right to disturb him. Go back to the castle!"

Daniel gestured. Two points behind him. The viscount turned his horse around, and the unicorn knight followed closely behind him. In the end, the army was completely gone. Oban looked at Daniel's somewhat embarrassed back and was somewhat pleased with himself. He laughed dryly twice. His aide, Mr. Long, came to his side and whispered, "This Viscount Daniel is capable of yielding and stretching. He is indeed a character who is not provoked by your words."

"Because he still has room for manoeuvre, but one day, I will force him into a corner." Alan's figure flashed in the count's mind. That young baron would be the key to all of this.

On his way back, Daniel said to a confidant, "Go, tell Raffles. I'll order him to attack Sunset City. As for how he fights, it's up to him!"

His trusted aides immediately left the main team and disappeared into the forest.

The viscount's orders soon reached Raffles' ears, and the baron put on a hard face. His Dawn Castle was the closest to Sunset City, so it was only natural for Daniel to give him the task of attacking Sunset City. The problem was that Lafus' army was far inferior to a unicorn in terms of quality and quantity. Moreover, he had suffered a loss outside Storm City and lost a few troops, but he still hadn't replenished them.

Currently, there were barely 800 troops that Raffles could mobilize. Not to mention taking down Sunset City, there were probably too few people who could fill the gaps between their teeth. Raffles thought for a moment and summoned the other knights for help, but other than Oru, the other two knights refused for various reasons, so angry that Raffles wanted to shoot them to death.

'"Of course not," said Lafus angrily after sending the knights off. "These two idiots think they can't threaten them if they're far away from Sunset City. If they can't beat Alan back now and wait for him to stand still in Sunset City, his strength will only grow stronger and stronger."

"Not everyone has foresight, but even if it's just the two of us, the total number of troops is close to two thousand. It should be enough for a battle." Oru was very confident. He sneered, "I think this is a good opportunity for us to personally repay our shame. I will personally take action this time, Raffles, what do you say?"

Raffles smiled bitterly. "It's none of your business. You did your best. There's no reason for me to shrink. Alright, I'll mobilize the army and prepare for battle immediately."

"I'll go back now. I can meet you in at most three days."

"I look forward to your arrival, friend. Let's fight a beautiful battle together!"

Just as the two knights were about to attack Sunset City with all their might, a few adventurers entered Ark Harbor at dusk. They were all cloaked in cloaks that covered most of their appearances, but the faint aura emanating from their bodies made the officers guarding the city reluctant to interrogate them. Especially the one in front. When he approached, the officer thought that he was facing a ferocious beast.

Experience had taught him that since the other party had paid the full amount of taxes according to the Count's rules for such a person, he did not need to question them too much and let them go.

These people came to a bar in the city and found a quiet corner to sit in. After ordering some food and wine, the adventurers began to eat in silence. Shortly after, the bar became more and more lively. As there were more people, there were naturally more words. Gradually, the adventurers realized that the focus of the discussion was on the glorious deeds of the new noble knight who had recently stepped forward and seized Sunset City.

At this moment, a guest passed by the Adventurer's table and was suddenly caught. The man was strangely strong, and with his hand, the man fell onto the chair. Just as he was about to get angry, a purse was thrown in front of him when an adventurer asked in a low voice, "Tell us about the new knight."

The man weighed the weight of the purse and felt that it was not light. He accepted it quietly, but still asked, "Why are you asking about that lord?"

"We want to find something to do. Let's see which lord is worthy of our service."

"I see." The man said excitedly, "If you want to join the lord, it's a good time. He has taken down Sunset City and is preparing to display his strength in the Viscount's territory. There are plenty of opportunities."

"What's that lord's name?"

"He seems to be Sir Allen. That's right, it's him!"

An adventurer suddenly took off his hat and revealed a straight face. He grinned and said, "Go on, I want to know more."

Carol said as she began to destroy the plate of fried steak in front of her.

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