Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 448

Chapter 448: Hide-and-seek (1)

The departure time was set for tomorrow. The Bauhinia army still needed to stay outside the city. They would not be able to move out together with the troops of Dawn Castle until the army set off tomorrow. The barracks in Dawn City were limited, and in order to avoid unnecessary friction between the soldiers of the two armies, they left the Bauhinia flower outside the city. Oru himself had no objections to this. At this moment, the camp was gradually quiet. After all, it was already late at night. The warriors got into the tent early so that they could have enough strength to march tomorrow.

According to the plans of Sir Oru and Sir Reeves, they planned to arrive at Sunset City in two days, and then use their absolute strength to surround the enemy, slowly depleting their resources and morale. This was the shadow that had been cast by the two of them at the gates of Storm City, and they were unwilling to clash head-on with Allen. Therefore, the next two days would be a great test for the soldiers of the army. If you don't have enough stamina, or if you don't have enough willpower, you may fall behind.

On this peaceful night, someone suddenly shouted, "It's on fire! Someone, the stable is on fire!"

There were two hundred warhorses in the stable, fifty of which were high-grade warhorses. This time, in order to transport the elites to the Sunset City, Oru specially took out the dozens of high-grade warhorses that he had carefully raised to serve as mounts for the heavily armored infantry. It would certainly be a great loss if he were burned to death or lost in shock. Hearing the shout, the soldiers nearby did not even have time to put on their clothes. Everyone hurriedly ran out of the tent and ran towards the burning stable.

Several fire spots appeared in the stable for no reason, and many warhorses were already shocked and screaming uneasily. The soldiers hurriedly fetched water to put out the fire. For a moment, the camp near the stable was in a mess.

"What the hell?"

On the other side of the camp, a soldier stood on a tin bucket and tiptoed in the direction of the stable. Black smoke had already risen from there, and it seemed that the fire was not small.

"Quickly come down, Pierce." Cried a slightly older warrior beside him.

There were ten soldiers on duty in the nearby camp. They were guarding the water source of the army. A hundred buckets of clean water here would be the sweet dew for the soldiers to quench their thirst on the road, and they would be transported to the battlefield with the army tomorrow.

The old soldier was a small captain, and the young soldier did not dare to disobey the captain's orders and slipped off the bucket. Just as he was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed. He then screamed, "Behind you, Captain!"

"What?" The captain was stunned when a blade suddenly appeared on his chest. On the blade, there was still hot blood flowing out of his heart.

Pierce opened his mouth to shout, one hand quietly pressing down on his mouth. Then a black dagger brushed past his neck, ending the young soldier's life. As for the water storage area, all the soldiers guarding it had been killed silently. The ones who killed them were the Dark Blade warriors. Several Dark Blades exchanged glances and quickly dragged the corpses to the nearby woodlands for burial. The other two changed into soldier attire and returned to the camp.

They took out a syringe-like tool and stabbed its sharp tip into the metal bucket. With a thumbs-up, they pressed the contents into the bucket. It was a poison from Roger, extracted from some kind of highly toxic creature. The toxicity is fierce and can quickly cause nerve paralysis, leading to functional paralysis. Ordinary people would stop breathing in less than a minute after drinking the poisonous water.

Not long after Dark Blade threw the poison into the buckets, a group of soldiers came to take over. Seeing the camouflaged Dark Blade Warrior, a captain asked, "Where are Lauren and the others?"

The Dark Blade Warrior lowered his head and didn't answer. He just looked at the forest behind the camp. The captain scolded, "This guy is lazy to smoke again?"

"I'll tell the general tomorrow. Alright, leave this place to us."

From beginning to end, the captain could not see the faces of the two soldiers clearly. He waved his hand carelessly and allowed the Dark Blade Warrior to leave. However, he did not know that the squad that had been guarding them had all been buried in the forest behind them.

The fire in the stable had finally been extinguished, but at least half of the dozens of superior warhorses had died. They weren't burned to death, but their throats were sliced open by sharp weapons. It was obvious that someone had killed them before setting them on fire. Ao Lu was furious, and thoroughly investigated the entire army, vowing to find out who caused this. Naturally, there was no result from doing this. It was only in vain that the soldiers did not sleep a wink all night.

After a night of frustration, Oru had no choice but to give up. The next day, they set off with Lafus' army. The two thousand strong alliance army left the territory and headed straight for Sunset City. Everything went smoothly, and the speed of the march was not delayed much by last night's accident. Apart from Oru's heavy infantry, who had lost their horses and landed on the main team, they were still not shaken off.

At noon, the army stopped and rested. When the soldiers lined up to get dry food and water, something finally happened.

Some of the soldiers who had received food had just eaten something and drank a few mouthfuls of water. Not long after, their lower abdomens started to cramp, like thousands of knives cutting their internal organs, causing them to foam and fall to the ground. He then began to lose consciousness and finally stopped breathing. The stronger ones only lasted for less than two minutes before suffocating to death.

Oru and Raffles were looking at the map in the shade of a forest when they heard the news from the soldiers and hurried over. More than a hundred soldiers in the camp had died from the poisoning, and they didn't dare to eat anything else when they discovered that something was wrong. The two knights looked at the soldiers who had died for no reason, and their hearts ached to the point that their faces changed. Raffles roared, "Why don't you check the food and water? What the hell is going on?"

Very quickly, the results of the examination came out. One of Oru's commanders fed two old horses with dry rations and water. The horse that ate the dry rations was fine, and the horse that drank the water quickly died of poisoning. It could be seen that the drinking water had been poisoned. This conclusion, coupled with the fire in the stable last night, was enough to link the two events without much imagination.

Although Oru and Lafus were unwilling to admit it, the truth was right in front of them. It was obvious that Alan's hand had already reached out to their barracks, but they hadn't noticed this in advance!

"Send out some men in the army to look for new water sources nearby. Be careful this time. If anything goes wrong, you can do it yourself!"

Amidst Oru's roar, the Bauhinia commander ran back with a grey head and face, and sent an infantry squad to find a new source of water. As for the soldiers of the army, they could only eat dry rations for the time being, but they could not touch a single drop of water. As a result, the soldiers would naturally complain endlessly. One must know that one can not eat, but can not not drink water.

The movement of the alliance army was seen by several pairs of eyes. Without causing the army to notice, a figure quickly left.

In the evening, he arrived at a nameless forest fifty kilometers away. Just as they entered the forest, two Mountain King warriors with shields suddenly appeared from the bushes. That person lowered his voice and said, "It's me." Only then did the warriors let him go. He directly found Belmond and led him to an open space in the depths of the forest. Alan heard the news and came out of one of the tents.

The Dark Blade Warrior immediately reported the enemy's movements. Alan listened and told him to go down to rest. Belmond and the others surrounded them, waiting for Alan's orders. Ellen took out a map and pointed at a few places. Then, he smiled and said, "Notify the entire army to pull out of camp. We need to hurry overnight."

"What's your plan?" Regis couldn't help but ask. josei

"Of course, we won't have a good result if we fight head-on. However, it's still feasible to harass the guerrillas. If their morale isn't as high as a rainbow before they set off, then we'll drag them down until their morale is low. It'll be easier to deal with them when the time comes." Allen put away the map and said indifferently, "It's time to play hide-and-seek."

Oru sneezed.

It was already late at night. After the midday poisoning incident, the rest of the army continued to advance, stopping to set up camp at dusk. The morale of the warriors had suffered some losses, especially since there was no suitable water source nearby, the soldiers had no water to drink, and the people were dry-tongued. Oru could only order people to gather dew while they were vigil, but that was just a drop in the bucket.

Before he could reach Sunset City, he suffered a loss of memory. Oru was angry and angry, and he didn't have the mood to sleep at all. He wished he could arrive at Sunset City early tomorrow morning so that he could kill Alan and leave nothing behind before he could vent his anger.

Rolling over in the tent, the rough floor under the blanket made Oru miss the big bed in his bedroom. He cursed in a low voice and closed his eyes to continue sleeping. Suddenly, there was an explosion outside the tent. This explosion came without warning. The loud explosion shook Oru's ears. He didn't even have time to put on his armor and only grabbed a huge sword and rushed out.

"What's going on?" He grabbed a soldier outside the tent and shouted.

The soldier replied in panic, "Sir, our food truck has exploded."

"What!" Oru said angrily, "It's that damn Ellen again. We didn't tell you to keep an eye on the supplies. Why did he destroy them again?"

The soldier said with a sad face, "This, this subordinate does not know the exact situation!"


Oru called the commander again, and the commander's report was more detailed. The attack was carried out from afar. At that time, the soldiers in charge of guarding the grain cart saw a fireball piercing through the air from the distant night, hitting the grain cart and setting off an explosion. After the explosion, the fire quickly spread and soon burned all the food trucks. Fortunately, the soldiers saw that the opportunity was quick and finally saved some food.

At this time, another soldier ran over and reported, "Sir, we have found the enemy!"

"Where is it?" Oru roared.

"It's right outside the camp, a hundred meters ahead!"

"What?" Oru was stunned. The enemy was right in front of the camp. Such a swagger was undoubtedly their greatest provocation. Oro's face darkened. "Go notify Sir Raffles, and bring my heavy infantry over. If they deliver themselves, I'll let them go!"

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