Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 593

Chapter 593: Tentative Exploration (1)

Paradise Star.

It was still early in the morning, at a sentry post on the border of the unicorn territory, a faint white smoke floated from the chimney. The door to the sentry post opened. The two soldiers did not even wear neat armor. They yawned and walked out to the sentry post beside the sentry post. The sentry post was situated on a narrow path, with a pile of stones on each side. On the left was the flag of the unicorn, and on the other side was a naked tree trunk as an obstacle.

Through this narrow path, they would reach the hinterland of the unicorn territory. However, this position was remote, and it was the most leisurely of the sentry posts. Occasionally, caravans would pass by during the year. Normally, soldiers would live a boring life after eating and sleeping.

Today was no exception.

A yawning soldier walked to the side of the road. He untied his trousers in a daze and pissed on the grass. Just as he finished, a gust of mountain wind blew from the front of the passageway. There was a gentle rhythmic sound in the wind. The soldier thought that he had heard wrongly, so he dug his ears out and went to the Loop Guard.

Another companion on the road was holding the fire, and the gun was sitting beside the stones, still napping. The soldier cursed and whispered to himself, "Stinking brat, be careful that Captain Dun Er sees you. At that time, we will both be punished. Don't drag me into this, you bastard!"

"Don't worry, the captain is still asleep. Will he get up if the sun doesn't reach his butt?"

"But don't forget that Hughes likes to spy on us the most. If he sees it, it will be different from what the captain saw with his own eyes."

The soldier who was sitting on the ground patted his butt and stood up, cursing, "That brat is not pleasing to my eyes. I have to find a chance to get rid of him."

"Come on, we still have to stay in this shit-free place for the first half of the year before it's time for the handover. After we return, I will sleep on the belly of a woman every day."

"Just you? I'm afraid you'll die if you come a few times."

"You're courting death, so you call me that."

The two soldiers laughed and ran at each other. One of them unintentionally looked in front of the passageway. The smile on his face gradually froze. "Look, what is that?"

The companions at the side looked over and saw that the mist hadn't dissipated yet, and they couldn't see clearly. However, an irregular shadow appeared in the fog. As the sun rose and the morning mist receded, a tall horse suddenly emerged from the mist. The swirling mist reluctantly swept past the dark red-colored horse harness. As well as the ferocious heavy armor that was similarly dark red and had spikes appearing in many places.

The heavy-armored knight's sharp eyes pierced into the eyes of the two soldiers like swords.

His heart suddenly missed a beat.

As more and more knights emerged from the morning mist, the two soldiers finally reacted. The man on the left opened his mouth and shouted, "Enemy Attack-"

Suddenly, the end sound turned into a sudden tremor. It turned out that a powerful arrow was nailed into his neck. The sharp triangular arrow at the tip of the arrow pierced out from the back of his neck. Only when the tail arrow was still trembling endlessly did a "whoosh" sound come from the air.

He watched as his colleague slowly knelt down, his head shrugging to his chest. The remaining soldiers shouted and ran back. Very quickly, a powerful arrow also took his life. The movement at the roadside finally alerted the soldiers at the sentry post. The captain, who had just gotten out of bed and still had no time to wear armor, rushed out with a long sword in hand and more than ten soldiers. However, when they saw the dark cavalry, the captain of the tenth rank couldn't help but blacken his eyes.

The battle quickly began and ended. In less than ten minutes, the sentry post was knocked out. The knights in dark red heavy armor got off their horses one after another. They threw the corpses of the soldiers who had died in battle into the sentry post and set fire to them. More people cleared the roadblocks. After the 50 knights were busy, the sound of horse hooves rang out in front of the passageway. Another army of nearly five hundred men was coming along the pass, and in the middle of it was a magnificent carriage.

The window of the carriage suddenly raised its head, and its delicate face was filled with resentment, "Hey, unicorn collar, I'm back."

If Alan was here, he would recognize Lance, who had been expelled from Unicorn Castle, as well as Earl Rackard's nephew. A general rode his horse to the side of the carriage and said, "Lord Lance, at most half a day's journey, we will reach Lake Portilli. However, we are too many people to hide the news. The unicorns will soon discover us. There will be a tough battle ahead."

"Fighting head on?" Lance screamed exaggeratedly, "Dear General Hillo, you are the number one general under the Earl." It was because the unicorns were disrespectful to me that the count sent you to conquer them to tell these country bumpkins what true armies and warriors were. And now, the army led by the unicorns had long since ceased to be as grand as before, and even Barre had died in battle. I really don't understand. You add on our elite Blood Wolf Knights and hundreds of Blue Wolf infantry. "Facing an army that has no experts and fewer people than before, you actually have to fight a tough battle?"

The general, known as Hilo, said awkwardly, "If it's just the Unicorn Legion, then there's no need to worry." But now, the unicorn leader and the baron were allies. Once they encounter a team, they will definitely help each other. I have also studied the case of the baron's war, and it must be said that he is a formidable opponent. Whether it is the number of experts in the army or the quality of the army, they are not inferior to our Blood Wolf Knights and Blue Wolf Infantry. "

'"I don't understand anything about the war anyway. I only know that the Earl's request is for me to be in charge of the unicorn's territory. You are the guarantee to clear all obstacles. So I'll leave it to you, General Hillo, to decide what to do." Lance reached out his tail and dug out his ear.

After he finished speaking, he got back into the car, where a hot woman was sleeping with her blanket embraced. The long white legs that stretched out from the quilt made Lance swallow his saliva. He directly got into the quilt, and then a woman's groan sounded in the carriage, and the groan grew louder and louder. Xiluo shook his head and rode away. He looked ahead. The dawn was just right, but the general's heart was far from bright.

One day, the unicorn territory was invaded by Earl Rackard's army. The unicorn army and the count's army confronted each other in a fertile field east of Lake Portilli. The young viscount Ante quickly sent a request for help to Dawn Castle. The call for help was answered that evening. Baron Allen's army would start tomorrow, and they would be able to enter the battlefield in two days at the latest. Upon receiving this news, Ante felt relieved. Although the Unicorn Legion wasn't as good as before, it wouldn't be a problem for them to defend for two days.

Night fell, and the castle of dawn was brightly lit. In the City Lord's Mansion, Edward put down Ont's letter and looked at the faces in the study, "What do you think?"

After finishing his trip to Ark Harbor, he led Roger back to Dawn Castle. Vera and Father Miro were still preaching in Ark Harbor. Young Earl Gills had already become another Christian, but in Father Miro's words, the Earl had not joined Christianity out of a firm belief, but because of another purpose. It wasn't hard to guess what his purpose was, but when Edward was about to leave, he intended to let Vera go with him. josei

However, the girl refused on the grounds that she wanted to use Gills' identity to increase the influence of the Church and allow the Church to quickly take root and sprout in the new soil. For their safety, Edward left Wilick and ten Inch Fire Warriors behind. Before the church crusaders could reach Ark Harbor, they would protect Vera and the priests.

The Church's development in Ark Harbor was fairly smooth, and the news that Gills was going to build a church for them had already spread back to Edward in the past few days, which made Edward feel a little relieved. As for Allen's promotion to Viscount, he had already entered the vetting process. Recently, the members of the Ark Harbor Supervisory Council had been traveling frequently between the two places. Edward had received them all, and had given them many advantages, both in public and in private.

I believe that the promotion papers will be officially issued soon, and Allen will be an Empire viscount by then.

As for the management and development of the territory, Edward found that the eastern man named Long was indeed unique. Alan also briefly mentioned the origin of the dragon. Edward knew that he was a businessman. Therefore, in business management, the dragon seems to be skilled. Edward asked him and Roger to work together to speed up business in the territory. At the same time, Edward had to remind them to devote some of their energy to the manufacture and sale of weapons as the weapons workshop at the Border Land was to be relocated to Dawn Castle.

No matter what era or planet. Arms were always tied to huge profits. In particular, Dawn Castle and Sunset City had several raw materials reserves, which solved the problem of raw materials to a large extent, saving the middleman's expenses and the time to purchase raw materials.

According to Edward, Dawn Castle had already been designated an area for planned expansion, the part of which would be an industrial base. A number of industrial buildings will be built here, including weapons factories, material refineries, equipment processing factories and so on. This industrial base would directly create thousands of jobs for the territory and solve the work problems of a large portion of its citizens.

Now that this area had entered the infrastructure stage, it was believed that after Allen returned, the base would become operational. But at this moment, Edward received a request for help from the unicorn. Edward paid enough attention to this ostensibly ally's request for help, but in essence, it was a vassal's request, and quickly sent back the message of dispatching troops. But before that, he wanted to hear the opinions of everyone in the study. After all, he had just arrived, and he did not have a deep understanding of the territory, its allies, and its enemies. In addition, listening to his subordinates' voices was a virtue that a manager should have.

Sir Oru, the owner of Dawn Castle, said in a low voice, "I think this is an exploratory operation by Earl Rackard. He wants to know how determined we are to defend the unicorn territory, and if we respond, he can use this operation to gauge the strength of our army."

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