Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 602

Chapter 602: Space Warfare

An earthen yellow energy beam swept through space and abruptly smashed into the Dawn's magic energy shield. The shield continued to create circles of ripples, absorbing and guiding the impact of the energy beam. In the end, this attack was futile. However, the energy of the starship shield also quietly decreased by nearly two percentage points.

The cockpit of the starship trembled. Most of the power in the cabin had been turned off and dim red warning lights were used instead. Dawn gave priority to providing all of its energy to the weapons platform, magic shields, and the systems needed to maintain the starship's flight. As for the other application systems, if they were not related to the battle, they would all be shut down. Even so, the starship's energy level was still declining.

"Damn it, is there any way to get behind them!" Alan looked at the two enemy ships on the radar and sweat started to form at the tip of his nose. The two Catu starships clenched their fists, and the two ships supported each other, causing the Dawn to return in vain after several counter-attacks.

The pilot's forehead was already covered in sweat as he shouted, "It's very difficult. There are no barriers to cover here. There are two more enemy ships. It's impossible for us to avoid their eyes and ears."

"However, there may be another way."

"Speak quickly." Alan said anxiously.

"This time, we have EMI missiles that can interfere with enemy ships' operating systems. However, I'm not sure if our electromagnetic frequencies are enough to disrupt each other's operating systems. If they have anti-interference systems, then …"

"I have to give it a try. I think the chances of success should not be small. After all, those guys are using models that were eliminated by the Neil people." Allen ordered, "Prepare the EMI missile."

The order was given, and a moment later, an electromagnetic missile was ejected from the missile silos on both sides of Dawn. These two matt-shrouded missiles, which were shaped like prisms, immediately spat out electric fire from their tails. With a swing, he flew towards the two locked enemy ships. In the cockpit, Alan looked at the screen with rapt attention. The two missiles flew halfway, and the few energy beams from the Catus on the left exploded.

Fortunately, another beam of energy passed through and exploded in front of one of the enemy ships. A lightning-shining electromagnetic storm rushed towards the Catu starship. The starship immediately shook and spat out sparks. The ship swayed like it was drunk, and the operating system obviously didn't work properly. josei

Allen was overjoyed and said, "It's time to fight back!"

The Dawn immediately turned around and flew towards the uncontrollable starship. Blue high-energy beams pierced through space and landed on the Catus' starships. Without any suspense, the starship finally exploded into a fireball after being bombarded by more than a dozen high-energy beams of light. Not far from the fireball, another enemy ship saw that something was amiss and turned around to run.

Alan didn't plan to chase after him, so he heaved a sigh of relief. This was the first time he had ever seen an outer space starship battle like this. It was a lie to say that he wasn't nervous. Now that the crisis had been resolved, he exhaled a mouthful of turbid air and said, "Let's go, let's go to the Sunrise …"

Before he could finish speaking, the starship suddenly shook violently and began to spin. The huge centrifugal force pushed the crowd to their seats. Only when the starship stabilized did Allen hurriedly say, "What's going on?"

"We're under attack … It's a Grai warrior!"

A Grai appeared on the screen. He was floating in space, and his brown rock-like skin looked uncertain amidst the flames of battle around him. This was an adult warrior. His height of nearly twenty meters made him no weaker than a starship, and a sinister smile appeared on the giant's face. Suddenly, he clasped his head and rolled around like a meteor.

Ellen finally knew what had hit him just now and couldn't help but shout, "Avoid!"

The left side of the ship was riddled with cracks, its armor twisted, and sparks constantly sprayed out from the cracks. At this time, the giant crashed into the starship, and the stern engine barely spat out two bolts of lightning, causing the starship to turn around, but it was still brushed by the giant. The ship swayed wildly and floated to the other side.

The cockpit naturally trembled again. Alan took a deep breath and calmed his mind. "Report the battle damage."

"The armor on the left side of the airframe has been severely wounded, and the tail 3 engine is no longer working properly."

"Batteries 1 and 4 have stopped working. Missile bunker 2 has been damaged and is unable to fire normally."

Alan's expression turned grave when he heard the report. With such a serious degree of damage, the starship had lost half of its function. In such a situation, not to mention fighting, even the arrival of the Sunrise was barely enough. On the screen, the giant was shaking his head. Obviously, the collision just now had made him feel uncomfortable. Alan suddenly unbuckled his seat belt and stood up. "What are you trying to do?" Lucy cried out.

"If we don't kill that guy, I'm afraid we won't be able to reach Sunrise." Ellen jumped out of the captain's seat and walked back, "equip me with liquid biochemical clothes. I want to engage in space warfare."

Lucy's expression changed. "That's dangerous!"

Alan turned around and smiled, "If I don't get rid of that guy, we'll be in even more danger."

Without Lucy stopping him, Alan left the cockpit. As soon as they arrived at the corridor, they bumped into Rena. Reina raised his warhammer and said, "I'll go."

"No, I'm more flexible." Ellen pushed him, "Hurry up and go back. You're in danger."

Reina shook his head, "Whatever you want." He left without saying a word.

Allen quickly came out of the hatch. A staff member had already put on his full set of biochemical clothes and stood in front of the isolation door and said to Allen, "Listen, young master, the liquid biochemical clothes can only last for 10 minutes." When the time comes, you have to come back no matter what you want. See that lift deck over there? "That's right. There is a safety cord on the ground that is fixed to the deck. Please fasten it, or you will leave the ship."

"I know."

"That's good. I'll prepare it for you now." He quickly pressed a light button and a cylindrical device descended from the top of the cabin. The bottom turned on and the lights inside lit up one by one, indicating that they were in a working state.

Alan stood motionless, letting the device wrap around him. Then, strands of viscous liquid sprayed out from the surrounding nozzles. They solidified on the surface of Allen's body, forming a transparent liquid biochemical coat. Liquid biochemical clothes could allow people to move around outside the ship like spacesuits. The semi-solid liquid that produced the clothes would be filled with oxygen, allowing the dressed people to breathe freely.

This liquid suit was specially prepared for space warfare. However, Dawn was not a starship built for interstellar warfare, so the effect of the liquid device was very limited. As for the liquid suits specially prepared by the Federation for space warfare, the worst ones could last for 30 minutes.

The liquid generator rose, and Alan, who was already covered in liquid clothes, nodded. So the isolation door opened, and Alan walked in and fastened the safety cord on the lift deck to himself. He gripped Xue Yin tightly and made an "OK" gesture. The cabin door above his head immediately opened, and the mysterious space immediately entered Allen's eyes.

The deck rose, and Alan came out of the Dawn. His figure was faithfully projected onto the screen in the cabin. Everyone pinched their sweat for him. Alan gently waved his Blood Concealment in order to get used to his speed and reaction in space. At this moment, a wave of pressure surged over. Alan turned around and saw that the Grai was ready for a third attack.

"Come on, big fellow." Alan said softly, his hands clenching onto Bloody Hidden. The Heavenly Calamity Circuit and the Prairie Blade in his body were activated one by one, and when the ability "ignited", it was activated as well. The origin power in Allen's body turned into raging flames. A surging battle intent arose spontaneously, and orange flames pierced through his body. At this moment, Alan was incomparably dazzling!

The giant let out a low roar and hugged him in a ball. The Origin Energy gushed out to form a force that sent his body flying toward Allen like a meteor. Allen's feet were nailed to the deck, and Blood Concealment began to tilt and chop down. The blade of the heavy blood-colored saber pulled out a ray of bright red light in the space. This ray of light that was like a wave of water flashed through the air, and along the way, it illuminated the surrounding space to a bloody red, as if it was in a vast ocean of blood.

An indescribable sense of crisis surged into the giant's heart. Although the Grai were brave and good at fighting, they weren't stupid. At this moment, the giant barely moved sideways, avoiding the bloody streak of light. However, the Grai were simply too large for the giant to completely avoid the flash of blood. In the blink of an eye, the light had already brushed past his body, and a dull roar could be heard. One of the giant's arms, along with half of his body, was instantly cut open by a flash of blood aura.

The reason why the Grai were able to travel freely in outer space was largely due to their rough outer skin. Still in their biological form, their tissues are equally fragile once exposed to space. Losing one arm and part of the body's tissue, many blood vessels were immediately exposed to space. Under the influence of the internal and external pressure, the giant was like a starship that had its armor torn apart. Blood was splashed out from its body, and it immediately let out a miserable scream.

However, his calamity was not limited to this. Countless bright red rays of light began to shoot out from the surface of the wound that Alan had cut open, and they quickly crawled towards the rest of the giant's body. However, the giant's body was simply too large. Before these red rays of light could cover his entire body, the parts that had been spread by the rays of light had already begun to collapse! The energy jets with the cutting knives scattered the giant's body into countless pieces. However, the giant did not die immediately. However, he could only watch helplessly as his body, like a sandcastle that had been pushed down, gradually dissipated into debris. In the end, he ended his life in anger and fear.

Obviously, there were times when an excessively vigorous vitality might not necessarily be a good thing.

Seeing the giant explode into a bloody mist, Alan felt relieved. The lift deck began to descend. As the overhead cabin door closed, Alan returned to the starship. In the cockpit, the people staring at the screen cheered loudly. Reina, who had also witnessed the entire process, snorted heavily from his nose and spat out a few words from his mouth, "This guy!"

No one knew what he meant.

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