Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 618

Chapter 618: Strong Attack (1)

It was already dawn.

The sky above Frost Star was always white. In the sky above Guang Fu, clouds were pulled out by the cold wind in the sky like waves of water. The bright gray light made him squint his eyes in hatred. For a hunter with outstanding eyesight, the intense light made him feel uncomfortable. A cold wind blew over with snow and ice, brushing the strands of red hair tied to the top of his head.

The red hair was blown away like flames by the wind.

This was a headhunter. As the most intelligent native creature on Frost Planet, they had a similar body shape to humans. Just like the hunter in front of him, he was very skinny. If he was skinny enough, he would be blown away by the wind. However, his long arms and legs were firmly grasping the iron arm of the crane beneath him. No matter how strong the wind was, it would not be able to blow him off the crane.

The headhunter's icy blue skin made him almost embedded in the sky. The naked body was painted with a fist pattern of natural paint. That was the totem of the tribe. Only true warriors were qualified to draw tribal totems on their bodies. This was a sign of his pride. He was squatting, but his upper body was straight, like a tall cliff that was blown by a cold wind.

Behind the hunter was a quiver made out of animal hide. There were more than a dozen arrows made out of bones in the quiver. Beside the quiver was a bow made of bones and the tough tendons of some wild beast. At his feet, there was a spear lying flat. The tip of the spear was taken from the hardest snow crystals, also known as iron crystals. It was the hardest part of the snow crystal. It was translucent, but it stood taller than steel.

The body of the spear was a rough bone. The sharpened iron crystal combined with the bone hilt was this spear. A spear that could be made of iron crystals was also a symbol of status. josei

The skirt on his waist was hunting in the wind, and the wind blew through the bone armor wrapped around his wrist and calf, causing him to sob like a ghost. The hunter opened his mouth, which was full of broken teeth. He raised his hand and pulled the leg of an unknown beast into his mouth, pulling it hard and pulling off a piece of blood-stained meat. He chewed and swallowed.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in, and it seemed to carry something else.

It was the smell!

The hunter's keen sense of smell told him that it was a human scent. Humans, one of the annoying invaders. They took over the snow crystal mine and built a fortress of steel on the ground. They displaced many tribes, but some troops joined them. The hunters of the Iron Fist Tribe hated humans. Just like this hunter in front of them, he had sworn that he would not compromise to humans like those weak fellow hunters, instead of fighting!

The hunter was in the snow crystal mine that was once under the control of Castellan Rock Base. To headhunters, the Frost Snow Crystals were the gifts of the earth and the blood of the planet. However, humans possessed them and exploited them. This was an unbearable thing for headhunters. Right now, this mine was the spoils of war that they had regained from the hands of humans. The mine remained largely untouched, and there were even tools abandoned by humans as they fled.

The crane beneath the hunter's feet was one.

At this moment, he could smell the scent of humans. With his superiority and astonishing eyesight, he was searching for intruders with all his might. However, his gaze swept across more than half of the mine, and he did not find a single human figure. The hunter was puzzled. Suddenly, he noticed that the shadow beneath him seemed to be thicker. It was so dense that it was as if there was another person standing behind him.

In the entire tribe, it was impossible for even the chief to silently arrive behind him without being discovered. The hunter immediately reached out to catch the spear at his feet. Just as his hand touched the bone hilt, the pain of steel needles penetrating his head began to spread out. Following that, the entire world gradually darkened in his eyes.

A wisp of black mist and fire condensed like substance and shot out from between the hunter's eyebrows. At the back of the hunter's head, Belmore was retracting the two fingers he had pointed at the head of the hunter. He casually grabbed the corpse of the hunter. Black mist rose up beside him and opened the shadow passageway. He and the hunter disappeared from the crane together.

The mine was quiet, and headhunters, like most frost stars, hated to move during the day. The night was the beginning of their day. As for the day, only a small number of soldiers were on guard. On the crane's boom, the cold wind blew an iron hook endlessly, but the few remaining sentries in the mine did not notice that one of their companions was missing from the boom.

A kilometer away from the mine was a low hilltop. Alan and Regis had just finished camouflaging the tactical flying car when Belmore's aura appeared on the scene. A ball of black mist dispersed and Belmore emerged from the shadow passageway. He casually threw the hunter's corpse onto the ground. He was still holding a battle spear and flicking it with his fingers when a deep echo echoed from the bone hilt.

Alan walked over and flipped the hunter's corpse over. Then, he began to examine the hunter's body structure. Regis sat cross-legged on the ground and said disapprovingly, "There's nothing to check on these guys. We'll just kill them."

"We can't say that. We'll probably stay on planet Frost for a while. It's always good to know more about the natives of these planets. You see, the Iron Fist Tribe's scale is limited, but their chief has already reached the level of Level 17. If it was a larger tribe, there should be stronger warriors. It was better not to look down on them too much. "Oh, look here" Alan opened the hunter's mouth, which was covered with short, sharp teeth, allowing them to easily tear off their prey like wild beasts. Alan pressed down on the muscles on both sides of his mouth and two curved canine teeth slid down his mouth.

"When fighting them, you must be careful not to let them bite you." Ellen reached out and gently touched his canine teeth, leaving a shallow cut on his fingertips. These two canine teeth are very sharp. If you clench them with all your strength, I'm afraid the armor can pierce through them as well.

Ellen reached out and touched the hunter's chest. He felt that his skin was very thin and there was no muscular tissue underneath. It was a hard bone. He frowned, took out the devil's praise from behind his waist, and then pulled it down from the point of his neck fossa. The dagger slid all the way to the hunter's abdomen. Only then did Alan use his left and right hands to pull the hunter's skin apart, revealing a layer of nearly black bones.

"Exoskeletal tissue?" Belmond said softly.

Ellen did not answer. He continued to lift a few bones with his dagger, only to discover that the muscles beneath the bones were the muscles. He then separated the muscles to reveal the hunter's chest, organs, and skeleton. The outer layer of bones was like armor. They were mainly distributed in front of the hunter's chest. As for their backs, they were like humans. Other than vertebrae, there were no other bone tissues. It could be imagined that if they attacked directly from the front, it would probably be very difficult to deal a fatal blow to the headhunter.

Unless there was a huge disparity in strength, they could only be killed with overwhelming power. Otherwise, attacking from behind would be a time-saving and labor-saving method.

In the next examination, Allen discovered that the hunter's palm could stretch out black spikes. These spikes can be shot out of the body and are determined by a soft mass of muscles beneath the forearm. As they shrink, they shoot out the black spikes from their palms like a trigger. Shooting at close range and unarmored areas would cause quite a bit of trouble.

In addition, the hunter's muscle fibers were distributed more and thinner. This made them thin and long, but they were even more explosive, giving them the agility and speed of cheetahs. It took about an hour to analyze the Hunter's body structure. When Alan used a river flowing through the forest not far away to wash away the blood stains on his hands, the Hunter's corpse was buried under an ancient tree for Belmond to nourish the forest.

"There are only three sentinels left. They are in these positions." Belmond drew a simple plan of the mine in the snow, and put some force on some of the positions to mark the sentinels: "As for the other headhunters, they should be hiding in the mine. After all, they hate the day, just as night does to humans, and now they are probably sleeping."

"Then we'll take advantage of it." '"Leave these guys to us. As for the headhunters in the mine, let Regis take care of them," Allen said, pointing at the sentry's position.

'"According to the information, there are only 30 warriors in this tribe?"

Alan nodded.

"What about the others?" "I'm not used to wielding knives at old people and children," he said hesitantly.

"Then don't force it. I'll take care of it."

"Are you planning to kill them?" Regis frowned.

"If necessary, I will." Alan patted him on the shoulder and said, "To the natives of this planet, we are invaders. Even if we don't do anything, our hands are already stained with blood. This hatred is hard to resolve, especially after we kill their men. Letting them go was naturally a kind gesture, but in the end, this kind gesture was only a hypocrisy, and the flames of hatred would not be extinguished. When they bring more people to take revenge, we will only plant greater hatred. "

"As professors at Dawn Academy often say, there is no justice in war, and I never thought I would occupy the highest moral ground. All I want to do is to help my mother fulfill her unfulfilled obligations as much as possible, and then accumulate my strength to fulfill some commitments. In the end, it was enough for him and the people around him to live a better life. Allen took a deep breath and his eyes grew deeper. "As for the things I have to carry, I've been prepared since I decided to take this path."

Regis was speechless. Alan smiled and said, "Don't make things difficult. Just follow your heart. Don't change anything because of me or anyone else, Regis, unless you don't want to see the pinnacle of your strength."

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