Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 623

Chapter 623: The Hall of Battle Skills

Without any warning, by the time Alan regained his senses, the sharp tip of the scorpion spear was already within reach!

Alan's pupils suddenly shrank a little. In his eyes, the speed of the scorpion spear slowed down. He could even see the rotating spear head, which was moving the surrounding Origin Energy to form a dense dot. It could be imagined that this was a sniper rifle that was comparable to a sniper rifle. The terrifying penetrating power was enough to pierce through the armor, let alone Alan's head.


The entire world suddenly quieted down, and there was only one voice shouting. Almost instinctively, Allen displayed astonishing flexibility. He leaned backwards, but his feet were firmly nailed to the ground. The scorpion spear sliced through his nose, bringing with it a few silver strands of hair.

Time returned to normal, and Allen spun sideways like a top. At the same time, a streak of red lightning swept out and Xue Yin knocked on the scorpion spear, knocking Catherine's spear away. Alan rolled and adjusted his posture before he stood up.

A thin line of blood emerged from his forehead and rolled towards the tip of his nose. Finally, it dripped into the snow beneath his feet and blossomed a bright plum blossom. josei

Looking at the drop of blood, Catherine revealed a painful expression, as if she was regretting that Alan's blood had been cheaper than snow.

Catherine raised her left hand slightly, and the snake sickle on the other side had already pulled out a cold light, slicing at Allen's neck like a half moon.

Alan lowered his body and flashed sideways. Snake Sickle passed by, and the scorpion spear came again, focusing heavily on his chest. Xue Yin raised his head and took a bullet from Catherine. However, when the scorpion spear struck, it did not have the intense impact it had expected. The other party's spear was extremely aggressive, but it was an empty move. Catherine took the opportunity to slide to his side, and the snake sickle rose again, and a cold moon immediately rose from the snow.

The moonlight shattered and Aaron rolled away in a sorry state, leaving behind traces of blood on the snow. A cut was left on his shoulder by the snake sickle. The wound was not deep and could only be considered a minor injury. Catherine followed him like a shadow. The snake scythe hooked out a crescent moon and was stabbed by the scorpion spear, leaving Alan with only a defensive role. The two figures on the snowy ground were constantly entangled, separated, and then entangled together, repeating themselves like this. Sickle light flickered around the two of them, and spear shadows soared. Occasionally, a bolt of blood lightning would flash up, and it was Alan's counterattack.

On the whole, Allen was in a passive situation with more defenses and less attacks. Catherine's fighting style was very peculiar. She was definitely not fast, at least a little slower than Regis or Belmond. However, her movements were extremely small, which allowed her to continue attacking without any flaws in the middle.

This kind of combat skill, once it was snatched by her, would take the initiative. His opponent would be firmly suppressed, and his morale would even be worn down by this mercury-like attack, and he would be utterly defeated in the end. After experiencing so many small battles, Alan's vision was no longer comparable to before. He knew at first glance that if Catherine led him by the nose, he would never be able to see the sun tomorrow.

He raised his spirit and fighting spirit, activating the Heavenly Calamity Circuit within his body. At the same time, he activated his ability to "ignite" and his Origin Energy instantly transformed into a monstrous flame, rumbling as it pushed Allen's hands and slashed out a mournful streak of bloody light.

The bloody aura of the Blood Hidden Blade shrouded around him like a flame rising from the sky. It aimed at Catherine's face and slashed at her with a tyrannical and ruthless saber.

Catherine's sickle and gun were removed from Ellen's throat and chest. However, Allen seemed to have forgotten about life and death. He didn't even look at these two life-threatening attacks. Instead, he focused on wielding his saber and killing them together. Catherine's expression did not change, and the sickle and gun quietly changed their trajectories. The snake sickle hooked onto the Blood Hidden Saber and pulled it away. The scorpion spear collided sideways, causing Ellen's blade to completely deviate from its original position and flash past Catherine's side.

The major general retreated instead of entering. He dragged the Snake Sickle Scorpion Spear, but his shoulder smashed into Alan's chest.

Alan suddenly let out a brilliant smile.

A cold light replaced his figure and stood in front of Catherine. It was a devil's salute. Catherine suddenly stopped her body. Her sudden stop caused a muffled sound, causing a toroidal air wave to spray snow towards Ellen. Alan raised his saber in one hand and Xue Hidden raised it. He sliced open the wind and snow and sliced it towards Catherine's chest.

The situation was reversed.

Allen had risked his life to disrupt Catherine's attack and exchange for a hard-earned opportunity to retaliate. How could he let it go so easily? He immediately retracted his dagger and held it with both of his hands. The saber was more than a thousand times heavier than Katherine's. Allen's saber was domineering and wild. Blood energy wrapped around the saber, forming a half-meter-long blood-colored saber light. The saber light was indeterminate, and every time it swept across the snow or ancient trees, it would leave behind traces that were one meter long and thirty to forty centimeters deep.

The hundred bloody strikes were repeatedly used in Allen's hands, and the battlefield within ten meters of the two of them continuously produced muffled thunderous sounds. Allen's offensive had already reached the peak of Blood Hidden Artifact, and every saber intent was overwhelming, as heavy as a mountain range. As long as Catherine was slashed, she would be seriously injured. Even as a major general, she could not change this outcome.

But although Allen's saber power was fierce, it had yet to touch a corner of Catherine's clothes. The young major general's figure flickered, and every once in a while, he would flash past Alan's attacks. In fact, her figure gradually blurred, causing Alan to feel dazzled. It was Catherine who was moving at high speed with a small range of movements. She was like a falling leaf, dancing along with Allen's blade winds.

Alan complained to himself that his fierce offensive was the least sustainable. Sure enough, when he slashed out again, Alan suddenly felt that the Origin Energy in his body couldn't keep up, and his blade momentum immediately slowed down. Catherine immediately felt something, and the scorpion spear twisted and bounced away the blood concealment. He dragged Snake Sickle and Allen across with him. Alan immediately fell backwards and flew out. There was already a wound on his left waist. Blood was flowing out of his uniform and dripping onto the snow.

"Your movements are too large, your attacks are more powerful, and your agility is insufficient. It's also suitable for you to use on the battlefield. If you can use it in the battle between experts, then this kind of combat skill is too rough." Catherine's gaze fell on Blood Concealment. "You've already figured out the weapon's nature, but that's not enough. After reaching the weapon's nature, if you can forget the weapon's physical nature and attack at will, then you'll be able to touch the door of the Battle Skill Hall."

"As for now, you're still a long way off."

Alan smiled, "Thank you for your advice, but what do you think of this move?"

The blood on his hand trembled and a ripple spread out. Only then did Catherine realize that red light was rising from beneath her feet, and four red spots of light were scattered all around her. The place where they overlapped was right under Catherine's feet. Red spots flashed at the same time, and in an instant, Catherine's figure was drowned by the pillar of black and red fire that shot into the sky.

The almost dark flames were like a heavenly waterfall hanging upside down, pointing straight at the sky! With the strengthening of the Heavenly Calamity Circuit, one more pillar of flame rushed out from the blazing ground. The temperature of the flame doubled, and its overall power increased by 50%. It was as if a continuous flame was about to ignite the night sky, illuminating the night sky above the holly forest. Even the snow crystal mine hundreds of kilometers away could clearly see this thick pillar of fire.

"The battle has already begun." Standing on the crane, Belmond said softly.

The night wind sent his words to Lucy's ears, and the girl clenched her fists as she looked at the rising flames in the distance.

Alan's eyes were filled with endless hot smoke. The heat from the blazing flames evaporated the surrounding snow into water vapor. The water vapor was washed away by the cold wind and turned into mist. As a result, a hazy mist spread out, greatly affecting his field of vision. He raised his saber and swept across, causing a gust of saber wind to sweep away the fog in front of him. His field of vision became clear again, but he saw that the snow in front of him had completely disappeared. There was a black spot four to five meters wide on the ground, which was a mark left behind by the blazing flames.

However, there was no Catherine on it, and Alan didn't believe that he could take down the Federation Major General with just a flame.

Even if he wanted to.

"This firework is too big." Sure enough, Catherine's cold figure came from behind.

Alan smiled bitterly and turned around. Catherine was only dyed black at the corner of her clothes, and her two ponytails were slightly curled up, but she was fine. One could imagine what kind of high speed she would be able to dodge the pillar of fire and dodge in front of it when the pillar of fire erupted. From this, it could be seen that she had not used her full strength in the attack just now.

Although Alan also had reservations, he believed that he would definitely keep them much smaller than Catherine.

Catherine began to walk towards him.

Alan was ready for the second round, but the girl suddenly stopped. Then, his gaze swept around and he said indifferently, "These annoying things."

Beast roars came from the woods on the left, followed by low and loud cries. Only then did Alan realize that there were many different colors of fluorescent light in the surrounding trees. These were the eyes of the wild beasts that lived in the holly forest. Judging from the number of fluorescent lights, there were at least twenty to thirty wild beasts surrounding them. Without a doubt, these things were attracted to the pillars of fire that Alan had just unleashed.

Finally, a bear-like, hairless beast with a row of bone spikes on its shoulder rushed out. It used both hands and feet, and its clumsy body smashed into the snowflakes and flew towards Alan.

Alan thought to himself and slid back. He flashed past the giant claws of the beast, turned around, and ran straight past the two wolf-shaped beasts. He immediately jumped up with a bloody flower. The heads of the two wild beasts were different. After Alan killed them, he leisurely left.

Catherine's expression finally changed slightly. She wanted to chase after him, but a shadow blocked her path. She raised her head, and the bear-shaped beast's abdomen formed a huge mouthpiece. Inside, it was like a flower spitting out buds, turning out dense circles of sharp teeth. A thick tongue full of thorns rolled towards Catherine from the mouth of the cannibal flower. A few drops of stinky water splashed out from her tongue, and with Catherine's indifference, her expression couldn't help but change.

"You're courting death!"

As he shouted coldly, several moon wheels flashed out from the bear's body. Instantly, his body was shattered by the snake scythe, and only then did his head fly up, and he was instantly pierced into the snow by the scorpion spear. Catherine stepped on the beast's head and looked coldly at the strange-looking beasts around her. To her, any beast she saw was no different from a corpse.

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