Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 627

Chapter 627: Strive For Improvement

When Alan put down the lurking monster's corpse, a few wisps of pure blood energy from the Blood hymn also entered his body, replenishing the amount of energy he had consumed over the past few days. That day, he used the river water to shake off Catherine, but he only had less than half a day of buffer time. After leaving the river and resting for a while, Alan continued westward into the forest. Catherine finally caught up to them before dawn, and the two of them fought again. Since there were traces of headhunter activity nearby, Allen decided to lure Catherine to a smaller headhunter tribe to escape.

Over the next few days, the two of them continued to chase after each other, tangling with each other and separating from each other. During this process, Alan felt that Catherine did not have enough killing intent towards him, and she always had a heavy heart. If it wasn't for this, how could he escape while fighting? If Katherine had attacked with all her might from the start, Alan would have been seriously injured even if he hadn't died. He was unable to hide in a cave as he was doing at this moment. He even carelessly took care of a hidden monster and absorbed a bit of blood energy to replenish his own consumption.

Looking back on the past few days, Alan felt that he had gained a lot. Catherine's combat skills were very exquisite. Being able to take her as her opponent would greatly benefit Alan himself. Through this Commonwealth Major General, Allen was able to experience the combat techniques of that level of expert himself. Katherine was strong enough to put pressure on Alan, but she didn't want to kill him and didn't take his life. Such an experience was extremely rare.

One must know that martial dao is like a saber, the saber is not sharpened, martial dao is the same. Alan had experienced a rare sharpening stone like Catherine's for the past few days, and his gains in the Martial Saber Realm were like thousands of kilometers in a day. Now he didn't want to end the training too soon, and only hoped that Catherine would be entangled for as long as possible.

He wiped the blood hymn with his hand, bringing along the blood of the hidden monster. Alan used them to wipe his cheeks, armpits and chest. This was to conceal his scent, and for a period of time, it would emit a lurking monster's scent. It would cause other hidden monsters to mistakenly think that they were of the same species, and it would also cause some low-level underground creatures to retreat upon smelling the Qi, saving them some trouble. After doing all this, Alan found a hidden place to sit down, took out the nutrients from his backpack, took a bite, and slowly swallowed them.

With the nutrients in his stomach, it was as if a ball of fire had ignited in his stomach. All the amino acids and proteins contained in the nutrients were released and converted into energy for Alan to absorb.

His stamina was gradually recovering.

According to the plan, Alan would stay here for five minutes before continuing to move. Catherine will soon find his current hiding place and follow. Allen, who had earned a buffer of time, would have a chance to fight her head-on. Afterwards, they fled, traveled, rested, and counterattacked. Over the past few days, he had repeated this exercise many times. Even Alan could roughly predict when Catherine would appear.

While fighting and fleeing, he had begun to familiarize himself with Catherine's style of action.

However, this time seemed to be an exception.

Three minutes later, the sound of wind came from a deep underground passageway in front of him. It was the sound of an object moving through the air at high speed. However, the sound was accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, and it was somewhat deep. It didn't look like Catherine. If it was her, the sound would be softer and longer. Alan frowned. If it wasn't for Catherine, it was an underground creature. He didn't want to waste his energy on the natives of these planets, so he shrunk back, keeping himself close to the warm walls. He smelled like a lurking monster. Other than a few exceptionally powerful species, other creatures would naturally bypass the smell of him. josei

Soon, darkness came crashing out of the passageway. Allen could clearly see that it was a lurking monster from the fluorescence emitted by some shimmering mushroom coat beneath the ground. It seemed to be being chased by something. Its speed did not slow down as it charged in Alan's direction with its hands and feet like a gorilla.

This was the last thing Alan wanted to see.

Without hesitation, he immediately flashed out of his hiding place. Allen stepped on thin steps, but his speed was astonishingly fast. Moreover, his figure swayed unsteadily, and blurry afterimages appeared on the edges, making it difficult to predict his movements. In the blink of an eye, he crashed into the ambush monster's embrace. Blood hymns were buzzing as he continuously entered and exited the ambush monster's body. The last horizontal stroke ended the attack, and Alan retreated like a tide.

Only after retreating a few meters did he stand still. It was only at this time that the hidden monster's body coughed out a fountain of blood and collapsed to the ground. Alan exhaled, but he didn't let this guy shout. Otherwise, giving it a high-frequency roar would attract all of its peers. It was a pity that Alan hadn't completely relaxed yet, and the wind was blowing again. Three more lurking monsters were knocked out from the surrounding passageways.

Looking at their panicked expressions, it was as if they had run into a natural enemy and had no choice but to flee. However, it was such a coincidence that they all ran to where Alan was. At this moment, a faint but familiar aura appeared in the depths of a passageway on the left.


Alan could only smile bitterly. The Major General had obviously changed his tactics. Instead of chasing Alan alone, he used his powerful aura to chase away the underground creatures. Let them search, and consume Alan's stamina. Ellen was sure that there were creatures like lurking monsters or earth dragons running around in the other tunnels of the cave. Once a creature in one direction suddenly died, Catherine could easily lock onto Alan's location.

This is a simple and effective method.

After all, Alan didn't choose to flee. He put away his smile and reached out to catch it. An invisible force field drove the Blood Hidden Heavy Saber that was stabbed in the back, causing the Blood Hidden Heavy Saber to tremble as it jumped out of the ground and fell into Alan's hands. The moment he held onto Xue Yin, Alan's aura surged. As he straightened his back, his aura became even more tyrannical as he charged at the three hidden monsters like flames.

The hidden monster's figure was stifled by Alan's might. The sharp black claws on their hands and feet desperately plunged into the ground to stop themselves. Alan had already raised his saber and flashed forward. The blood energy around the heavy saber surged like a burning dark red flame. As the saber's momentum swept towards the three hidden monsters, Blood Hidden moved, and an imposing aura of thousands of troops instantly appeared. It was exactly in line with the artifact nature of the heavy saber.

However, just as he was about to hit the first monster, Xue Yin nimbly wiped the monster's throat and floated to the other side. Allen stepped on his agile footsteps and passed by the three hidden monsters in an instant. He stopped and pointed his saber at the ground. The three bat-like heads behind him flew up at the same time. Then, the headless corpse spat out a Dao Blood Spring.

These lightning-like sabers were the essence of Alan's several days. That day, Catherine had pointed out that only deep-spectrum artifacts could be used to forget the physical nature of weapons. Only by attacking without restriction would one be able to feel the entrance to the hall of battle techniques and be considered as entering the hall. At this moment, it was still a little short of what Catherine had described, but it was much more refined than before.

Those sabers were powerful, but they were as light as the wind and turned like lightning. With a hint of natural satisfaction, it was no longer restricted by the nature of heavy weaponry. With actual combat, it was impossible to defend against. If Alan had been able to kill these three monsters in the blink of an eye in the past, it would have been an incomparably tragic ending, and he would not have been able to kill them so cleanly and swiftly as he was now.

The moment the three hidden monsters died at the same time, the girl who was walking underground raised her face. The black and gray ponytail gently floated up and instantly pulled straight. Catherine had already leaned forward, and she was like an arrow that had left the string, lightning flashing towards the direction where the hidden monster's aura had disappeared.

In less than a minute, Catherine saw the four hidden monsters lying on the ground. A deep and gloomy light flashed through her eyes as she swept her gaze over the corpses. He only stayed on the three headless corpses for a moment, but he stayed on the first ambush monster that Alan had killed for a long time. In the end, she walked over and gently stuck her hand into the back of the corpse.

As she groped for the corpse of the hidden monster, a series of images naturally appeared in her mind. In those scenes, Alan was approaching like a ghost. He must be holding a weapon like a dagger in his hand. Otherwise, the wound would not have been so thin. If it was Xue Yin, a hole would have been pierced in the monster's chest long ago. After the short knife entered his body, it first cut off the monster's spine and paralyzed its movements. Then, he cut through the muscles and nerves and stabbed them into the heart, ending the monster's life.

The hidden monster's wounds were very smooth. Whether it was muscles or bones, they were easily cut open by Alan like cheese. Compared to the three headless corpses on the ground, this corpse was more indicative of Alan's strength. Catherine's lips curled into a faint smile, and when she noticed that she had lost her composure, she immediately pursed her lips again.

The first time she attacked, she realized that she couldn't kill Alan. Otherwise, Alan would not have had the chance to escape that night by rivers, which was something that was unique to Catherine. Only she knew how determined she had been to harvest Ellen before that, and that was why she had appeared in the snow crystal mine.

But even so, when facing Alan, she always hesitated when she could kill him, so she gave Alan the chance to escape again and again.

Catherine hadn't even used the Snake Empress' projection yet. Rather than chasing after him, she felt that she was trying to sharpen Allen's combat skills. The corpse beneath his feet was proof of this. This feeling was very strange and uncomfortable.

What the hell are you thinking? Catherine shook her head. Wasn't it her goal to kill Alan and seize the King Snake's blood? But when this goal was right in front of him, why couldn't he do it?

Another voice said in his heart, "Because if you kill him, there will be one less person of his kind in this world." This is the only person of your kind?

Catherine tried her best to get the voice out of her mind, or else the voice would continue to exist and the Reaper's scythe would become blunt.

At this moment, the fluff behind Catherine's neck suddenly stood up. She suddenly looked back and saw that in the deep eyes that had completely annihilated everything, a bright red light that surpassed blood was growing stronger and stronger!

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