Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 851

Chapter 851: Out Of Control

A yellow light beam illuminated this lonely and deep space. A dark-colored, simple-looking high-speed warship could pass under this beam of light. The beam of energy even reflected a yellow light from the ship's porthole, illuminating the faces in the window. The warship spun 360 to the left and circled behind a mountain-sized meteor. Hundreds of beams of light landed on the surface of the meteor. The meteorites that were already cratered were blown up to the point of being even more devastated.

Behind the warship were five identical flying ships and two Grai Giants.

Behind the meteorite, in the cockpit of the flying ship, Alan and the others heaved a sigh of relief, only to see the radar continuously notifying the enemy ship that it was bypassing the two sides of the meteorite, preparing to split up and attack together. At this moment, Hubble snorted and fiercely pressed down on the lever, causing the horizontally suspended airship to immediately turn 90 degrees and fly straight down against the surface of the meteorite. This caused the people sitting in the driver's seat to firmly fix themselves to their seats, so that they wouldn't be thrown out by the sudden change of direction.

"Come on, bastards!" Hubble shouted loudly. At this moment, only the word excitement remained on his face.

Originally, Belmond planned to fly the airship himself, but the airship's piloting system used alien characters, but he didn't understand a single word. Only Hubble could read these words. Helplessly, Belmond had to hand the flying ship over to Hubble. Everyone clearly remembered how dangerous it was when Hubble escaped in the cabin of the mothership, and how he almost crashed the airship into the cabin.

However, after familiarizing himself with the basic operation, this Catu showed his talent in piloting an airship, making it easy for him to play with it. However, his movements were too large, making it very difficult for the people in the driver's seat to sit. But because of this, Hubble's movements were often beyond the expectations of the enemy ships, allowing him to repeatedly escape the pursuit of the enemy.

Just like now, the fighter ship charged down vertically, causing the enemy ship that had bypassed the meteorite to pounce into the air.

After the warship broke away from the meteorite, it regained its level. Then, electric fire burst out from its stern engine and it sped away. The enemy ship chased after him, and the two Grai giants were eyeing him covetously. Hubble glanced at the radar and shouted, "We have to fight back, or they'll hit us sooner or later!"

Alan agreed. So he kept Hubble flying horizontally, while he and Belmond operated cannon platforms on both sides of the ship. Seeing that the two of them were ready, Hubble commanded the flying ship to turn around and pounce on the enemy ship. The Gaztu on the enemy ship was overjoyed. The energy cannon on the ship continued to bombard, causing countless dots of light to appear in front of the porthole.

Even Catherine's expression had begun to change as the rain of light flew towards her, and Tarikova screamed even harder. At this moment, Hubble shouted loudly, controlling the flying ship to dive down and brush past the rain of light. The battleship flew close to the edge of the rain of light and then lifted up. Allen and the other two didn't know how to attack, but the two turrets continued to fire, sending high-energy beams of light towards the enemy ship.

The Catus apparently did not expect this. Immediately, two airships were blown up, turning into dazzling fireballs in space. The remaining enemy ships split to the left and right, allowing the two Grai giants behind the middle cushion to attack. Just as the giant was about to pounce, a wave of fear flashed through his heart. Not only them, but all the people on both sides also had a strange feeling. Then, in the direction he came from, a dazzling ball of bright light suddenly lit up in the extremely distant space!

This ball of intense light even made both sides forget to open fire. In the starship of the Catus, they enlarged the image of the space where the strong light was. They could see that the mother ship they were riding on shook violently, continuously rushing out thick and blazing pillars of fire from the hull of the ship. The mothership was exploding, fireballs firmly blooming on its surface. External armor blocks capable of defending against strong shocks flew up, and those antennas and turrets were blasted into pieces. josei

When a dazzling bright light lit up in the center of the ship, the entire screen instantly turned snow-white. The Catus looked through the porthole and saw a dazzling dot of light appearing in that direction. On the upper and lower sides were several inverted curtains of light. The arc of light continued to move and spread. Finally, a bright light flashed in the center of the arc, and then a ribbon of light extended to the left and right. This ribbon of light spanned tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant, as if it wanted to split the universe apart.

The ribbons of light flashed twice, then quickly retracted, finally forming hundreds of fireballs at the center. Fireballs of all sizes overlapped and blossomed one after another, forming a fierce impact that even the flying ships in the distance could feel. Whether it was the Catus or the Grai Giants, their motherships had actually exploded!

Only after the explosion was over did they regain their senses. And at this moment, where was the shadow of Allen and the others' airship?

When he sensed the explosion of the mothership, Hubble took advantage of the opportunity to flee. Only at this time did the people on board let out a sigh of relief. Hubble snorted his hometown tune, but it didn't sound like a compliment.

"We just need to return to the Garden of Eden." Allen said, then his expression suddenly stiffened. "Damn it, do any of you know the coordinates of the Garden of Eden?" He said.

Without coordinates, it would be equivalent to fishing for needles in the sea. Sailing in the universe was not like sailing on a planet. As long as one knew the approximate location of their destination, they could determine the direction through the stars and the sun, and thus choose the correct direction to sail. But in the universe, without coordinates, even if the navigational path was slightly off course, it would still be impossible to reach the white ground.

Previously, no one had thought that the mothership would actually be far away from the Garden of Eden, so naturally, it would not have the coordinates of that super planet. Immediately, the atmosphere in the cab quietly froze. However, at this moment, Hubble let out a "yi" sound. Alan asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's a little strange." Hubble fiddled with the joystick, "Why is this thing suddenly uncontrollable?"

"What do you mean?" Alan stepped forward and saw Hubble leave the lever with both hands, but the lever was actually operating on its own. At this moment, the warship turned around and flew in another direction. Allen's expression immediately changed. "Not good, who's controlling our operating system from afar!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions immediately became serious.


It was winter, and most of the earth's surface was covered with snow. Over the centuries since the Battle of Dawn, radiation from the surface has declined year by year. In the past hundred years, the Federation has devoted itself to the purification of environmental pollution, and it has been very effective. The amount of radiation on the earth's surface has now fallen to a level that the human body can withstand. Every year, the number of babies affected by radiation tends to decline, while the average life expectancy of ordinary people is prolonged. Life expectancy has quietly increased from 40 years a hundred years ago to around 50 to 60 years now. Changes in life expectancy are indicative of changes in the environment.

But undoubtedly, compared to floating islands, the surface of the earth could still be described as harsh.

These past few years, because the Gate of Freedom and the Federation were hostile to each other, it made life even harder for ordinary people. But for Van der Sie, the political changes did not have much of an impact on the town. After all, the surface of the land was sparsely populated, and the political influence was limited to the major cities and cities in the administrative districts. It was like this small town situated under a continuous mountain range, separated by a large area of primeval forest. No matter how heavy the rain is outside, it is always difficult to reach this small town.

The town was named after the first mayor. Back then, there were less than twenty people in the first batch to arrive at the town. Back then, Mayor Van der Sie was still a captain. After retiring from the army, he brought a few old subordinates here to take root and settle down. They burned down the forest here, cultivated their own land, and gradually developed into a village. From the village, they became a small town now. Currently, Van der Sie Town had hundreds of families and over 400 people. The town has expanded several times, but it still maintains a secluded lifestyle.

It was winter, and the farmland was covered with winter snow, making it impossible to cultivate. Most of the wild beasts had entered hibernation. As for the few that did not hibernate, it was extremely dangerous. Even the most experienced hunters in the town wouldn't try to get their hands on them. All the work in the town came to a halt, and most of the people had stocked up enough food before winter. The following long winter was mostly spent sleeping and socializing.

Businessmen seldom patronize this season. So when an unmarked flying car drove into town, people's curiosity was immediately attracted. The majority of the townspeople had never seen such a high-end thing as a flying car in their entire lives. Occasionally, only a few mountain merchants would drive flying cars. However, most of those flying cars were cheap goods, unlike the current one, which was painted bright and silent.

The flying car finally stopped in front of the blacksmith's house. Baventer was one of the few blacksmiths in town who had come to settle in twenty years ago. There were five or six iron doctors in the town, but it was acknowledged that Baventer was the best. Moreover, he was proficient in a variety of skills. Not only could he forge swords and blades, he could also forge simple armor, even tools for catching beasts or farm supplies. In fact, Baventer had even built several shotguns. From the body of the gun to the parts inside, he made them all by hand. The only thing he relied on was an electronic machine tool that wasn't very precise.

When the flying car stopped, a butler-like man came out of the driver's seat. Then, he opened the car door and respectfully said to a figure in the car, "Master, we're here."

Thus, the figure got out of the flying car and appeared in the winter sun. This was an old man with a faint dignity. He raised his head to look at the low house in front of him. The roof of the wooden house was even slightly open, and the chimney had been in use for an unknown number of years. It was surrounded by a layer of black carbon, which was emitting grey smoke from time to time. As for the window, the door, and the wooden stairs, they all said the word'ruined '. The man laughed and said to the butler, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that Old General Meslin's personal craftsman, Baventer, would be hiding in such a place."

The butler smiled and said, "But I still can't hide it from Master."

The man shook his head and sighed, "If it weren't for him being able to repair Alan's Thousand Average, I wouldn't want to disturb him. After all, he chose to live in seclusion because he didn't want to see anyone else from before."

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