Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 856

Chapter 856: Space Base

Allen stood in front of the side porthole. At this moment, outside the porthole was the mysterious universe. On the left side, a huge nebula curled up. From afar, it looked like cotton wool. Thousands of colors slowly fainted. Vitality was boundless, and the weather was endless. It adds a lot of color to this monotonous space. It looked like the nebula was within reach, but in reality, Alan knew it was far away. How far is it? After flying for about ten days and a half months, he might not be able to arrive.

The location of this airship was different.

This place was lonely and desolate, as if it had already reached the edge of the universe. It was extremely out of tune with the thriving atmosphere in this region. There was a deathly aura everywhere, and no stars could be seen. On the contrary, there were several meteorites piled up in rocks.

Another figure appeared on the window.

Ellen didn't need to look back to find out who it was and said, "Can't get in touch?"

Catherine, who had lost a scorpion spear, was silent with a folded snake sickle hilt in the sack of martial artifacts hanging at her waist. Holding the tactical board, she pursed her lips and shook her head, "It's too far away to send the message back to the Garden of Eden. We've lost contact."

"As expected." Ellen flicked the porthole with his finger. "Look, how beautiful that nebula is."

"Now you still have the heart to look at this." Katherine put away the tactical board. "We're in a terrible situation. There's no telling where the ship will go."

"Perhaps it's hell." Alan said casually, then turned around with a bright smile, "But with you here, there's no difference between hell and heaven."

"Didn't you think that we wouldn't be able to return just like that?"

"If you can't go back, then you can't go back." Alan smiled bitterly, "I just didn't have time to say goodbye to Lucy, and I wonder if she'll be angry with me."

Catherine's gaze softened and she leaned against Alan's shoulder, not knowing if it was impossible for her to return. Ellen stretched out his hand and naturally wrapped it around her thin waist. She closed her eyes and said, "The year of the heavy snow, the king snake attacked our village. That day, my father, who had forgotten what he looked like, was eaten as a belly meal by the king snake. Before he was eaten, he wanted me to live. So I survived, but this time, I probably won't be able to keep this promise."

Alan clenched his hands and said indifferently, "It's not necessarily too early to say this now. I won't give up until the end anyway."

Catherine looked at him in surprise.

He looked out of the porthole at the nebula that was slowly disappearing like cotton and said, "Because I also promised to live. If I die without doing anything, I would be sorry for her."

The light in the nebula surged, forming Lanny's face, which flashed and disappeared like a foam phantom.

Catherine didn't know it was her? Or him?

"Young Master!"

Belmond came to the two with a serious expression and nodded to Catherine. However, her face was filled with undisguised surprise. After Catherine removed her indifference, she inadvertently revealed her weakness. She only wanted to let someone embrace her and protect her well. Seeing Belmore, Catherine quietly brushed away Ellen's hand and left the shoulder that she was temporarily relying on. Standing upright, she turned back into the Commonwealth Major General who could deal with all armies alone.

"What is it?" Alan retracted his hand, which had a faint red mark on it, and looked at his follower.

Belmond turned to look ahead. "You might have to take a look." His expression was one of anxiety and three of mystery. Alan could guess why he was so anxious, but he couldn't guess the mystery no matter what.

Unable to guess, he shook his head and looked at Catherine.

Wait for me here. Catherine read the meaning in her eyes and nodded with a smile. Xuan was dumbfounded again. Since when did he have a connection with his heart? Then she was slightly angry, thinking that she was at least much stronger than him, so why should she listen to him? However, she still found a quiet corner to sit down. Ever since her father died in the snake belly, there was no need for her to wait. It was also worth it for her to wait. And now, there was finally one.

Then, Laura came over. The wild Hulma woman stopped her sword on the floor and almost burst out a sentence from her mouth, "What exactly is the relationship between you two?"

Based on his previous temperament, it was time for the snake sickle to show its strength. But now Catherine was in a particularly good mood, so she blinked and raised her head, "Guess what?"

Laura probably couldn't guess, or perhaps she guessed but wasn't willing to accept it, so she would rather not guess. Alan didn't have to guess. When he arrived at the porthole at the front of the driver's seat, he saw a planet.

This was a gray-white planet, hanging alone in the dark curtain of space, giving off a sense of independence. There was no need to be too surprised to see a planet, as was the case with Hubble and Tarykova. However, Alan and Belmond looked at each other, and the gray planet reminded them of the past. That day on Planet Heaven, Vera used a painting to predict that the painting was related to a gray-white star. Up until now, both of them remembered the dead and desolate scene in the painting.

However, after that, there were many things, not to mention Belmond, even Alan himself had forgotten. It was only at this moment that Vera's prophecy came back to her mind when she saw the gray planet hanging in the distance.

Could it be that the planet the young girl predicted, the star of death on which Allen would encounter incomparably dangerous things, was the one in front of her?

All of a sudden, Alan had a hunch that the terminal of this airship was probably here.

No matter what, the airship kept moving forward at a constant speed. Even if he didn't want to come, the result would still come. Whether it was Vera's predicted Death Star or not, the gray-white star was firmly enlarging bit by bit in front of the porthole. Two hours later, Alan finally saw the planet clearly.

The planet is dead.

This was his first thought.

But he's not dead yet.

This was the second.

Only half of the grey-white planets remained. At the bottom of the star, half of it had already collapsed. Looking from the flying ship, one could still see a gray dragon sprinkled beneath the star. It was made up of fragments of the planet that had collapsed. They floated around the universe, and it would take many years for them to completely dissipate. Right now, this gray dragon was like a gray waterfall flowing out of a star, and in silence, it exhausted the tension of death.

So technically, it's a dying planet.

If you look at the star's ecosystem, it's dead. Even the force field had disappeared, otherwise the star wouldn't have collapsed. It was said that it didn't die because of the numerous antennas, fortified buildings, flickering colored lights, and many sharp cones that rose from the surface of the planet. Of course, these things weren't natural things on the planet, but were manually added to it.

There was no way of knowing its function, but at first glance, this Death Star was like a Star Destroyer. With Adahua Planet's strength, there was only one supership the size of a planet. The planet in front of him was naturally not a Star Destroyer. It had only been modified to a certain extent, but there was no way to know how it worked. Everyone on board was speechless when the airship slid down and saw the other side of the planet.

The planet circled around, and from the angle below, its body was almost hollowed out. Even if the planet was pitifully small, it was less than half the size of the moon. But no matter how small it was, it was still a planet. The hollowed-out star was filled with many construction works, and it was like a huge base hidden within the star. The center of the sphere was empty, and the surroundings were fixed with metal armor. It was as if these fortifications had not yet been completed, and one could see the spaceship floating within it, and even the Grai Giant carrying things bare-handedly.

Everyone in the airship looked at each other. Who would have thought that the outsiders would secretly build a space base here!

At this moment, the flying ship was flying towards the space base inside the planet. From afar, one could see the hive-like structure of the dock. One of the docks was slowly raising the armored cabin door. Two tractive beams shot out from inside and led the ship Allen and the others were on inside. Without a doubt, it was this space base that controlled the airship from afar. It seemed like it should be the terminal of the mother ship. josei

At this moment, in this alien space base, it was located in the command hall in the core area. A slender figure covered in a black robe stood on the platform. The platform was suspended in mid-air. Below it, there was a circle of gravitational force that firmly fixed the platform in this position and allowed it to move freely through the console. Surrounded by a circle of light screen, each screen reflects a corner of the space base. Whichever corner it was, what appeared on the screen were the fortifications that were being built.

At this moment, a Grai giant floated on the platform and respectfully said to the black-robed man, who was less than a tenth of his height, "Lord Berukai, Lord Ohm has instructed the recycled escape ship M317 to enter the eighth dock. Please indicate the next step."

Two balls of faint blue flames suddenly lit up in the black-robed hood, and then a shrill voice sounded, "That stupid pig Ohm can't even defend the Pioneer. Doesn't he know what this mothership means? Half of His Majesty's efforts have been destroyed by him!"

As members of the Grai Clan, it would naturally not be a pleasant thing to hear their boss being scolded. They often call the Catus wild boars, but that doesn't mean they are happy to be called pigs. However, the giant did not dare to get angry. After all, the one standing on the platform was the supreme general of Agares, Berukai, who was known as the Fire Demon. Not to mention him, even the expeller didn't dare to breathe in front of this big shot.

Unfortunately, Alan was not here. Otherwise, he would have recognized that this figure was the alien life he had seen in the Chaotic Valley of Frost Star that day.

Berukai walked back and forth, and blue flames constantly flew out from under his black robe. The giant cautiously retreated a little. He didn't want to be touched by these seemingly beautiful flames, not even a handful of them. Berukai finally came to a halt, and the two flames in his hat lit up. "Without the Pioneer, the most important step of the Death Star Project will not be completed. I can only start the backup plan. Listen, wait for Ohm to come back and tell him. Anyway, watch the Death Star for me until I come back!"

Then he brushed his sleeves and was about to leave.

"Sir, what about the escape ship?"

Berukai suddenly turned around and spat out two blue flames from the darkness of his hood, "Don't bother me with such a trivial matter. How can you deal with it? Since there are intruders hiding on that escaping ship, kill them all! Do you understand, you guys are as stupid as Barbarians Catu?"

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