Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 862

Chapter 862: Death Star Project

A shiny whip cut through the air and landed on the back of a federal soldier. The man almost fell to the ground, his clothes on his back torn, leaving behind a bloody mark. His eyes were red, his nose was like an ox, and the veins on his arms floated. "What are you doing, human monkey? Hurry up and get to work. If you don't move your hands and feet so slowly, you'll get ten lashes next time!" The guard behind him stared at the bronze bell-sized eyes.

The man howled and was about to risk his life. One of his hands held him tightly. He turned around and saw a middle-aged man with gray hair. The man said in a hoarse voice, "Let me fight him to the death, Captain!"

"If you still know that I'm the captain, then work for me. Desperate? What's the use of desperate? Can you fight them? If you want to desperate, you have to wait until the right time!" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

The soldier sighed.

Suddenly, another whip landed on the captain's body. "What are you mumbling about? Hurry up and get to work!" The guard shouted.

The captain endured the laughter, and the soldier beside him gritted his teeth, and finally endured it. He stretched out his hand to move a spherical component. This metal component was at least a hundred jin, and he could barely move it. But this time, he raised his hands forcefully, but the parts in his hands were easily picked up. The soldier who used the wrong force immediately fell to the ground. Just as he was in a daze, a few more lashes fell, causing his coat to shatter.

The guards behind him were cursing something, but the soldiers could not hear them clearly. They even felt that these lashes were not as powerful as before. Afterwards, he discovered that the Origin Energy in his body had actually become active again. Looking at the broken force lock in his hand, the soldier shouted and shook it forcefully, breaking the broken force lock.

Watching this scene, the guard Jia Tu was shocked and shouted, "What's going on?"

Before he could reply, the Federation soldiers had already pounced on him. The soldier rushed over and shouted, "Captain, that thing is out of order!"

The middle-aged captain noticed that the Origin Energy in his body had returned to normal and immediately shattered it. He grabbed the discus-like part in his hand and smashed it towards a guard not far away. The discus flew around and knocked the guard's head. The guard immediately turned around twice and fainted.

The laborers in the factory began to discover that the broken locks in their hands were useless. There were far more prisoners than guards in this place. Seeing Origin Energy recover, how could these captives not know how to take advantage of this opportunity to attack? In an instant, the entire factory went berserk. In the chaos. Often, before the Catu guards could fire a few shots, they were already thrown down by the wolf-like captives. The restored Origin Energy captives punched and kicked, even lifting heavy objects to smash them, and in a few moments, they were able to bring down the Catus' guards.

However, in a short moment, the factory had already become a mess.

Piero watched as the guards nearby fell to the ground and cried out for help. Looking at Hubble with a flattering smile, it was just that his appearance was not pleasing. Hubble snorted and slapped him, "Don't be disgusting."

Fortunately, he restrained his strength and didn't kill Piero with a single palm strike. However, the outsider grandmaster was depressed. No matter how he looked at it, this big fellow in front of him was still a Catu. Why did he deal with him?

Could it be that Vasak wanted to rebel? Piero was almost frightened to death by his rich imagination. Seeing that the factory was in chaos, it looked like the broken lock had lost control, and the master scolded the Catus for their incompetence. For a moment, Piero's big head was also in a mess.

He didn't know that this explosion. The cause of the chaos was right beside him.

When Alan saw that the mess was over, he naturally stopped pretending to be a prisoner. He removed the broken lock in three or two strikes, causing Piero, who was standing beside him, to stare straight at him. At this time, a few federal soldiers saw Hubble and treated him as an enemy. They rushed over with energy guns they had snatched from the guards.

"Catherine!" Alan shouted anxiously.

The soldiers raised their guns and were about to shoot. Suddenly, the figure in front of them blurred. Catherine, who had already revealed a snake sickle, blocked in front of them and said, "Stop!"

Whether it was the pair of strange colored ponytails or the crooked snake sickle, the soldiers recognized that it was the general known as Reaper, the symbol of Catherine! "General Catherine? Why are you here?" The soldier said with a confused expression.

"It's a long story." Catherine didn't want to explain too much to them at this time. She just pointed at Hubble and said, "Remember, this Cato is one of us. Of course, he's the only one."

The Federation had strict military discipline. The more elite the legion, the stricter the discipline. After confirming Catherine's identity, no one would ask "why". At most, it was strange. Alan walked over and asked, "How many of us are there?"

Looking at him standing beside Catherine, thinking that he was an officer he had never seen before, the soldier replied, "About a hundred people."

Alan nodded and said to Catherine, "It's useful to take them in."

Then he left.

The soldiers were even more confused. They were even more confused about Alan's origin. They couldn't figure out how he could point fingers at the major general. Katherine frowned. "Didn't you hear me? Go gather our men here. I'll give you three minutes!"

Military orders were like a mountain.

The soldiers immediately split up to inform their comrades. Allen walked back to Piero and looked at him with a smile that was not a smile. "Master Piero, I want to know what the real purpose of this base is. What is the use of gravity rings? Please know everything."

"No," Piero snorted.

Alan said to Hubble, "Kill him."

Hubble laughed sinisterly as his palms shrank. Piero was unable to lift his eyeball in one breath, and his three eyeballs almost popped out. He repeatedly gestured to Alan, who waved his hand before Hubble let go. Piero coughed violently and said, "The Death Star Project is a top secret operation against Adahua Planet that framed the Earth Federation …"

Grandmaster's stubbornness only lasted for two seconds before he summoned everything. Not only did Piero tell the truth, but he also told them everything he should have said, even what he shouldn't have said. He was no different from a traitor. However, the more Allen and the others listened to this, the more shocked they became. If this so-called Death Star Project succeeded, it would inflict heavy damage on Adahua Planet and turn them into enemies with the Federation.

The plan has been in place for three years.

Three years ago, the planet where this base was located had already entered the stage of exhaustion and imminent destruction. After being discovered by the Barbarians for some reason, they began to modify this star. The Baals refined the planet's final energy intake to obtain a substance called the Heart of the Stars, or Heart of the Stars, or Heart of the Stars, or Heart of the Stars. Stellar hearts are also called star cores, and Agares' life preferred to call them "jades of origin," meaning gemstones from the source of the planet.

Whether it was the Heart of the Stars, the Star Cores, or the Origin Jade. In short, the Origin Energy contained within such a substance was terrifyingly dense. Normally speaking, the planet's energy would gradually dry up and dissipate, rarely forming star cores. However, it was not ruled out that by chance, the planet would collapse and form a black hole. Black holes absorb everything, including the origin power of the planet itself.

Scholars have found that in the depths of black holes created by the collapse of stars, there are often high energy reactions. Those high-energy reactions were that the star origin energy was firmly absorbed by the black hole and continuously compressed toward the center, eventually forming a natural star core.

This star core in the Death Star Base was artificially created, and no matter the concentration or mass of origin energy, it was incomparable to a natural star core. However, once released, it would be enough to destroy a planet. In the worst case scenario, it would always be possible to create a large hole, but that would be no different from destroying a planet. Right now, the nucleus was stored in the central chamber of the base, and the central chamber was even equipped with a gravity ring, an artificial gravity generator.

According to Piero, the Death Star Project was to transform this planet into a planetary-level space weapon. The mothership Allen and the others had blown up earlier was the propeller of this weapon. The materials brought by the mothership included Shadow Star Diamonds that would be used for Barre wormhole installations, and Valerian Blue Steel, which was the core material of the Gravity Ring and related important accessories.

At that time, the Shadow Star Drill would be used as a medium to open a wormhole that would allow the Death Star Base to pass through. Let this planet head straight for Adahua Planet in the Garter Domain, then use the star core as the energy source to drive the gravity ring, turning the entire base into a gravity bomb. When this gravity bomb detonated on Adahua Planet, the damage it caused was absolutely destructive. Ten thousand steps back, even if the bomb was eventually intercepted by Adahua Planet. But when the people of Adahua Planet discover that the core material of the bomb is the strategic material of the Earth Federation, there will certainly be a series of interesting reactions.

"His Majesty Frius is truly far-sighted, thinking that I, Agares, have planted the seeds of discord in the alliance of Adahua Planet and the Federation of Earth without expending a single soldier. When the seeds take root and germinate, His Majesty will come to pick the fruit. The entire universe is not ours. "Hahahaha" Speaking of excitement, Piero laughed loudly. His laughter was filled with pride, but he had forgotten that he was now a prisoner.

The Outsider Grandmaster laughed happily, but Ellen and Catherine's expressions were extremely ugly. From the looks of it, the millions of troops of the alien alliance were charging towards the Garden of Eden. This was a cover in itself. Everything they did was to conceal the Death Star project. Among them, the insiders of the Federation even sold Shadow Movie Star Diamonds and Valley Blue Steel to outsiders, and they did all they could to dig their own graves, which was even more hateful!

But no matter how hateful and disgusting it was, the most urgent matter now was not to let this plan proceed smoothly. Otherwise, it would be an irreparable blow to both Adahua Planet and the Earth Federation. josei

Alan smiled bitterly and said, "Fortunately, some pioneer ship was blown up by us. In a short period of time, this plan should not work."

"What a joke, don't you know what a backup plan is? I think you'd better let me go early and snatch a boat and leave this place. Berukai has already started the backup plan, and another mother ship will arrive soon to replace the Pioneer. "It's just that the Shadow Star Diamond and Blue Steel on the Pioneer are all wasted, but it doesn't matter. The supplies are enough to start the project," Piero said proudly.

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