Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 901

Chapter 901: Invitation

"To your mother." Leon smiled and said a dirty word. The noble disciples just said that they wanted to kill, but in fact, they didn't have any killing intent. However, he scared the commoners in the tavern and told them to leave this place as soon as possible. Of course, Leon was too lazy to explain. He smiled and said, "Beauty, hurry up and draw the line. Do you want to fight or do you want to talk to me about Feng Yue? Or are you just passing by? Then let's split up. What do you think?"

The woman laughed out of surprise, "The young master of the William Clan actually played naughty too. This world is truly ridiculous."

She looked at Ellen and said, "So what if I don't know about the young master of the Beskard family?"

Without saying a word, Alan picked up Red King, who was standing beside him. The strips of cloth on the saber suddenly ignited without fire. With a swing of the saber, sparks filled the sky. Allen pointed his saber at the ground. On the empty floor, a row of ice spikes suddenly appeared on both sides of the blade. The woman's eyes shone brightly, "Your alertness is really high, young master."

Chi Wang raised his hand and pointed at the woman. The golden patterns on the saber lit up, and a faint red light appeared on the blade. The sparks of fire lingered around the saber, and Alan said calmly, "What do you want?"

"Suppose I let you gather your strength, can you leave alive?" The woman raised her hand and a few ice beads flew around her fingers. As the ice beads flew, the surface of the ice beads rose and fell.

Alan and Leon exchanged glances, both feeling troubled. This woman's Origin Energy was deep and shallow, not to mention her exquisite control of Origin Energy, she was definitely above them.

"You can try." Alan took a step forward, his back glowing red. There was a fireplace in the bar. There was originally a fire in the fireplace. At this moment, the flames suddenly grew strong and sprayed out a blazing flame. It opened its teeth and claws like a dragon before retracting. At that same time, all the candle and candles in the bar were puff up, illuminating the bar.

As if responding to Allen's high fighting spirit, Red King buzzed and trembled. The red light in the depths of the blade no longer appeared, but continued to shine, leaving behind a scarlet light on the blade. Red King's blade was as bright as if it had just been taken out of a stove. The heat of the bar was astonishing, dispelling the ice-cold energy released by the woman just now.

"Interesting." The woman smiled and said, "What is the meaning of this engraving?"

At this moment, the flame marks on Allen's body loomed, and a flame wheel engraving that covered his entire body appeared behind him. Leon looked at the engraving on Alan's back and murmured, "This brat is actually following the same path as Windsor Belo. Heh, it's a huge engraving. Discarding technique, concentrating on strength, it's really domineering."

Alan said indifferently, "You'll know what's going on if you try."

The woman nodded, her fingers relaxed, and a few ice beads flew between her fingers. The ice pearl left his hand and continued to grow, eventually turning into blue ball-sized ice balls that smashed towards Allen's head. Alan narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to hand over the knife. He only made a chopping gesture. Even though he had only done half of this action, Red King still hadn't really slashed down. However, when Red King slashed down, his saber power poured out like a floodgates.

Its momentum was like running a river, surging for thousands of kilometers!

The ice balls exploded, melted and evaporated. Smoke rose from the tavern and a scarlet streak of light flashed out.

The woman's eyes had a dignified expression as she pointed at the streak of light.

The jet splashed.

On the left and right sides of the woman, the tables and chairs were silently dislocated as if they had been sliced open by an invisible saber axe. The two strands of saber qi plowed through the ground in the shape of a V, instantly failing to pass the entire bar. The two-story bar shook and collapsed. For a moment, the silt poured down, stirring up dust and smoke like hangings. Before the dust landed on the ground, a wave of fire sprayed out from where the two strands of saber qi passed, and thick smoke billowed, causing the owner of the bar to be so bitter that his face almost burst into tears.

A good bar collapsed on both sides, leaving only the bar counter in the middle and the wine cabinet in the back to escape. The woman withdrew her fingers and took a glass of wine from the bar to drink. Her finger, which had blocked the pressure of Alan's invisible saber, flushed red. The woman sucked her fingertips and her expression was so seductive that Leon's teeth itched when he saw her.

Looking at her leisurely manner, Alan frowned, "Continue?"

"Continue what?" The woman giggled and said, "Kill you? Well, I was just joking just now. I was actually trying to weigh you."

"What for?"

"To assess whether you are qualified to accept the invitation." The woman nodded at Red King in his hand. "Can you put it away? You scared me."

"Pretend." Alan hung down Red King, but he did not leave his hand. He did not relax his vigilance towards this woman.

"Alright, then officially introduce myself. I am a member of the Light Concealment Society, code name Q." The woman glanced at Leon and said to Alan, "Mr. Allen, I wonder if you're interested in joining us in Light Concealment Society."

Alan was shocked. He had never thought that he would come into contact with that mysterious organization in such a way. Leon was right. This woman was simply here for him. Otherwise, why would she run into a member of the Light Concealment Society who gave the Federation a headache in such a remote place?

"How is it? Consider it?" The woman blinked her eyes and said, "This is a good thing that has fallen from the sky. If it was someone else, they would not be able to join the guild without three or five examinations. As for me, I can still talk inside. With my recommendation, I can guarantee that you are a senior member of the guild."

"I'm not interested," Ellen rejected.

The woman sighed and said, "Don't think about it. Although the Beskard family has a great career, it's not comparable to our Light Concealment Society family. Besides, you're not the head of the family yet. At the very least, even if you become the head of the family, the family's resources may not be at your disposal. I can guarantee that by joining our Light Concealment Society, you'll only get a lot more resources than Horn gave you."

She leaned forward slightly to show off the infinitely beautiful scenery on her chest. The woman smiled and said, "There are even other things you can get. For example, big sister can spend a few nights with you."

Alan looked at Lucy and smiled. "There's no need for that."

The woman had a pitiful look on her face.

"Anyway, I'm not interested in joining any organization. If you want to make a move, just come." Ellen looked at her.

"What's there to do? If you don't want to, can I force you to join the guild? Forget it, don't let me bump into you again. Next time, sister won't be so easy to talk to." The woman waved her hand to say goodbye and walked out of the ruins. josei

Alan stared at her until her figure disappeared from the street. He removed the imprint and exhaled. Leon narrowed his eyes and said, "Is it really that easy to talk to? Are you leaving just like that?"

"Just us, of course we don't have that much." Ellen smiled and said, "Fuding should be watching from somewhere. Grandpa is still worried about us scurrying around the surface."

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