Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102

“Do you have a copy function?” Lilly inquired in amazement. “How does it work? You copy and paste an object? Cute little mirror, why don’t you come back to Granny’s house with me? My granny cooks deliciously,” Lilly murmured softly.

High-end hunters often appear in the form of prey. “Since you begged for it, I shall accept the offer!” If it had a nose, it would almost tilt towards the sky.

With a smile, Lilly immediately said, “Alright! Let’s go!” She held the mirror in her hand since she remembered that it didn’t want to stay in the Hell Ruler Palace. The mirror chuckled and responded, “My name is not the mirror.” “What’s your name?”

“You used to name me the World Mirror,” the mirror bragged. A mirror that can be used to learn about the world. Nothing could escape the World Mirror.

“Such a beautiful name! I used to be awesome.” Lilly nodded. The World Mirror was wordless when Lilly complimented herself.

Finally, they could go back in peace.

In the Grey Earth.

The Black Cat was resting on a rock beside the spiritual spring. Some cats surrounded the sacred tree while practicing their power. The Little Heartless Cat opened its eyes, and I felt like I had become stronger! He showed off his biceps like a human. He felt hungry and hurriedly made his way to the nearby grass. He checked to make sure no cat had discovered him and pulled out a small dried fish. He received the dried fish from Lilly. He treasured them, and this was his second one. He felt a gaze on him, and as soon as he raised his head, the King of Black Cats was peering down at him with icy eyes.

The Little Heartless Cat shouted, “Meow!” He dropped the dried fish to the ground. The Black Cat said, “Lazy around our practice time, the dried fish is confiscated!”

The Little Heartless Cat protested in a low voice, “Your highness, I have eaten this dried fish!”

The Black Cat was stunned. What do you mean? Do you think I care about your dried fish? Ignorant brat!

The Little Heartless Cat did not dare to say a word but glanced at his dried fish on the ground.

Suddenly, a gust of wind passed them. “Hello and goodbye!” Lilly ran over them.

The Little Heartless Cat couldn’t stand straight.

The Black Cat mumbled, “Practice well.” He followed Lilly like an invisible lightning bolt. It’s not like I miss the dried fish from the Crawford family. I have realized I have left something in the Bellflower’s hand. I should go back and settle this with Bellflower.


In the house of Crawford. Bellflower sneezed suddenly, and it stopped licking its paws. Bettany said worriedly to Hugh, “Did Bellflower catch a cold?” Hugh replied while reading a book, “It’s just a few sneezes.” Bettany did not refute him; she looked through the window and said, “I miss Lilly. I hope she is doing great. Is she taking good care of herself?” Hugh stopped flipping through the book and said, “Nothing bad will happen to her. You should stop worrying.”

Jack entered the room and said, “Old Mrs. Crawford, Madame Lisa, and Mr. Anthony will be home tonight. Should we get more ingredients?” He had been getting old, but his posture was still perfect.

Bettany said in surprise, “Lisa is back too.” After the two got married, they were busy and only came back once in a while. They were just like Lilly.

Margaret said, “Old Mrs. Crawford, let me do the cooking today.” Children grew up day by day, but adults got older quietly. Margaret urges Old Mrs. Crawford to get some rest because her health has recently declined.

Bettany agreed to her suggestion, “Sure, you may do it.” I am getting old; maybe it’s time to let go of my responsibilities and rest. For a simple task such as cooking, I should leave it to others.

“Granny! I am back!” Far away, a small figure galloped across the lawn, yelling happily.

Bettany murmured, “Hugh, am I getting too old as I am seeing an illusion now? I saw Lilly.”

“You are not! Lilly is back!” Hugh suppressed excitement in his voice.

Margaret and Jack were stunned, and they said, “Little Miss is back!”

Just as the little figure was about to enter the door, Bettany stood up tremblingly and said, “Hurry up, shop for the ingredients! I can still cook!”novelbin


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