Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 1146

Chapter 1146

Chapter 1146

Jean is back? Edward, who was grinning, suddenly became serious and sat up straight. Hugh’s expression changed too.

Gilbert was stunned and quickly looked at the food on the table to see if there was anything Jean liked.

Liam had already brought out an extra plate, placed it beside Jean’s tableware, and kept picking up Jean’s favorite dishes.

Bettany wanted to say something several times but could not say it. In a trance, she saw a figure slowly appearing.

Jean smiled while holding a plate. She looked at Bettany and said flatteringly, “Mom! I’m hungry too!”

Bettany’s eyes were instantly red, and tears fell unexpectedly. She wiped it quickly and hurriedly picked up Jean’s favorite dish.

“Yes, let’s eat!” Bettany put the fish into Jean’s plate. “The fish is good. It’s the spicy flavor. You like it. I boiled the soup too. After you eat the fish, you can have some soup!”

When Jean was ill, she dared not eat anything. But it did not matter now.

“You used to want to eat these all the time, but I was afraid of parasites, so I didn’t make them for you. Now you can eat whatever you like…”

Hugh gave Jean a side dish. The pickled cucumber was crisp and salty. Jean also could not eat that before.

“Eat some cucumber. It’s refreshing…”

Bettany said, “Yes, eat some cucumber! But don’t eat much. You won’t be able to eat other things if you fill your stomach.”

After chatting with Jean, Bettany turned to Lilly. “Try this fried fish. I put salt and pepper on it while ensuring the original taste.”

Lilly stuffed two slices in one gulp and nodded repeatedly. “Delicious!”

“This is shrimp pasta! Your uncles made it. Eat more.”

Lilly asked, “Granny, where are Hannah and the others?”

Bettany answered, “It’s only 5.30 pm. They haven’t returned from school yet. They finished school at 6.00 pm today.”

Primary school dismissal time was different. Hannah applied for an extra after-school remedial class. She usually completed her homework there.

To wait for Hannah, Drake, Josh, and Zachary also applied for the school’s after-school interest classes. It did not matter if they learned something. Their purpose was to wait for each other and pass the time.

Lilly smiled. “Hannah is so good now. She can finish her homework in school!”

Liam nodded. “She has made great progress!”

Lilly thought. That’s because the automatic writing pen helped Hannah. Hannah isn’t stupid at all.

Edward made fun while eating, “If they know that Lilly came back today, they’ll regret it and skip classes.”

Lilly pondered, took a family portrait, and posted it in the family chat group. In the photo, Jean appeared.

Anthony and Jonas wrote, “!”

Bryson responded, “I’ll return with the rocket!”

Max wrote, “Bryson, take me!”

Cloud did not reply to the message. He should be doing a task.

Lilly typed quickly, “Be calm! Mommy and I will be back for New Year!”

This news immediately cheered up the Crawford family. They were looking forward to the New Year.

Edward approached Lilly and whispered, “Lilly, your mommy…”

He hesitated before asking, “Can’t your mommy go to reincarnation?”

He worried Jean could not reincarnate and would stay in the underworld. He heard that if the soul had not reincarnated, it would gradually fade and weaken until it turned into smoke. In the end, the soul got scattered.

Edward did not want that. Although he would be sad not to see Jean, he preferred that Jean would be reincarnated and be fine.

Lilly said, “Daddy protects Mommy. She won’t leave again. Nothing will happen. Don’t worry!”

Edward was overjoyed at first and then surprised. Lilly said Blake protects Jean.

Edward had always been unconvinced about Blake, but now he changed his mind. Hmph! Alright! I’ll accept him.

Edward ate happily and was glared at by Bettany, who said he was rude. Edward became obedient and ate slower in an instant.

After 6.00 pm, Hannah and the others came back. Hannah left the car listlessly and tiredly.

Jack said, “Little Miss Hannah…”

Hannah raised her hand. “Don’t call me. I’m tired and sleepy now. I’m not interested in anything.”

Drake carried his schoolbag slowly.

Josh was gesticulating something unconvinced, and Zachary made a height of contempt. Josh was so angry that he wanted to hit Zachary’s head.

Jack smiled. “Little Miss Lilly is back.”

Hannah was instantly refreshed and ran into the house. “Tell me sooner next time!”

Josh and Zachary ran behind Hannah. “Lilly!”

Drake snorted coldly. “You all are so childish.”

However, his pace could not help but quicken a little.


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