Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 1182

Chapter 1182

Chapter 1182

The two female ghosts were cursing at each other. If they had not just escaped from Hell’s Ruler Palace and the Ruler of Hell could not recognize them, they might be reborn with disfigured faces in their next life. Consequently, they would have to fight again.

Now their faces were in each other’s eyes, and they had no choice but to find them back.

Annie and Catalina were ready to die again.

At this moment, they realized that only a short time had passed in the mortal world.

There were a lot of people gathered by the river, filming the river with their phones.

“Two women fell into the river and drowned!”

“What’s going on?”

There were too many people, and those who could not get in were holding their phones high, capturing something in the river that they could not see clearly beyond the crowd.

“I heard they are both college students! They fought over a sugar daddy.” A middle-aged man chuckled and told the people around him about the inside story he knew.

“One is a female college student from Seabury, and the other is a female college student from Flyver University. The same sugar daddy sponsored both of them, but the girl from Seabury found out about the other girl.”

“The two girls confronted each other! I heard that this time, the sugar daddy is taking the girl from Flyver University on a trip to Cloud Province, and the girl from Seabury traveled a long way to catch them in the act.”

Female college student.

Being a mistress.

Catching them in the act.

As soon as these three keywords were mentioned, many people took out their phones and pointed them at the middle-aged man, who said, “Hey, don’t film me. This is insider information. I’ll get scolded when I go back later.”

Everyone kept saying they did not film him, but they filmed his belly and laughed uproariously.

Annie and Catalina stood there dumbfounded, silently listening to him talk about the inside story.

“They were both mistresses. A mistress was crying, Stop mistress.”

“Hahaha, that’s right. I guess sugar daddy did not give them enough money.”

“Women nowadays are so materialistic, and their hearts are extremely narrow.”

The middle-aged man said, “Exactly, that’s how it happened. They fought each other when they met, and in the end, they both fell into the river and drowned.”

“You guys did not see it. Even after falling into the river, they didn’t stop. They were fighting in the water, and both ended up drowning each other.”

“They deserve it!”

Everyone else agreed.

The middle-aged man spoke vividly and with an exaggerated expression. The onlookers, who were just bystanders, did not care about the truth. They only cared about whether the gossip they heard was

exciting enough.

Annie and Catalina were trembling with anger.

But they were both dead!

They wanted to curse those people many times, but now they could not do it anymore.

“Being reborn is more important,” Catalina said silently.

Annie found it difficult to calm down. Although she was still moving forward, she could not stop cursing that despicable and rumor-mongering man!

Unexpectedly, just after drifting for a hundred meters, the opinions of the onlookers in front differed.

“I heard they were lesbians, having an online relationship, and they arranged to meet here this time,” a middle-aged woman said.

“Because their families didn’t agree after they met, they found that reality was different from what they saw online, and they gradually started arguing.”

“They argued until they both fell into the river and drowned.”

Hearing this explanation, people around them sighed.

“Those homosexuals should go to hell.”

“It’s because they had brought bad influence to society. Look, now so many children are learning from the Internet! They don’t study well! They have made everything chaotic.”

Annie and Catalina were speechless.

They glanced at the person closest to them, watching the phone. It was a video of the two drowning victims fighting each other in the water.

Comment 1, “What’s going on? They are drowning and still fighting each other.”

Comment 2, “Caught in the act, huh? Such deep hatred, haha, it’s hilarious.”

Comment 3, “Can’t you stop assuming the worst about others? Spreading rumors about girls just shows how low you are. A bunch of scumbags! They’re dead, and you’re still blabbering. Aren’t you afraid of karma?”

Comment 4, “Oh, you are blaming each other? Feminists, can’t we say a word? You did it yourselves and are still afraid of what others say. You women are all the same!”

Various comments of all kinds.

Various arguments and insults.

Under each popular comment, there are over a hundred opinions freely hurling insults at each other.

This scene seemed familiar yet surreal to the deceased Annie and Catalina, and they found it quite ridiculous.

Is this how they died?

The two exchanged a glance, remained silent, and turned their heads, silently heading towards the river.

In the river, their bodies were pulled out of the water.

Catalina’s mother was relatively close and flew directly to her after receiving the news.

At this moment, she pushed through the crowd and shouted, “Let me through, my daughter, my daughter!”

Catalina looked at the boarding pass still clenched in her mother’s hand.

She had been holding it since boarding the plane, and even after getting off, she had forgotten to put it away.

“My mom is so frugal. When we used to travel, she would rather take an overnight train than fly with me for an hour.”

“She treasures valuable things so much that she would hide them in the innermost pocket of her clothes. Oh, she even sewed hidden pockets in her underwear. When she goes on a long trip, she puts the money directly into the hidden pocket in her underwear.”

Such a frugal person like her, holding onto the boarding pass.

“In the past, even if I told her that the boarding pass was useless after boarding the plane, she would still put it in the innermost layer of her bag.”

But now…

Tears welled up in Catalina’s eyes, and she burst into tears.


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