Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Chapter 324 Lend Me Seven Years

The girl looked at the time.

Oh my goodness, it’s already 3?

She regretted her actions and realized she was supposed to go to bed.

Just as she thought about it, she saw another video of a man holding a chicken and hitting a bowl.

“I wasn’t supposed to laugh at night. But I laughed so hard when I read the comments,”

The girl laughed so hard and replied to the comment, This is so me,”

She thought as she replied to the comment.

I should sleep after one more video…

However, her thumb seemed to have a mind of its own and swiped for more videos.

The next video related to her more as the lyrics of the audio sounded like what she was going through.

“Sleeping at midnight, waking at six, I’ll end up in the ICU! Sleeping at one, waking at six, the Ruler of Hell calls me healthy! Sleeping at two, and waking at six, the urn is a cuboid! Sleeping at three, waking at six, tombstones will accompany me!”

“Sleeping at four, waking at six, I’m hanging on the wall Sleeping at five, waking at six, you and I are on a trip to heaven!”

“Stay up late crazy today, and enjoy the world of bliss tomorrow! Stay up, stay up, stay up late…”

The girl commented, “It’s half past three. Can I still be cured?”

The girl found herself caught in a cycle where the more she desired to sleep early, the later she stayed up?

She could not help but wonder why this was happening She continued to laugh from time to time as she was scrolling through her phone in a blanket.

Unbeknownst to her, a female ghost stood behind her, wearing a wicked grin and muttering, “You and I are on a journey to heaven…”

The female ghost, no longer content with merely standing by the bed, silently climbed onto the bed and positioned herself behind the girl.

Mimicking the girl’s posture, she curled up and pretended to hold a phone with her spectral hands.

As the girl laughed, the ghost laughed along, gradually drawing closer and closer.

Only then did she hear the girl hear the ghost whispering in her car, “My beloved sister…”

The girl tightly squeezed her eyelids shut, yet she couldn’t bring herself to put down her phone. She was caught in a state of drowsiness, unsure if she was fully awake or half asleep. A chilling sensation enveloped her, inexplicable in its origin.

Amidst the ambiance, a noise resonated in her ears, accompanied by a voice whispering into her car. The voice was audible, yet the words were incomprehensibile to her. It was as if a person was learning to speak


for the first time, struggling to form coherent sounds. Initially, they managed to utter a single syllable,

“Sis… I… Seven…”

The girl was suddenly frightened, and she found that she could not move!

The short video on the phone continued playing, and the girl could even hear the accompanying sound 7 and music. However, she found herself unable to move, as if held in place by an invisible force.

She was acutely aware of a presence behind her as if someone was trying to communicate with her. Fear gripped her, leaving her with no choice but to pretend to sleep, hoping that the unseen entity would eventually retreat.

The voice persisted, speaking incessantly, refusing to cease its incessant chatter, repeating its words over and over again….

The girl finally heard the words clearly, what she said was- Sister, lead me seven years!

Lend me seven years… Lend me seven years… Lend me seven years!

The voice grew increasingly desperate and frenzied, sending shivers down the girl’s spine.

She was paralyzed with fear, unable to make even the slightest movement. Though she wished to close her eyes and escape the haunting presence, she found herself unable to do so. Her gaze remained fixated on the phone, which continued replaying the same short video, trapping her in a loop of unsettling visuals.


Overwhelmed by fear, the girl teetered on the brink of tears. The relentless voice continued its haunting. presence, intensifying her distress. She could not shake off the chilling sensation crawling across her shoulders, as if an unseen hand rested upon her.

Suddenly, a series of rapid knocks echoed through the door of her room, reverberating with a sense of


“Thump. Thump… Thump…” The sound approached, reminiscent of the hurried footsteps of a child. The girl’s heart raced, her mind filled with a sense of impending doom.

At this time, the voice beside her ear disappeared, and the cold feeling also disappeared.

The girl’s stiff fingers trembled, and she felt alive again,

But she did not dare to look behind,

“Miss,” A delicate voice sounded, “It’s me…”

In the next instant, a small hand extended before her, reaching out in such a manner…

Overwhelmed by terror, the girl could not contain herself and let out a scream. She leaped off the bed and landed with a thud in the corner, pulling the quilt along with her.

“Don’t… Stay away!” Her eyes brimmed with fear, and her face turned pale.

Lilly retrieved a requiem talisman from her possession and firmly affixed it to her forehead.

“Puff… Miss, blow blow,” the little one exhaled, gently blowing towards her.


Miraculously, the girl’s anxiety dissipated instantly, and she gazed at Lilly in a dazed manner.

Wait a minute… wasn’t this little girl the one I accidentally bumped into carlier this morning?

“It’s you?” The girl tightly clutched the blanket, her voice still trembling with fear.

Lilly reassured, “There’s no need to worry, young lady you can stand up now,”

With weak legs, the girl rose slowly, supporting herself with the bedside table. She cast a quick glance around the room.

Nothing. There was nothing out of the ordinary.

The room remained silent, with only herself, Lilly, and a tall man.

To avoid arousing suspicion, the man leaned outside the door, revealing only his back.

“Little girl, how did you…” The girl’s voice trembled with shock and fear, her knuckles turning white as she clutched the blanket tightly.

Lilly blinked, glanced at Blake, and recited the explanation he had previously discussed during their journey. “Daddy and I happened to be passing by when we heard you scream, so we forcefully entered the


The girl was silent.


Did she yell?

She could not recall any of it. The only memory she retained was the unsettling sensation of someone lurking behind her, rendering her too terrified to utter sound.

Observing Lilly, the girl noticed her bending down and retrieving something from the ground, muttering to herself while doing so.

Regardless, the entire situation felt incredibly strange. Why would a little girl and a man pass by her door at three or four o’clock?

As the girl prepared to speak, she caught a glimpse of her shoulder in the mirror’s reflection.

To her shock, she noticed a handprint imprinted on he shoulder.

Indeed, it was a handprint, resembling a muddy impression left on her shoulder.

The girl’s face froze, and everyone present stood in stunned silence.

Glancing down at the ground once more, they discovered a trail of wet marks surrounding her bed, as if someone had been pacing back and forth beside it moments ago.

As the girl’s legs gave way, she collapsed to the ground with a soft thud, her body trembling with fear.

Lilly, standing nearby, observed the girl’s distress and asked with concern, “What’s the matter, Miss?”

It was then that Lilly noticed a distinct handprint on the girl’s shoulder. Due to her height, it had gone

unnoticed until now.


Without hesitation, Lilly approached and gently patted the girl’s shoulder, causing the handprint to vanish

as if it had never been there.

The girl’s tense posture cased slightly as she attempted to shift the focus of the conversation. She asked, “What’s your name, little girl?”

Lilly, having cleared the handprints from the girl’s shoulders, resumed his previous position and began gathering the scattered items on the floor. He replied, My name is Lilly, Miss. And what’s your name?”

The girl. Tiffany, observed Lilly’s actions with curiosity and replied, “My name is Tiffany… Lilly, what are you picking up?”

Lilly looked up with an innocent smile and responded, Miss Tiffany, I’m picking up…. crickets.”

The young girl had initially intended to say she was picking up the remains of the ghost, but upon Lilly’s arrival, she witnessed the female ghost attempting to possess Tiffany’s body. Acting quickly, she struck the ghost with a ritual blade, causing it to disintegrate.

However, upon catching a glance from Blake, Lilly swiftly altered her explanation.

Blake could not help but smirk at the feeble excuse of picking up crickets.

What a lame excuse.

Tiffany was left bewildered, unsure of the situation unfolding before her.

She stood up, hesitating for a moment before speaking “Lilly, please have a seat. I can get you some milk or juice from the refrigerator. What would you like to drink?”

Her intention was merely to be courteous, as it was an unusual time for someone to visit another person’s house in the middle of the night.

However, Lilly’s face lit up with delight as she nodded. Okay, I’d like some juice. Thank you, Miss Tiffany!”

Tiffany responded with a slightly confused expression. Um… alright, sure.”


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