Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Chapter 353 The One In Charge

Joel wanted nothing more than to run in abject terror i Lilly raced after him.

The karma spirit sitting on his head cursed, “You should’ve run ages ago! What’s the point of trying now?!”

A lump of mud was thrown right at his head the moment he finished.


Lilly, in her childish fury, gathered another ball of mud. Even she knew tossing a stone could kill someone, there wasn’t much mud in the wasteland to begin with.

It was all weeds and gravel.

It didn’t take long for her to run out of mud to sling and for her to be unable to catch up on her stubby legs.

A shadow sped past her in a flurry. Lilly, without a second thought, lifted the scurrying tabby cat and

threw it.


Surely the cat had never dreamt that it would be slung like a weapon!

It made a 360-turn in midair and landed feet side on Joel’s head, sharp claws digging into his scalp.

It used the momentum to propel itself away before disappearing from sight.

“Oww!” Joel exclaimed.

The karma spirit that hung out on top of his head also protested. “O*!”

None of the mud balls hit him but the cat’s claws hooked him in place.

Even the karma spirit had a small bit of skin torn off. Was it even still a spirit anymore?

Lilly picked up a brick and shouted, “Stop right there of I’ll throw the brick!”

Joel didn’t dare to run any further and turned around with his hands covering his head. “Mercy, Miss! I


She raced up to them with arms akimbo. “How dare you speak ill of Uncle Gilbert? I’ll break your front teeth!”

Joel wanted to cry. “Yes, I wasn’t thinking!”

Lilly demanded seriously, “Criss-cross ear-holding and get down on your knees. Now!”

He took one look at the brick in her hand and resigned himself to his fate.

Gilbert, meanwhile, was in disbelief.

He didn’t know what to say at the sight of the adorable child acting like an adult. Where…. had his cute niece gone?!


Was this truly his adorable little niece who could melt hearts just by acting cute?!

“Lilly…” He approached her with worry. “Let your Uncle Gilbert help you.

The girl waved him off. “It’s fine, Uncle Gilbert. You can find somewhere comfortable to sit. I’ll be done here in a minute.”

Gilbert seemed at a loss for words.”

“Please! Stay, Dr. Gilbert!” The kneeling joel begged.

He’s my only lifeline!

… Gilbert murmured absentmindedly, “I’ll stay right here, Lilly…”

He was worried for Lilly at first and yet, he suddenly felt concern for Joel.

Sure enough, it was Pablo offering strategic guidance when made a mad dash forward screaming to make it quick…

“Tear down that karma spirit and subdue him!”

Lilly grabbed onto the karma spirit and began to pull him back just as one would harvest carrots.

The karma spirit struggled. He refused to leave. He knew that it would all be over if he let go.


The karma spirit was frightened out of his wits but why was he so afraid in the first place? He was a malignant spirit!

Why should I be afraid of a kid?!

The karma spirit finally remembered that it had powers that he sent billowing at Lilly. He bared his teeth, to swallow her whole!

Gilbert tried to stop Lilly from tugging on Joel’s hair but was stopped in his tracks.

A closer look made him see that she wasn’t ripping out his hair. She seemed to be grabbing at..air?!

No, a brick? She seemed to be fussing and forgot to drop the brick.

Gilbert didn’t quite know how to react.

Lilly had exchanged a few blows with the karma spirit If it weren’t for him still hanging out on top of Joel’s head, she would’ve long used her purple sledgehammer.

Pablo’s jaw dropped. He had only left for a short time and the girl had already improved by leaps and bounds.

“You overestimate yourself,” he muttered at the struggling karma spirit.

Lilly followed suit, “Hmph! You overestimate yourself

She danced with joy.


The spirit compass was sent into the air alongside a containment spirit net… Something that looked like a bun followed!

The soft “bun” hit the karma spirit in the head with a resounding thwack.

Pablo seemed confused. “…”

When did that become a “weapon”?

Pablo thought the suspicious bun seemed incredibly familiar…

Lilly beat the karma spirit into submission and took the opportunity to drag him out!

Some of Joel’s hair was collateral…

Joel, who was stuck in the middle of the battle between Lilly and the karma spirit, was left in a befuddled state. He looked like an idiot missing his front teeth and drooling.

It wasn’t until a lock of hair was pulled off that the sudden pain jolted him back to his senses!

He fell back on his rear in horror and started to back away. “W-What are you doing. Little Miss…?”

Lilly grinned, revealing an innocent smile. “Don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you.”

Joel didn’t believe her and immediately got to his feet to make a run for it.

She had the karma spirit in hand. In her confusion, she forgot she still had the brick in her hand….

“Weird.” Lilly seemed confused as she muttered to herself.

Pablo twitched in exasperation. Joel couldn’t see a spirit. All he saw was Lilly holding a brick and looking. ready to bash his head with it.

Who wouldn’t run?

There was no suspense now that the karma spirit had been caught. She brandished the purple. sledgehammer and beat up the spirit.


Just as how the workforce shouted “hey” to leverage their strength, Lilly’s catchphrase was “eighty”.

“Stop!” The karma spirit screamed.


“I surrender… I surrender!”

“Eight… Oh, sorry. I was a little rough.”

To think he, a karma spirit, was defeated by a little girl

There was no logic to any of this…


What was even stranger were the malignant spirits by her side who watched it all go down as if it were a

soap opera.

It was as if he saw a light at the end of the tunnel. “My brethren! Please help me…”

The harem spirit gave him a pitying look. “What can we help you with? Dying faster?”

Ms. Ugly rested her face in her hands. “Ah, he’s not good-looking at all. When will the jar of souls get a hot guy?”

“Do you know who we work for?” The unlucky ghost asked.

The spirits all spoke in turn before stomping on him to prove a point.

“The karma spirit was confused.

Lilly got to eye level and stepped on him too. “Well, goon. Tell me how

The child wore a vicious expression on her face.

you died.”

It was the sight of the malignant spirits lined up behind her that told him that she was the one in charge.

I’m scared.


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