Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Chapter 379 Who Is Going To Be My Bridegroom?

Lilly followed the ghost bride’s gaze and saw that she was looking at Bryson. She was stunned a little as she blurted out, “Who is your groom?”

The ghost bride continued to stare at Bryson as she murmured, “Who is my bridegroom…”

Josh felt creepy about this whole thing. A song from a long time ago sounded in his head, “Who is going to be my bridegroom? Don’t let me look around, don’t let me think about you all the time… Who is going to be my bridegroom? Oh- I am going to be your bridegroom… Come back to me…”

Josh hit his head and stopped himself from thinking about some damn song!

That ghost bride continued her musings, “I don’t know as long as you’re a man, you can be my groom.”

Her shrilling voice sounded even more terrifying than already was in this vast and empty backyard.

Harem ghost stuck out its tongue, “Damn it, this woman is a player. She’s more of a player than me.”

Lilly had no choice but to ask another question, “Then, why did you die?”

The ghost bride said, “I don’t know… I was already dead when I found that I was dead.”

Everyone was put off by her answer. Her answer was redundant and did not provide any clue at all.

Lilly sighed. What should they do now? Could a hit from the sledgehammer help the ghost bride to remember?

When the ghost bride saw that Lilly was about to hit her, she protested, “Wait, I might remember something…”

The ghost bride tried to recall to the best of her abilities. “After our ceremony, my husband and I went into our room to spend our romantic night together, but he bumped into some candles accidentally…”

“While in the darkness, I tried to find my husband fearfully, and I heard the sound of something grinding against the floor as if someone was stacking up some things on the floor. Following that, my husband screamed out loudly.”

“By the time I opened my eyes again, I found myself hanging from the ceiling…”

The ghost bride was very resentful, and her voice was unnaturally soft yet chilling. Everyone began to feel creepy as they listened to her.

Josh tried to analyze the situation, “If the bridegroom was harmed in the dark, there must be evidence that points to it, whether he was getting devoured by some creature… There must be signs of blood or bones.”

Harem ghost added, “But the groom is nowhere to be found now. It must mean that the groom is the killer.”

Josh frowned, “Then, why would he scream in the dark

Harem ghost replied, “Could he do that on purpose? So that he can mislead others in their deduction.”

Josh asked, “That’s one of the possibilities… But the groom is not a beast. He should not be able to maul

the bride like that.”


While he was deep in the conversation, it occurred to Josh that he was actually engaging in a discussion with a ghost. This very thought sent a shiver down his spine.

Harem ghost urged him on, “Go on, don’t stop giving suggestions.”

Josh was a little speechless.

The red dress ghost heard Josh and interjected meekly. It’s not like that at all. My husband really screamed out in agony, it didn’t sound like he was just pretending…”

Everyone was befuddled.

Drake spoke to break the silence, “Let’s look for more clues.”

This was an escape room type of game. It must mean that they had to look for clues to get out of this place.

Drake understood the big picture now. Anthony must have cleared this whole place so that they could. enjoy themselves. Indeed, there were no employees who acted as ghosts today, but instead, they encountered a real ghost, and somehow the ghost was related to this setup.

No matter what, since the ghost bride appeared in one of the scenes here, it must mean that something here had attracted her to come here. There must be something here that could lead them to solve the


Josh agreed, “Let’s go back to the scene!”

However, Drake disagreed, “Let’s scour through the backyard first.”

They had gone through the main room but they did not see anything. They had not searched the backyard yet, and if there really was someone here, he or she must be watching their every move.

Everyone agreed that they would start searching in the backyard.

They shared the same sentiment that someone was watching them while in hiding.

In order to prevent whatever or whoever was watching them from escaping, the ghosts from the jar of souls were tasked with watching the back door.

Lilly took out a red string. She tied one end to the ghost bride’s head while she tied the other end to the red dress.

Then, she handed the string to the weakling spirit, “He lead her one!”

Weakling spirit took the string while caressing Lilly’s tiny head with his other hand. He warned, “Be careful.”

Lilly nodded… and then, she picked up her purple sledgehammer again.

The layout in the backyard resembled the main room and there was a huge bedroom in the middle which was divided into two sections. Besides the bedroom, there was a small pavilion.

Two rooms were joined to the bedroom, and they were much smaller. It must be where the maids lived.

To the east, one of the side rooms was destroyed by Lilly when she brought down the sledgehammer. The door and window were no longer there, so they could see what was in the room.


Two beds were placed there side by side.

The other side room contained a huge wooden bucket as if it was a cleansing room.

They made their way to the side rooms and Lilly kept staring at one of the rooms. She was gripping her sledgehammer with more force now without realizing i

Bryson pushed the door of the first room and saw that was a huge mess in there. There were tables and chairs scattered around, and there was a metallic basino.

Nothing of importance could be discovered here.

They reached the last room and just as Bryson was about to push the door, Lilly stopped him. “Uncle Bryson, let me do it.”

Bryson was still reeling away from the red dress’ scare but since he was the only adult here, he had to take charge and lead them.

However, when Lilly offered to take a look, he took a step back intuitively, wanting to heave a sigh of relief. However, he changed his mind, “Lilly, you will stand behind me. Let me open the door.”

Lilly tilted her head, “Uncle Bryson, are you sure about that?”

Bryson did not assure her with confidence this time. That was because Lilly had asked the same thing just earlier in the day.

Then, the rest was history. After confidently proclaiming that he was not afraid, he actually encountered a real ghost.

Bryson said with difficulty, “I…..”

Lilly was an understanding person. She pulled him and placed herself in front of him.

“Let me do it! You guys, stay back!”

When Lilly warned them, her eyes never wavered from the door.

He was coming!

The bridegroom must be hiding in there!

Lilly raised her sledgehammer and immediately, she smashed the door and made a hole in it.

Although she was only four years old, she was very violent.

Bryson’s mouth twitched. He initially thought that she was going to just open the door…..

With a loud splurging sound, Lilly took a step back. No matter if it was the containment spirit net or the spirit compass, she tossed whatever her hands caught

Josh widened his eyes. He saw a golden steamed bun.

A golden steamed bun?

that direction!

When the dust settled, everything was shrouded in silerice.



Everyone looked into the room with bated breath and felt their scalps tingling.

There were countless paper figures in there. Some were by the door, some were on the wall, while some were lying on the floor….

Their faces were pale, and two hues of blushes were on their cheeks. Their eyes were frozen as if they were staring at someone, and the smile on their faces was creepy and disturbing….

Josh felt his legs turning into jelly. He stammered, “I-1n’t this the backyard where the maids live? Why are there paper figures here…”

Lilly studied the room carefully and her cars jolted up like a cat’s.

She did not sense anything out of the ordinary. Paper figures were the only objects here…

“This is strange.” Lilly reached out and grabbed one of the arms of a paper figure…


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