Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 424

Chapter 424

Chapter 424

Chapter 424 Sharing Candy

Josh remembered that when they came back in the afternoon, Lilly and her dad had brought back two dogs, but one of them had died. Apparently, it had been hit by a car.

Lilly originally wanted to bury the dog in the small grove at the back of the garden, but Bettany was concerned that the decomposing body would create a smell. It would never bother her before, but now that they had a delicate little granddaughter in the house, Bettany started to worry about everything.

She was also concerned that Lilly would smell the odor whenever she played around the area, or if Bellflower would get infected with some kind of virus when it went out to dig holes. Even Polly could be rather mischievous at times. What if it picked up some fur from the body and carried some kind of disease that could infect Lilly?

Hugh said that they didn’t have to be so particular before. Bettany argued that it was simply because they never had children around the house.

Josh was lost for words. Were the rest of them not children?

To which his grandmother responded, “You and Drake are boys, so you’re built from sturdier stuff. Even though Hannah is a girl, she’s also a tough one.”

“Lilly is different. She’s so delicate and fragile. What if she gets sick…” Ultimately, Josh and his siblings, agreed with their grandmother’s perspective.

As such, Blake took the dog out to be cremated. He would return once it was done. ?

“Lilly, didn’t you say you wanted to bury the dog in the grove at the back? Should I help you dig?” Josh offered.

Lilly was focused on watching videos and brushed him off, saying, “It’s alright, my Daddy is going to do it. He can dig super fast. He’s amazing.”

Josh was a little unhappy. Wasn’t he amazing then?

“No, I have to be the one to dig the hole!” Josh said and ran out.

Lilly was confused, “Huh?”

She put away the phone and followed him outside.

Hannah’s room door was half open. Suddenly, she poked her head out, “What?! You guys are digging at hole? I’ll do it!”

Before Drake could notice, she was already sprinting down the stairs!

Drake shouted, “Stop right there!”

But Hannah ran even faster.

Blake entered the house carrying an urn and was about to call for Lilly when he saw the kids running down the stairs.

He quickly opened his arms, stopping Josh and Hannah in their tracks as they crashed into each arm.

He lifted them up and was about to place them down.


Suddenly, Lilly came running at the last moment, causing Blake to let go of Josh and Hannah… just so he could catch Lilly.

Josh and Hannah grimaced in pain as they fell to the ground.

“Uncle, give me the urn!” Josh grabbed the urn and ran off.

Hannah followed behind, “Margaret! Where’s the hoe and the shovel? Give them to me!”

Josh speechlessly trailed behind..

How childish could they get?

Gracie, who had poked her head out after hearing the commotion, was also at a loss for words.

Was this necessary?

Within the small grove of the Crawford family’s backyard.

Drake, Hannah, Josh and Gracie all had a shovel in the hands.

Josh and Hannah were digging extremely fast.

Gracie was speechless at the sight. Did they have to compete over this as well?

However, when she joined in with the rest, she immediately dedicated herself to winning.

As someone so skilled at catching ghosts, how could she lose at digging a hole?

That was unacceptable!

So Gracie started digging faster and faster.

Only Drake remained coldly standing aside. It was against his principles to engage in such an inelegant activity!

Bettany felt extremely exasperated. “If I had known you all loved digging holes so much, I would have let you dig up those vegetable fields at the back.”

Fortunately, she didn’t give them a hoe.

Given their enthusiasm, they would likely end up smashing each other’s heads.

Lilly held the dog’s ashes in her arms, completely dumbfounded.

“Wow… you guys are so amazing!” she exclaimed happily. “Go, go!”

She then rummaged in her pocket.

She just so happened to have four pieces of candy.

She could give one to Drake, one to Hannah, one to Gracie, and the last one would be hers!

Drake glanced at the candy in Lilly’s hand.

He suddenly felt dissatisfied about the way they were digging and thought that he needed to take matters


into his own hands.

Thus, Drake joined the war efforts.

Everyone was at a loss for words.

Lilly looked at the candy in her hand… She thought, Aww, forget it. I’ll give the last one to Drake. I guess there’s none for me, but it’s okay-

Before long, the hole was dug.

Lilly placed the dog’s ashes in the hole. The stray dog seemed to understand that its companion was in the box in front of it. It silently lay down by the edge of the hole, bowing its head to look at the box inside.

Margaret brought them some flowers, as Lilly had requested.

The hole was filled, leaving a small mound on the previously flat grass. Lilly placed the flowers in front of the mound and gave a moment of silence.

“Be a good dog and live a better life next time!”

Bettany thought the children were just being soft hearted.

She looked at the sky and said, “Come back after you’re done. It’s already noon, and the sun is super hot.”

Bettany felt dizzy from the heat and went back first.

Josh asked, “Lilly, why do we have to give flowers for the dog too?”

He had never heard of making a grave and offering flowers for a dog before.

Lilly explained, “For reincarnation to happen, the spirit needs to have a registered household, name or birthdate. Otherwise, it’s not possible to be reborn. When animals such as dogs pass away, they generally continue to be reborn as animals in their subsequent lives.”

Because no one would intentionally record down the day they were born.

This was evident in the state of pet owners today. How many of them would be able to tell the exact date and place their pets were born, or who their parents were?

“In the case of dogs who are in service of others like military dogs or guide dogs, they will have accomplishments, specific names, birthdays, and identification cards. After they die, they will also have graves and medals. As such, they can be reincarnated as humans in their next lives.”

Humans who committed grave offenses may regress into an animal in their next life.

Likewise, animals that were able to accumulate great merits in life could be reborn into a human being in death.

Lilly couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor dog. She hoped to send it off with a grave and flowers so that it wouldn’t suffer too much when it reached the underworld. If it was lucky, perhaps it could even ascend out of the reincarnation cycle of animals.

Josh listened to the explanation and quickly understood

“Great, we’re done!” Lilly clapped her hands and stood up, pulling the other stray dog along. “Let’s go back.


Don’t worry, your good friend is already on its way.”

The stray dog kept looking back, reluctant to leave.

Josh remarked. “This dog is quite intelligent… By the way, have you given it a name?”

Lilly shook her head, “No.”


Josh pondered, “I heard that when its companion was hit by a car and died, this stray dog stayed by its side. the entire time. How about we call it Guardian’?”

Gracie chuckled, “Isn’t that too casual?”

Josh said. “Then you come up with a name!”

Hannah suggested, “Let’s call it ‘Biscuit’!”

Gracie replied, “…Let’s call it ‘Woofpack”.”

Everyone looked at her speechlessly.

Gracie, with her poor naming sense, turned away in anger and shame. She wasn’t going to name anything ever again, even if someone were to beg her to!

Drake suddenly spoke up, “Let’s call it ‘Candy”

Lilly was about to agree, thinking that Candy sounded ice and sweet.

But Josh was the first to object, “No! Last time, you named Bellflower. This time, I get to decide no matter what. Let’s call it ‘Guardian”

Lilly fell silent, but she remembered the candies in her pocket and immediately took them out and passed it around.

Drake finally got his hands on Lilly’s candy!

He casually put the candy in his pocket as if he didn’t care about it at all.

Josh and Hannah were the first to unwrap their candies and put them in their mouths without even bothering to wash their hands.

Drake coldly sneered, “Is it that delicious? It’s just a piece of candy.”

He finished speaking and leisurely walked back.

Lilly watched with longing eyes…

She thought, Drake, if you’re not going to eat it, at least give it to me!

Hannah glanced at Lilly and realized she didn’t have any candy for herself.

She immediately bit her candy in half, then spat it out and held it in her hand. “Here! I’ll give you half!”

Her hands were still muddy and dirty from digging the hole. And on top of them was now a piece of candy still dripping with saliva.


Lilly: “…”

Josh looked disgusted, “Can you be any grosser?!”

Hannah suddenly realized. “Oh, right, my hands are diriy!”

She ran to the sink, put the half-bitten candy aside, washed her hands, then picked up the candy and ran it

under the sink.

“There! It’s clean now.”


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