Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 461

Chapter 461

Chapter 461

Chapter 461 The Midnight Adventure of Three Children

The two little girls almost screamed.

The shadow at the door said, “Where are you going?”

It was Josh’s voice…

Drake wore gray lounge clothes, frowned and said, “Remember to call me first next time.”

Lilly said in a daze, “Okay brother…”

Josh had the same expression, “Sure, brother…”

Their brother actually wanted to sneak out with them, that was strange!

Drake adjusted the high–tech watch on his wrist, and said indifferently with very subtle arrogance, “You are too stupid, I am afraid that you will be kidnapped by a stupid woman again.”

Where would he find them then? It was better for a person like his younger brother not to go out on their own, lest they have to find him in the end.

Josh, “…”

It was undeniable that children aged seven, eight or nine were the most courageous.

Children of this age had no sense of crisis and are fearless. They dared to climb mountains and ridges alone, went to Internet cafes in county towns dozens of kilometers away to surf the internet, and dared to ride around the world with their friends, making the adults search for them high and low. There had been too much news on this.

Drake, Josh, and Lilly walked out of the yard like this, first to find Wolfhound and Bailey, and then to run away with the dog.

Josh asked nervously, “Sister, why are you bringing the dogs?”

Lilly was very professional, “It’s always played like this on TV.”

Bring the dogs, and the dogs could find people.

She was a child who had done her homework!

Josh was speechless.

The three of them came to the grove in the backyard. It was impossible to climb the wall. It was too high to get out, so they chose to drill the dog hole.

Lilly said, “I’ll climb first.”

Josh stopped her, “No, what if there was a snake in the ditch? My brother climbs first.”

Drake, “…”

He got down on the ground speechlessly, and drilled the dog hole very inelegantly, which looked utterly different from the little gentleman who read Shakespeare quietly before.


Lilly followed in the middle, and followed by Josh, halfway through the climb, he inadvertently thought of the female ghost he had just dreamed about, and there was always a feeling that a ghost was crawling behind him, and he moved faster for a while.

Then he bumped his head on Lilly’s ass.

Lilly stumbled and gnawed grass, “Ouch…”


Drake immediately pulled her up, hugged her in his arms and frowned, “Are you alright?”

He still remembered that in the afternoon she cried and asked if her front teeth had fallen out.


Lilly spit out the grass in her mouth, “I’m fine, my front teeth are still there!”

Drake, “…

Blake sat on the wall, watching the three restless little heads, like knights, they got out ambitiously, and ran fast.

The wolfdogs ran behind with their feet wide open, and the wolfdogs ran fast, exploring the way ahead, sniffing and sniffing.

The watchman was kind and honest, and followed Lilly closely, guarding her like a worried old lady.

Blake let out a low laugh, and said in a low voice, “Arthur, follow them, keep Miss Lilly on the watch, make sure she is safe.”

After a pause, he added, “One, do not look closely at her, two, listen to Miss when it is critical, three, just make sure she is safe, do not disturb her, do not ask or tell her anything strange, just listen.”

Arthur, “Yes!”

As he said so, he immediately followed.

Blake was the last one to leave, he first went to a store to drive the motorcycle from last time, and then followed a few children.

After everyone left, the curtains of a room on the second floor of the Crawford family were opened.

Old Mrs. Crawford looked at the night silently, and said in a low voice, “Blake is here, they will be safe. Right?”

Old Mr. Crawford: Snore… He was sleeping soundly.

Old Mrs. Crawford rolled her eyes, and slapped the old man’s head with her palm.

The old man muttered in a daze, turned around and continued to fall asleep.


Lilly and Josh were on the side of the road, and they wanted to find a taxi, but it was difficult to hail a taxi in the middle of the night.

Suddenly there was a loud noise behind them…

A very cool motorcycle stopped in front of them, Blake lifted the windshield of his helmet, and the

corners of his lips curled slightly, “Little girl, where are you going in the middle of the night, huh?”

Lilly’s eyes lit up, “Daddy!”

Blake handed her a small pink helmet, “Put it on.”

Josh widened his eyes, was this all right?

Blake handed two smaller helmets to Drake and Josh, “Just sit down, your grandma will definitely find out I drove a car out.”

Josh excitedly put on the helmet, feeling that tonight was really exciting.

He sat behind Blake, Drake sat at the back, and Lilly sat in front, in Blake’s arms.

“Hurry up,” Blake twisted the accelerator, and the motorcycle let out an arrogant roar.

Josh hugged his uncle quickly, but Drake did not bother to hug his brother, and grabbed the rear shelf of the motorcycle with his hands back.

It was impossible to hug him, he would look like a little girl…

As a result, the motorcycle went out with a loud vroom, almost throwing him off.

Drake quickly hugged Josh, grasping tightly, almost strangling Josh out of breath.

A smile appeared in Blake’s eyes, and then he really accelerated, and the motorcycle galloped out in the dark night like a black panther.

Wolfhound and Bailey looked confused.

How to chase this?

Wolfhound was stunned for a second, and immediately chased. Fortunately, it had been well–fed during this time, and its limbs were strong and powerful, much faster than Bailey.

However, not long after, another motorcycle galloped up, and Bailey squatted behind the motorcycle, his claws tightly hooking Arthur’s shoulders.

Arthur took a look at Wolfhound, fished it into the seat, and tied it up.

So on the road at night, there were two motorcycles galloping, one with three children in front, and another with two dogs in the back…


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