Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 482

Chapter 482

Chapter 482

Chapter 483 Polly’s Speaking Lessons.

Lilly and Josh tugged Lisa along to the guest room on the third floor.

Aunt Lisa was back now, but she was not living in the same room as Uncle Anthony.

“Aunt Lisa, we’re going back to face the wall and think about what we’ve done!” Lilly petted Lisa’s head. “Be good and stay here, and don’t go running around!”

Lisa sat on the bed obediently, staring straight ahead as usual. Her head turned around to stare at Lilly sometimes, or Josh.

She seemed the exact same, aside from looking paler.

Josh lay by the bed, his chin on his palms. “Lilly, can my Mom ever go back to normal?”

Lilly shook her head. “I’m not sure, Master said that it’s not confirmed.

Josh let out a small sigh.

Oh, well.

As long as his mother was here, things seemed good enough. He’d take good care of her.

“Let’s go face the wall and think about what we’ve done.” Josh took Lilly’s hand, sticking out his head and peeking out. He saw that Bettany was nowhere to be seen, and lowered his voice at once. “We’ll just close the door when we’re back, and pretend to be asleep. Alright?”

Lilly had not slept at all last night, and had to be beyond tired.

He was tired, too.

Lilly could not help but grow nervous, feeling like she was doing something bad. “What if Grandma finds out?”

Josh shook his head. “She won’t. Trust me!”

Lilly: Alright!

The two children mumbled among themselves, running back to their rooms.

Lisa pricked up her ears, watching Josh and Lilly chatter as they left the room, waving at her before closing the door.

It was then that Lisa lowered her head, staring at her hands.

A long time later, she raised her right hand up slowly, waving it with all her might just like Lilly


Just then, a voice rang from outside the window, “Hey hey hey!”

Lisa turned around at once, and saw a green bird perched on the windowsill.

Polly wiggled in through the cracked open window expertly, tilting his head and glancing at Lisa.

“I see a thirst for knowledge in your eyes!” He said, “How about I teach you to speak?”

Lisa continued to stare at Polly.

Polly landed on the chair in front of Lisa. “Come on, say ‘Hey hey hey!!”

Lisa: …

Polly was extremely patient. “Hey hey hey!”


Polly muttered, “What the hell, you have a mouth and don’t even know how to use it? You’re impossible!”

Just as the words rang through the air, Bellflower sprang out from the curtain box, pouncing on Polly!

Polly was scared out of his wits. He cursed out loudly, flapping his wings in a frenzy.

Bellflower stood guard by the window, waiting for the prey.

The room was abuzz with chaos at once.

“You goddamn Rookie, that’s enough… Squawk-”

“My tail!”

“Oh my God! I’m going to get you for sure no matter what it takes, I swear to God!”

Bellflower pounced, and Polly fluttered onto Lisa’s head at once.

The cat stopped in its tracks, flicking its tail as it stared at the parrot on Lisa’s head.

Polly: Ha ha… come on, come get me if you can!

Polly seemed to have found a protector, crowing arrogantly. “I’m the king of kings, hero of heroes! Get this damn Rookie out of here!”

Bellflower let out a low growl. She leapt off the armchair deftly, pouncing swift and precise right

above Lisa’s head.

Polly was terrified, flapping into the air. Just then, Bellflower felt as if her hind legs were being

held down.

Lisa was yanking on Bellflower’s hind legs forcefully. She did not know how to carry a cat, and dangled Bellflower in front of her like a chicken as she stared at the cat emotionlessly.

Bellflower let out a displeased meow, reaching up and sinking her sharp little teeth into the back of Lisa’s hand.

Anyone getting bitten like this would be sure to let go at once.

Unfortunately, Lisa did not.

Bellflower bit even harder.

Lisa stared at where she was bitten. She lowered her head all of a sudden, bending over and biting Bellflower’s neck as well.

Bellflower was stunned, her eyes widening in shock.

She did not let go still, and thus Lisa did not let go either.

Woman and cat stayed like that biting each other, Bellflower biting harder as Lisa did too.

At last, Bellflower backed out first, letting go of Lisa slowly.

All that could be seen on the back of Lisa’s hand were two deep holes. A wound like that would be sure to bleed in any other situation, but Lisa’s hand did not bleed a single drop.

Polly was shocked out of his mind. “Rookie, you’re going to have to get the tetanus shot!”

Bellflower: …..

She stared at Lisa indignantly, meowing at her loudly.

It was unclear how long had passed when Lisa finally loosened her jaw and let


Bellflower shot out at once, hiding under the table and staring at her warily.

Lisa’s pupils did not move at all, staring at Bellflower. Bellflower felt as if she was going to climb out of her skin from fear, when she heard Lisa say,

“Hey hey hey.”

Bellflower: …

Polly: Holy sh*t, you got it! You got it! Amazing, amazing!

Lisa seemed to have trouble thinking and speaking, but only repeated, “Hey hey hey… piss off…

get out…

Polly: …

All of a sudden, he sensed that something was off.

The image crept into his mind…

Bright and early in the morning, Lisa woke up and said to Bettany, “Hey hey hey, f*ck you, piss off get out!”

Oh god, Bettany was going to have his head.

Polly ran away at once.

Bellflower lay where she was for a while longer. Upon making sure that Lisa was not going to bite her anymore, she ran away as well.

Lisa was the only one left in the room then. She sat at the edge of the bed, moving her lips and trying with all her might to practice what she had just been taught:

“F*ck… you. F*ck you.”

“Hey hey hey…”

“Piss off… get out.”


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