Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 506

Chapter 506

Chapter 506


The avalanche buried several people in an instant, not even the car was spared, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness in place in an instant.

The snow was like a mudslide, engulfing people and cars, rolling along the downhill road to the other side of the barren mountain.

On the other side of the barren hill was the ruins of the half-dug construction site. The barren hill was originally to be developed from here, but because two workers died, the pit was not filled back.

Below the pit was a bridge pier with only one foundation built, and under the pier was a frozen river.

The off-road vehicle first appeared from the snowdrift, rolled down and hit the river bed, and soon there was no movement, and the place was dead silent.

After a while, Blake was the first to get out of the snowdrift, his arm was still inserted in the snowdrift, and his hand under the snowdrift tightly held a furry thing.

He remembered that this was Lilly’s hat.

Anthony got out of the snowdrift second, and lifted Josh up.

“Quick… Lilly is buried below!” Blake said anxiously.

Thinking of those white-haired female ghosts just now, their hearts tensed up.

Josh no longer cared about his mother, and used both hands to dig the snowdrift desperately.

Blake did not dare to let go, he just roared, “Dig towards my hand, I am holding Lilly…”

Anthony and Josh moved quickly, and Anthony did not care about his image, lying on the snow and pawing the snow with his hands and feet.

Lilly… Lilly!

She must be saved!

Otherwise, uncle would be whacked by your grandma when he goes back…

Anthony was flustered, Blake grabbed the hat with one hand and dug desperately with the other, the two big and one small quickly dug away the snowdrift.

However, Blake was only holding a hat in his hand, so where was Lilly?


Blake panicked, he stumbled, and desperately scratched the snow beside him.

Josh also went crazy, pawing the snow desperately, even opening his mouth to bite the snow when he was so anxious that he did not know what to do.

However, the three of them dug up the pile of snow, their fingers were bleeding, and Lilly was still nowhere to be seen!

“Lilly…” Blake trembled his hands, he could no longer care about the blood on his hands.

“By the way, where is Lilly’s master?” He roared like crazy, “Pablo! Whereis Pablo?!”

What they did not know was that not only Lilly, but also Pablo had disappeared.

Josh fell to the ground, holding back tears, obviously wanted to cry but was too panicked, and had already forgotten to cry.

How come, how come?

Just now, his sister rubbed his head and said that petting the dog’s head and there was nothing to worry about.

Why was she gone?


Old Mrs. Crawford did not see Lilly and the others come back to eat the waffles, only to have received a bad news.

Lilly was gone!

Her eyes darkened, and she almost fell, but old Mr. Crawford quickly supported her.

“Jack!” Old Mr. Crawford shouted, “Quick, go drive!”

“Tell Anthony and the rest to come back!”

There were suddenly many more cars on the usually quiet road beside the barren mountain.

Liam and Edward rushed to the barren hills anxiously, Edward hit the car window angrily, “How could she disappear! How could she disappear! How did they take care of her!?”

Gilbert had just had an operation, and his eyes were so tired that his eyes turned black. Hearing that Lilly had disappeared, he did not even have time to take off the surgical gown. His car sped out, and one could see the panic of the driver from a distance.

Jonas directly left his film crew behind, and before he could take off his clothes, he kept making phone calls in the car, but no one answered.

Bryson was in another country, and it would take time to rush back. Cloud and Max were not in Beijing, so they hurried back when they received the news.

At the foot of the barren mountain, Blake and Anthony seemed to have gone crazy, and Edward and Liam who rushed over soon joined the search.

However, all the snow at the foot of the mountain had been dug away, the plants had been removed, and the snow that had fallen from the bottom of the river had been dug away… There was no trace of Lilly.

Anthony stared at the ice that was broken by the off-road vehicle, and the icy river below was rushing.

They had searched all the way down the river, but found nothing.

If Lilly really fell under the glacier… Anthony suddenly felt scared and did not dare to think about it any further!

Blake’s eyes turned red, he stared at the barren mountain, and said coldly, “Go up the mountain!”

The female ghost came down from the barren mountain… As for the glacier, Anthony and the others would look for it.

Josh recalled Lilly’s words, subconsciously saying, “My sister said that I cannot leave here…”

However, who still paid attention to this now?

It was inevitable to go up the mountain.

Even if there were scourges and beasts on the mountain, even if there were strange things that they could not fight.

Mountains of swords and seas of fire, up and down nine secluded places… Lilly must be found anyway!

Blake was the first to go up the mountain without looking back.

Anthony managed to calm down and asked Old Mrs. Crawford and Old Mr. Crawford to calm down. Soon the fire truck came, and Layton came with the people from the MacNeil Villa.

The barren mountain, which was a rare place for people, was now full of people at a glance. Hearing that the young girl had disappeared, and the owner of the family was also on the mountain, the people of MacNeil Villa dashed forward without saying a word.

The people from the fire brigade shouted anxiously from behind, “Stop, do not be impulsive! Now the barren hills were covered with snow…”

Layton and the others simply ignored it.

It was all snow?

As long as the patriarch gave an order, one hundred thousand soldiers would come, each digging and shoveling snow, and razing the barren mountain to the ground.

Anthony calmed down, Blake had already looked in the mountain, and now he was looking into the icy rivers.

When a person went missing, the best way to find her was to search in eight directions from the place where she disappeared.

The people of the Crawford family searched in several directions around the road, under the river, and downstream of the river, and launched a blanket search… The focus was on the frozen river.

One day passed, and Anthony found Lilly’s shoe under the snow at the junction of the glacier and the barren mountain.

Two days later, Blake found the other glove under the permafrost layer of the barren mountain.

Three days had passed, the snow on the barren mountain had been trampled into mud, and the bushes and grass had also been trampled into flat ground.

Blake’s eyes were terribly red. He went to see the air-raid shelter, but it had already collapsed. He led people to dig for three days, and finally only found the coffin board where Lisa laid on… The rest could not be found anymore. .

Five days passed, Blake ignored the rumors that the barren mountain was haunted, and drove the excavator to raze the barren mountain to the ground. Unexpectedly, the excavator lost its chain and blew up the oil tank just as it was about to dig. The Crawford family and Blake did not believe in evil, everyone took a shovel and forcibly dug a small half of the barren mountain, but as more and more people fell ill and fell ill for no reason, this matter was also spread by public opinion, and more and more people paid attention…

Blake and the Crawford family were finally stopped by their superiors.

“Nonsense! I have been searching for so long, if I had to find it, I would have found it long ago!” The leader at the top scolded, “Are you fooling around? Have you ever thought about the bad influence it will cause? How can you explain it to the people?”

Blake’s face was terrifying and he did not listen at all.

“You do not need to look for her, I will go by myself!”

When the excavator could not be used, he used a shovel.

If the shovel could not be used, he uses his hands!

He must find his little girl.

His little baby was lost, she must be very scared, she must be waiting for her father…

He would find her.

He had been absent when she was a child.

Now he could no longer be absent…


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