Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 581

Chapter 581

Chapter 581

Chapter 581 Unexpected Bonuses

Cathy’s convulsions were so strong that her body bent backward into an angular arch.

The arch of her back was so incredibly extreme that the doctors were worried at the sight. If Cathy does not die from it, she could still break her spine and eventually be paralyzed…

Lilly was frantically persuading Cathy’s parents. “Uncle, Aunty, Cathy is not sick but possessed by spirits! I… this is my father! My father can cure her! Ask the doctors to bring Cathy out quickly.”

Cathy’s father gave Blake a suspicious look.

Blake looked familiar, resembling a little like the older man from before.

He wondered why the old man left so quickly and was replaced by Lilly’s Father.

Cathy’s father hesitated to agree to Lilly’s request as he felt the circumstances were very strange.

Cathy’s mother was distraught with tears and dare not agree too hastily to Blake’s involvement.

A doctor came out and said, “There is no confirmation now of what disease your daughter has. After our discussion, we will give emergency treatment for epilepsy. If it is not epilepsy, there may be side effects to treatment… or you can transfer her to another specialist hospital…

“This is the consent form. If you agree, we will treat it as an epilepsy emergency. If you don’t, hurry and take your child to another hospital.”

Lilly tugged at the trousers of Cathy’s father, “Uncle!”

Cathy’s parents hesitated…

Lilly’s gaze was determined as she said, “Uncle, believe in my dad!”

The doctor finally looked squarely at Lilly and asked cautiously, “Is your father also a doctor? Which hospital is he from? Is he an expert in this field?”

Lilly hesitated, unsure about creating a lie or revealing the truth about Blake’s identity as a great practitioner.

Blake’s face turned serious, “Yes, I’m a doctor. I’m Gilbert Crawford, the Associate Director of the Neurology Department at Alfornada’s best hospital. You can look it up.”

Lilly’s face lit up in shock.

Blake also held his phone out, “I don’t have my business card with me but you can refer to this. If you don’t believe me, you can check the system.”

The national medical system will have a record of all doctors.

With some fiddling, Blake easily and temporarily changed Gilbert’s photo to his own.

The people in the emergency department did not expect to hear Gilbert’s name and exclaimed, “You’re

Dr. Gilbert!”

They knew of Gilbert Crawford, the youngest and most skilled neurologist!

Gilbert was an associate director at a young age. If there was no five–year gap needed for the director’s exam, he would already be the country’s youngest director.

Blake smoothly moved into the emergency room together with Lilly.

While waiting outside, Cathy’s parents continuously talked to Cloud. “When we were on the mountain, Lilly said her father could cure Cathy. Turns out Lilly’s father is also a doctor!”

“Well …… ah, yes,” said Cloud.

“Great! Thank you, thank you!” Cathy’s mother exclaimed.

She heard the emergency doctor mentioning that Lilly’s father was a doctor from Alfornada, and is the most renowned neurologist in the country.

Thank heavens!

Cathy’s mother cannot help holding on to Cloud’s hands and thanking him desperately.

Cloud responded, “… No, no need.”

In the emergency room, Blake held his hands behind his back, then adjusted his glasses to put on a professional front.

“I’ve seen this disease before. Bring the instruments!”

The nurse hurried over with the medical instruments.

Blake took the medical hammer while Lilly secretly pressed the bottom of Cathy’s foot.

“This is how this disease has to be treated,” Blake declared.

In reality, he did not know how to treat it.

However, Lilly’s gaze was encouraging, and he took that as a signal to go for it.

Blake slammed the hammer at the bottom center of Cathy’s foot. There were zero methods or techniques in his actions.

But by using Blake as a cover, the father and daughter duo cooperated tacitly, and Lilly planted a talisman on Cathy.

After the talisman was stuck onto Cathy’s body, it immediately burned with a green flame and disappeared in an instant.

Cathy, who was twitching with her back bowed, quieted down, Her tense muscles relaxed and slowly returned to a normal state, curling up on the bed.

Cathy opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. She then started to cry loudly.

Lilly picked Cathy up into her arms and comforted her. “Okay, okay, don’t cry, don’t cry!”

Cathy clung to Lilly’s neck.

The doctors were in shock.

They were deeply convinced by ‘Dr. Gilbert’s‘ medical skills!

“Darn it, please accept my respect!” a young doctor said excitedly.

The other doctors chimed in with, “Dr. Gilbert, you’re a godsend,” and “Dr. Gilbert is so great! You are our role model, you are our idol!”

“Director Gilbert is worthy of the director title!” The associate director of the emergency department flattered, “That’s amazing! Are you free tonight? Our department will treat you to dinner!”

Blake waved his hand with a calm look, “No need. I have to take my daughter… niece home. My mother is worried.”

The doctors kept with the flattery. They reasoned that his insistence on bringing Lilly with him into the patient’s room was because he was not good with coaxing children, and his niece could help with that task.

Although it was unconventional, all miracle doctors were a little strange, so they could understand it the more they thought about it.

Cathy’s parents were waiting anxiously outside the room when they heard Cathy’s sudden cry.

They hurriedly stood up and anxiously said, “Cathy… Cathy!”

The door of the emergency room suddenly opened.

Lilly came out with Cathy in her arms.

Cathy’s eyes were red from crying. She clung to Lilly, looking quite scared.

Cathy’s mother was heartbroken. She wiped her tears and tried to take Cathy into her arms, but Cathy held on tightly to Lilly.

Cathy also cried out, “Brother, I want my brother!”

The associate director of the emergency department said emotionally, “This time you are extremely lucky to have met Dr. Gilbert, who is here on a vacation, otherwise the child could not have woken up so quickly.”

Cathy’s convulsions just now were extremely scary, reminding him of ghosts with twisted limbs from horror movies. It would have scared anybody.

The associate director thought about it and was not sure he could have saved Cathy’s life!

Cathy’s mother was crying very hard and bent her knees in an attempt to kneel down to Blake.

Blake hurriedly pulled Cathy’s mother up with a tug of his wrists.

Cathy’s mother was confused for a moment, then said, “Dr. Gilbert, how can we thank you? You are Cathy’s savior!”

Cathy’s father hurriedly said, “Quickly, take out your phone and transfer money to Dr. Gilbert!”

The talk of transferring money caught Lilly’s attention… no, that should not be done.

How can they ask for money from the adorable Cathy?

Saving a life was such a meaningful gesture that asking for money seemed wrong.

Lilly’s gaze was very serious.

Blake watched the scene unfold and could not help but let out a light laugh.

“No need, it’s the benevolence befitting of a doctor.” Blake, the impostor doctor, said, “However, the disease that Cathy has is very rare. If it’s alright, I would like to return with all of you and keep an eye on her condition.”

Cathy’s parents were ecstatic and surprised at Blake’s attentiveness.

The hesitation and doubt that they had disappeared. They nodded their heads, “Yes, yes! Thank you so much, thank you so much!”

The present doctors and patients were overwhelmed with emotion, Dr. Gilbert is an extremely good man! Dr. Gilbert of the best hospital in Alfornada was well remembered!

Cathy’s father remembered that information and wrote a letter of thanks to that hospital that night.

In the morning meeting, a puzzled Gilbert was suddenly praised and given a bonus by the head of the hospital.

Was there such good fortune as bonuses that came from nothing?


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