Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 665

Chapter 665

Chapter 665

Who’s in the right?

Lilly nodded, fixated on the pen in her hand, and asked, “Daddy… Shouldn’t Mr. Stark have not gone there that night? Shouldn’t Tracy’s parents forgive?”

Are they all in the wrong?

Without hesitation, Blake replied, “Tracy’s parents are in the right. They have the right to protect their daughter’s body and, understandably, they cannot forgive Barry.”

“Barry was in the wrong, but his mistake was being panicked, hiding the body, and continuing to conceal it while Tracy’s parents were searching for it. However, when he hurried there immediately after the accident occurred, he was completely in the right.”

Lilly murmured, “They’re both right, but why hasn’t the situation been resolved? Who is to blame then?”

Blake responded, “The fault lies with those who cling to this matter and want to exploit it for their gain, wanting to savor a few more morsels of human suffering.”

Lilly shook her head, “But what if Barry hadn’t gone there that night?”

In that case, Sister Tracy might have still been electrocuted, but her body would have been found.

There would be no debates on the internet.

The concepts of right and wrong, and cause and effect, were not easily distinguishable and interconnected.

Everything was intertwined in this incident.

If Tracy had not been pressured by those people to inspect the goods before leaving, she would not have been delayed and would not have encountered the high-voltage wire.

In that case, those older employees who pressured her were in the wrong.

But if Sister Tracy had not been using her phone while walking, if she had been more attentive, she might not have stepped on the high-voltage wire. In that case, she would have been at fault.



Various “what ifs” flooded Lilly’s mind one after another.

She realized there was no way to trace it back to the very beginning. If she could not trace it back to its origin, then was she the one at fault?

The Ruler of Hell’s verdict was wrong, and Tracy was placed into the wrong life.

Witnessing Lilly’s confusion, Pablo’s heart skipped a beat.novelxo.com fast update


She raised the pen of judgment and pointed it at herself.

Pablo broke out in a cold sweat. “No, Lilly! It’s not your fault!”

It’s over. This was a never-ending loop.

If she could not find an answer, she might descend into madness.

Blake noticed that Lilly could not hear him, so he quickly lifted her up and, disregarding Tracy’s parents, rushed to the car and closed the door.

“Lilly, don’t scare Daddy! Lilly!”

Blake shook Lilly anxiously, but she still could not hear him.

“What’s happening?!” He yelled at Pablo.

Pablo was both anxious and helpless. “What’s the use of yelling at me? This is her own struggle!”

Blake asked, “What struggle? Is there any struggle we can’t face together?”

Pablo pointed to her hand. “She’s holding the pen of judgment.”

“The pen of judgment is the pen used by the Ruler of Hell to judge all ghosts and departed souls, determining their past lives and future reincarnations.”

“Everyone who dies will undergo trial in the Palace of the Ruler of Hell. They can only proceed to reincarnation after the Ruler of Hell’s verdict. The verdict determines the nature of their future reincarnation.”

“At the same time, the pen of judgment records the cause and effect of Yama’s judgment, influencing the rules of reincarnation.”

Blake understood, and a feeling of powerlessness washed over him. He believed that as long as he remained by Lilly’s side, teaching her right from wrong, and helping her navigate the world, he would be able to support her through any difficulty.

Yet, he now realized that there were some things that he could not help her with.

“You can do it, Lilly…” Blake held Lilly tightly, his gaze fixed on the pen in her hand.

As she was about to tap the pen on her forehead, it halted, but she showed no intention of letting it go.

“What happens if you’re tapped by the pen of judgment?” Blake inquired.

Pablo explained, “The pen of judgment only judges ghosts. If you’re struck by the pen of judgment, you’ll die, you will be given your verdict, and be sent to either reincarnation or hell. Regardless of the outcome, it indicates that Lilly has failed in her trial.”

“If the trial fails, the Rulers of Hell will no longer be able to restrain themselves.”

They were still envious of Lilly. If she overcame all her challenges successfully, upon her return to the underworld, she would judge those who had harmed her.

Thus, if they refrained from intervening, they simply awaited Lilly’s failure in her own trial.

Once she failed, it would be an irreparable situation, and she would face retribution.

“Why would there be retribution?” Blake queried, his brow furrowing upon hearing Pablo’s words.

“The failure in the trial implies that Lilly has done something wrong. The rules of the underworld and the rules of reincarnation are being questioned as incorrect. Consequently, all the tragedies endured by individuals as they pass through life and are reborn could be attributed to her actions. If Lilly is not held accountable, then who should bear the responsibility?”

Blake fell silent.

Lilly could no longer hear any other voices—neither her father’s nor her master’s.

In her world, there was only one resounding question, “Who’s at fault? Who’s to blame?”

The pen of judgment seemed intent on pointing out the person who was guilty.

Lilly tightly grasped the pen of judgment, her thoughts spiraling into chaos, rendering her unable to think amidst the cacophony.

“Who’s at fault…at fault?”

She whispered in a low voice, the pen in her hand wavering with uncertainty.

Several options lay before her, each with its own weight.

Was Tracy at fault?

Were Tracy’s parents to blame?

Should Barry bear the responsibility?

Did those influencers have a role in the matter?

And… was she, herself, in the wrong?


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