Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 793

Chapter 793

Chapter 793

Ivan suddenly felt a kind of surprise, as if he had been walking for a long time and suddenly found a companion.

He thought she was just a very powerful little priest.

Perhaps her identity was not simple, such as the close disciple of some hermit sect, or the personal apprentice of a deceased expert…

However, since she could come here, it meant that she also came here to practice!

Also, she was experienced!

Ivan only guessed that Lilly was practicing, but to be precise, Lilly was not practicing, but was going through calamity.

He could not wait to find Lilly now, and he had a lot to ask.

However, Blake was staring at him straight.

Ivan, “…Hello, Uncle.”

“Goodbye uncle.”

“I shall go first.”

After Ivan finished speaking, he immediately turned around and walked inside, and disappeared within a second.

Blake, “Wait!”

No one responded to him.


Little bastard!

Looking at the way his eyes were shining, the old father felt a trace of “unknown” in his heart…

Wait, Ivan was able to go in, so easily?!

Blake felt a sting in his heart, and suddenly felt a little bit uncomfortable…

He took a deep look at the depths of the entrance, then turned and left resolutely.

In the Grey Earth.

This was another gray area between the mortal world and the underworld.

This grey area was not as small as Lilly imagined, but vast and boundless. It seemed that there were different things living here.

It was a pity that Pablo was not here, Lilly had no way to know what this place is, and after he actually stepped in, he knew that this place should be the ‘grey area’ as her father guessed.

“My dad is so smart!” Lilly had a proud face.

Lisa nodded, “Smart!”

Not only smart, but he was ingenious for always spending Anthony’s money!

“Where do we go next?”

Lilly released the harem spirit and the others.

The ghosts and ghosts were all in the jar of souls during that section of the road just now, and the jealous spirit was escorted by the harem spirit and the others as a ‘navigator’.

Although the jar of souls was split open by the King of Cities, it was still usable.

Lilly’s plan was to save her master, and then slowly find the magic weapon to repair the jar of souls.

“Say, where do we go next?” The rebel ghost saw that the jealous spirit was still hesitant, his eyes were shining, and he didn’t know what the hell he was thinking.

Immediately, he slapped it with a slap.

The jealous spirit was annoyed, and said, “There is a very lush forest near here, find that forest first.”

Lilly snorted, “Is there a forest here?”

Although this place was not yet in the underworld, it was also an underground world. How could there be a forest without sunlight?

The weakling spirit mused, “This gray area may not only be a gray area, but may belong to another world that we don’t know.”

The harem spirit nodded, “That’s right, just like the underground world where we were dragged down by the white-headed female ghost last time, there were also many tree roots…”

The weakling ghost took the words, “In simple terms, it could be understood as a little secret realm.”

Lilly was even more confused, “Little Secret Realm?”

The foolish ghost said, “It’s a small secret realm. Let me put it this way, it is not an independent world, but it is also an independent small world…”

The unlucky ghost was speechless, “That’s very good, don’t say it again next time.”

However, Lilly suddenly realized, “I understand, it’s like the world in the jar of souls!”

“Just bigger than our gourd’s belly.”

“It’s like some kind of space…” Lilly tilted her head, thinking of the novels in her mother’s bookshelf, she had listened to a lot.

The stories of a peasant girl who transmigrated, and became rich with space, and brought millions of materials in the middle of space…

There was also a spiritual spring in the space, and the radishes planted there could become radish essence.

There could also be small animals, old men, small houses… Anyway, there could be anything in the space.

She understood this!

Lilly showed a perceptive expression on her face.

The weakling spirit didn’t know what was going on in her little head, so she petted and said, “That’s right, it’s similar to the space inside our jar of souls, but the jar of souls can only hold things from the underworld. Secret realms can hold more things.”

Lilly nodded seriously, “That’s right, there is everything!”

So where was the amphibious soil!

All the ghosts/humans looked at the jealous spirit in unison.

Jealous spirit, the navigator thought he was unlucky, and said, “If I remember correctly, the forest should be in this direction…”

Lilly and the others immediately set off in this direction.

The jealous spirit glanced at Lilly from time to time, and there were all kinds of ghosts around her.

He secretly felt unbalanced, after all, he would be one of them in thnovelxo.com fast updatee future.

However, they were not happy to see him at all, as if they looked down on him.

They were all ghosts, who were not any nobler than the other!

Moreover, Lilly, the ‘boss’, didn’t take care of him at all, he was a new subordinate, so he should be taken care of more.

In this unbalanced psychology, the jealous spirit led Lilly and the others to find the forest he mentioned.

“There it is! ”

There was a lush green forest in the distance, which could not be seen at a glance. It became wider and wider, and the green gradually overlapped with the horizon.

Polly groaned, “It’s greener than me!”

All the ghosts, “…”


Is this something to be proud of…


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