Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 824

Chapter 824

Chapter 824

Victim Ghost froze, unaware that Lilly was the Ruler of Hell and unable to grasp the meaning behind her words.

At that moment, her unwavering determination vanished completely…

It turned out that her determination was this.

Victim Ghost smiled.

“Thank you…” She looked around. “Thank you all.”

Initially, she had some resistance to the onlookers listening to her story.

But unexpectedly, after speaking out, she felt a sense of release.

Lilly suddenly asked, “Ah, one last question! Will you hold grudges against those people? The ones who spoke ill of you and got angry with you?”

Victim Ghost shook her head. “No, patients themselves suffer from illness, which can be understood. Most of the time, the families of patients don’t understand medical matters, and that can be understood too.”

For those who couldn’t understand, she simply moved on. She had many things to do, many patients to treat, and no energy to hold grudges.

She didn’t ask the public to treat healthcare professionals as angels or gods. She would be truly satisfied if they could just see them as normal human beings.

Lilly nodded. “You’re kind, Victim Ghost.”

If it were her, she might not be able to do the same.

Harem Spirit stood up, patting her bottom. “Alright, alright, we’ve finished listening to the ghost story. It’s time to go back to work!”

Weakling Spirit said, “Yeah, I’ll go check if Master Belmont has woken up.”

Ghost Bride took Victim Ghost’s hand. “Let’s go, I’ll help you choose a headstone.”

Victim Ghost looked puzzled.

Lilly followed them inside for a quick look, seeing that Pablo was still unconscious and there were no other abnormalities, then she came out.

In the afternoon, Blake took Lilly to the hospital to visit Hugh before returning.

In the evening, after Lilly had taken a bath and brushed her teeth, she got into bed early, holding her little bunny.

Blake gently touched her small face and asked, “What are you thinking?”

Lilly said, “I’m thinking about why Victim Ghost doesn’t have any regrets.”

Blake looked at her and spoke in a warm, deep voice, “In her hospital, even though there may be injustice, there are people, even her department head, who have gray income and various unspoken industry rules.”

“However, a person’s initial intentions never change. When they first chose to enter this profession, they also made an oath to their masters, holding the desire to save lives and heal the wounded in their hearts.”

“In this world, there are worms everywhere, and unreasonable people everywhere.”

“But you have to believe that light will always overcome darkness. Just like the places where the sun shines, it can surpass all darkness.”

It is unfair to dismiss the dedication of the majority of doctors silently contributing because of a small number of incompetent ones.

It is also unfair to deny the contributions made by the majority of public servants to society because of a small number of selfish and greedy individuals.

To condemn the majority of people who silently sacrifice because of a despicable few is inherently unfair.

In Blake’s heartfelt words, Lilly gradually fell asleep.

A smile of relief lingered on her lips as she dreamt of a large sun hanging inside the jar of souls.

Scaring Harem Spirit and the others, they scattered in all directions.


Lilly laughed in her sleep.

Blake, who was still watching over her quietly, couldn’t help but join in the laughter and gently tapped her little nose.

“Goodnight, my good baby.”

Blake lightly kissed her forehead and quietly left the room.

Late at night, Blake sat at his desk, contemplating for a long time before sending out a document.

The sun rose, and life seemed to go on as usual. Johnny changed into his uniform, silently encouraging himself.

Before going on duty, the boss came over with a document and called everyone over. “Gather around for a morning meeting.”

“This document is about caring for frontline public servants…” he mentioned, “It mentions that we should care for and, um, that, care for our frontline comrades.”

“So, let’s discuss a few points in this document. Um, first…”

Johnny listened to the leader’s bureaucratic speech, feeling somewhat helpless inside.

Why bother attending such a meeting? He’d rather go to the front line for patrol.novelxo.com fast update

Just then, his name was mentioned in the document: “Um, Johnny!”

Johnny was startled, subconsciously thinking he was about to be criticized again.

But then he heard the leader say, “Johnny has always been steadfast on the front line, um, often sacrificing sleep, forgetting oneself, sacrificing personal matters for the greater good!”

Johnny listened earnestly and humbly on the surface, but inside, he remained unaffected.

Sacrificing personal matters for the greater good…

Who doesn’t want to take care of their affairs?

The front-line work was indeed demanding, but he could handle it. He didn’t need to emphasize any “sacrifices” or “trade-offs” for his job responsibilities; they were simply what he should do.

It’s just that Johnny had experienced too much. When there were incidents that touched people’s hearts, the media would praise them as heroes, gods, and guardians…

But Johnny didn’t like this kind of praise.

How should he put it… Johnny felt that using healthcare workers as an example was very relevant to what he wanted to express.

Johnny also disliked seeing the media hyping up healthcare workers as the most beautiful angels during major events, filming them exhausted and lying on the ground to rest, and then showering them with endless praise.

What was the result of this?

Once, he took a car accident victim to the hospital at night, and coincidentally, the doctor was on a break. The man said, “The doctor is sleeping at a time like this?!”

There were many instances where, due to his job, he often had to take people to the hospital. He encountered doctors eating lunch, and they would say, “Wait a moment, let me take a few bites…” Some people with bad temperaments would say, “The patient is right in front of you, and the doctor is eating?!” There were even occasions when the doctor went to the bathroom, and some people were dissatisfied, saying, “Can’t you hold it for a moment? Aren’t you doctors angels, the ones who save lives and heal the wounded?”


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