Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 842

Chapter 842

Chapter 842

Thanks to the clues provided by Josh, the case was swiftly resolved.

Of course, Layton did not explicitly mention that Josh was the source of the clues. If he had, the police might have grown suspicious of Josh. Instead, he attributed the findings to Blake, ensuring there were no issues on their end.

The following day, when Anthony returned home, he shared with Josh the information he had received from Layton.

It turned out that Hex had forcefully assaulted the child, leading to the child’s father becoming enraged and physically confronting him. Overwhelmed by anger, the father ended up killing Hex.

Upon returning home, the father’s anger continued to brew, and he took a knife and went to Hex’s residence, where he committed the act of murder.

“After Hex’s death, the child’s mother, pretending to be pregnant, took the head onto the train,” Anthony explained.

“Pregnant women undergo different security checks than others.”

Furthermore, they went to great lengths by driving to a neighboring county town and boarding the train at a small town along its route, where the security checks were not as stringent.

The train journey lasted for three days, covering a long distance.

“The father acted impulsively out of anger. The mother did not want him to face the consequences of the murder, so she spent a significant amount of time disposing of the body.”

To dispose of the remains, they dismembered certain parts, while the larger bones proved more challenging to handle and were discarded.

However, dealing with an intact human head, a complete skull, posed even greater difficulties. The child’s mother carried the head on the train for two days before finally discarding it just before reaching their intended destination.

“They believed that if they threw it far enough, it would be fine.”

Anthony provided a brief overview of the case to Josh.

Josh let out a sigh and inquired, “So, how many years will the child’s father be sentenced to?”

Anthony replied, “I’m not certain about that.”

Josh chose not to delve further into the matter and remained silent.

In the desolate landscape of Gray Earth…

Beside a massive pit, a black cat stood silently, its eyes fixed on the void before it. How long had it been since the sacred tree was uprooted from this very spot?

The little girl who had taken the sacred tree had not returned it yet.

“Your Majesty, should we send a cat to the human world?” another cat voiced its concerns from beside the black cat.

That sacred tree belonged to them, a source of immense power.

The child must have realized the incredible power of the sacred tree, she refused to return it.

The black cat’s response was cold and resolute. “No need. She will return it.”

The other cats fell silent, obedient to their leader’s decision.

The black cat raised its head, surveying the illusionary trees that surrounded them. Without the sacred tree, the illusions had lost their vitality, appearing dull and lifeless.

This was the first major incident to occur in Gray Earth since the black cat inherited his father’s responsibilities as ruler.

The towers, their invaluable treasures, had all been stolen…

The black cat maintained a regal composure, its face displaying an unwavering coldness. None could fathom the thoughts swirling within its mind. Lost in contemplation, the cat was suddenly interrupted by a voice:

“Hello, kitty cats! We meet again!”

Lilly, gripping onto a vine, swung over with a spirited cry.

With a resounding thud, she landed on the rim of the massive pit.

As a result, she struggled to maintain her balance and nearly tumbled into the pit.

Reacting instinctively, the black cat stood up, only to witness the little girl in front of him wobbling and managing to steady herself.

“Phew… That was close!” Lilly wiped the sweat off her brow. “If Lilly had fallen, her butt would’ve been in four pieces!”

The black cat remained silent.

Lilly turned her head, looking at the black cat with a wide grin.

“Hey there, cute little kitty! Would you like some fish? I brought some!”

Lilly retrieved a bag of dried fish from her pocket.

The black cat did not say anything.

The other cats were also dumbfounded.

Why did they suddenly sense a witch offering an apple to Snow White?

What in the world is going on? Was Snow White their queen?

The black cat turned away, uttering in a cold tone, “I don’t eat small dried fish!”

Lilly’s eyes widened in amazement. “Wow, you can talk!! Just like Polly!”

Polly also widened her eyes. “Damn, the cat can talk?!”novelxo.com fast update

The last time Polly had an argument with Bellflower, she had made Bellflower seething with anger and taunted her, saying, “Come on, if you’re so capable! I can fly and talk! Show me you can talk if you’re as capable!”

And now, cats could actually talk!

Lilly was thrilled. It was her first encounter with a talking cat. Tentatively, she extended her hand, intending to pet the black cat’s head.

In response, the black cat turned its head and stared at her with a cold gaze.

Lilly held her hand mid-air, hesitating. “Um, can I please pet you?”

The black cat remained unyielding and icy. “No.”

No one had ever dared to lay a hand on it, and this little girl standing before it… Even if she were the reincarnation of the Ruler of Hell, it wouldn’t matter!

As the black cat entertained such thoughts, it inexplicably recalled being grabbed by the woman by the scruff of its neck, carried to the Palace of the Ruler of Hell, and placed on the table as a good luck charm.

Yes, that woman was the very same little girl in front of it. There was no way she would agree to such a request, even if she had reincarnated into a cute-faced little girl now!

Observing that the black cat was resolute in its decision, Lilly wore a disappointed expression.

However, she still believed that she could negotiate with it.

“Pretty please, may I pet you? It’s just for a while” Lilly extended a finger, batted her eyelashes, and gazed at the black cat with a pleading look.

The black cat was speechless.


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