Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chater 1028

Chater 1028

Chater 1028

Chapter 1028 Lilly, SOS

Lilly thought something serious had happened, looking at how panicked he was. But everyone was fine. “Josh, what happened?” She asked. Nothing matters as long as my family is safe!

Josh replied, “I caught the Holy Mother Ghost when you weren’t around!” Lilly gasped, “That’s great! But why are you worried?” He answered, “She was gone when I checked on her just now.” She was right there half an hour ago. He found a hole in his bag, and the ghost broke out all the layers of talismans. He was dead worried; he did not feel that this ghost was vicious when he caught her…

Lilly said, “Calm down, Josh. It’s impossible for her to escape.” She protected their home with a spell formed by talismans; no ghosts except hers could freely come in and out of it. Josh sighed. “That’s the problem. I used the tool to search every corner but couldn’t find her.” And he said, “I was worried that she possessed someone… I checked, and she didn’t.”

Lilly was surprised. The Holy Mother Ghost could not get out, even if she possessed someone. But this was what made Josh even more worried; if she could get out, it meant that she was extremely powerful. He was worried about her finding a substitute.

Zachary commented, “You s*ck.” Josh snorted, “Are you that great? You should catch one yourself!” Hmph, do you think it’s easy? Zachary said, “Wait and see,” and he left. Josh felt that something was weird with Zachary. Oh, it’s his reaction time!

Lilly suddenly said, “Josh, do you know that Zachary can catch the ghosts now? Josh thought, No, impossible! Lilly said, “He caught a few ghosts today, including one that almost became a malignant ghost. And he overcame his inner demon.” Josh could not believe it. Lilly felt sorry seeing Josh like this; she did not want to make him feel worse. So she dragged him to search for the loose ghost.

“Did you search for every corner?” Lilly asked, “Including my room?” He nodded, but he was still in shock about Zachary’s experiences. Lilly muttered, “Then it’s so weird…” She looked around herself; there was no one but the tortoise sleeping in her room. “Polly?” It was not inside the room. “Bellflower?” It did not answer either. Esper sniffed around when it was in her arms.

Zachary came back and said, “I can’t find her.” It’s impossible that I can’t find her with my skills. Am I too weak? Josh said, “I’ve told you!” They had been searching over and over again but still could not find the ghost. “Could she be hiding underground?” Zachary asked. Josh said, “No, I’ve searched the garage and also the basement.”

Lilly muttered, “What would Daddy say if he were here?” She continued to mumble, “Think out of the box.” She suddenly looked at the sky and asked, “Could she be up there?”

Josh and Zachary both thought, How is it possible? She can’t possibly be flying for such a long time. Lilly’s spell also locked down the air. Yet the two of them could faintly see something black up above the sky. “Is that Polly?” Josh asked. Zachary replied, “Seems like it.” Josh said, “But the deathly aura of the malignant ghost is overwhelming; they can’t possess little animals. Tiny animals would die. Zachary asked, “Is Polly a typical animal?”

Polly was miserable on air. “Hey buddy, mind sparing my life?” It said, “You do realize that I’m insanely terrified of heights, right?” It continued to say, seeing the Holy Mother Ghost ignore it, “I’m dying. My wings are giving up on me.” What a great humiliation! I’m the soul collector, and I’m possessed!

Lilly, SOS…


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