Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chater 727

Chater 727

Chater 727

Chapter 727 Nosy King of Cities

Blake was so distressed that he picked up Lilly and left.

“Let’s go, go back first.”

Blake wanted to tell her not to talk to her Master, but as a parent… How could he teach his child to be unscrupulous like this?

Respect the teacher, and sometimes the strictness of the teacher would be for her own good.

Though, after all, Pablo reprimanded his most beloved daughter, when Blake passed by Pablo, he still gave him a cold look.

Pablo, “…”

My heart hurts, my heart hurts…

Of course he felt sorry for his little apprentice too.

This was his only little apprentice…

**$ °A°)


Master Ernest ran all the way, not daring to stop.

Two hours later he reached his other hiding place.

The cunning rabbit had three caves, it was impossible for him not to prepare a way out, he was seriously injured and had to hide first to heal his injuries.

This was a designer residential community known as the ‘Medieval‘ garden, which was located in the urban area. Although it belonged to an old community, it had been preserved because of its characteristics and historical nature.

Master Ernest was relieved when he arrived here. The special history of the ‘Medieval‘ had its own appeal, which could isolate divination. He was not worried about being counted by the other party.

“It is time to take the rich spirit back…”

As long as there was obsession, there would be ‘power‘ invisibly, and he needed the obsession absorbed by the rich ghost to heal his wounds.

Furthermore, what the couple was asking for… He just hoped that the man would be more ruthless during this period of time. He had lost too much tonight, so he needs more strength…

Lilly was carried home by Blake, and when she got home, her complexion turned pale.

Still holding the pen in her hand, she murmured subconsciously, “Sissy Sugar Cookies… Sissy Oui… Could you tell me where the bad guy went again…”

Lilly withdrew her small hand, holding the pen of judgment tightly.

She thought she was fine just now, but when she got home, she was in a bad mood, groggy, and couldn’t

open her eyelids.

“Lilly, don’t sleep. “Blake said in a low voice, with anxiety in his heart.

“Dad, I’m so sleepy…” Lilly moved her fingers, “Let me sleep for a while…”

After she finished speaking, she really closed her eyes and fell asleep. Blake could tell that she was abnormal, stood up abruptly, and growled, “Pablo! Where’s Pablo?!”

Pablo was gone.

Blake couldn’t help clenching his fists, yes, Lilly was impulsive to trespass on the chapel.

Even he felt that there was nothing in this world that Lilly could not handle.

Who would have known that there were such things as glittering gold and power of faith, and they were so powerful.


At first, both he and Lilly thought that most ghosts and cunning people would be encountered, and Lilly could deal with ghosts, but no matter how powerful people were, he could defeat them even with a knife

and gun.

Lilly was wrong, and he was also wrong but now that Lilly was seriously injured, Pablo really shouldn’t leave in anger.

It was because… Even he could not help with this injury…

Blake had no choice but to wake up Gilbert, and Lilly was sent to the hospital overnight.

Her heart rate had been decreasing, the normal heart rate is 60-100, children are a bit faster, and hers had dropped to 50 now.

“What happened?!” Anthony was still wearing casual home clothes and always paid attention to his image, but now he was wearing slippers on his feet.

Gilbert was not much better, but he had an extra white coat, which was barely noticeable.

When Blake told what happened tonight, Anthony’s face was very ugly.

Gilbert tried all available methods, but could only watch Lilly’s heart rate drop.

Her face turned completely green, and the ghosts in the jar of souls felt something was wrong and all

came out.

“No way, someone could actually hurt our Lilly?” The unlucky ghost could not believe it.

The weakling spirit looked anxious, “Lilly, I’m Michael, can you hear me? Wake up quickly… Don’t sleep… Be good!”

The harem spirit floated out without saying a word, and dropped a sentence:

“I’m going to find Master Pablo!”

The ghost bride and the others also panicked, and they all went out to look for Pablo.

Pablo seemed to have disappeared.

Blake lost his sense of control, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, “It’s really time for him to leave!”

Anthony said, “Calm down, Pablo is Lilly’s master, he won’t leave Lilly behind.”

Blake clenched his fists, he knew it, but…

Sudden madness.

At this moment, Pablo had arrived at the underworld.

In a hurry, he went directly to Hell Ruler Palace, took something and left.

However, as soon as he got outside, he was stopped by the King of Cities.

“Pablo, what did you take without permission while the Ruler of Hell was away?”

Pablo clenched the things in his hands, and said coldly, “This is the Hell Ruler Palace, it’s not your turn to take care of it!”

The King of Cities‘ face turned cold!

Who was kneeling in front of his hall begging last time?

How dare he disrespect him now?

“The Ruler of Hell is not here, although the Palace is just a decoration, but the things inside are all real, how can you take it as you like?”

Pablo’s eyes were gloomy and cold, “I’m the Ruler of Hell’s subordinate after all. If I take things from the Ruler, even if it’s not in compliance, there is a basis for it. You belong to the eighth hall, so what basis is in charge of our fifth hall!”

After he finished speaking, he left immediately without waiting for the King of Cities to speak.

Lilly couldn’t wait long.

He was angry with her, but he also knew that this matter could not be delayed, so he went back to the underworld immediately.

Unexpectedly, the King of Cities would not let him go, and stopped Pablo, “Since I am one of the kings of the underworld, I have the right to manage the affairs of the underworld!”

“The Ruler of Hell is not here, so naturally we have to watch for her!”

Pablo sneered, “What are you watching for? Are you ready to grab something at any time?”

The King of Cities choked, annoyed.

However, Pablo ignored him at all and continued to leave. The King of Cities’s face was ruthless, and he raised his–hand and slapped Pablo’s back hard…


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