Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chater 880

Chater 880

Chater 880

Chapter 880 Retentive Memory, Lilly’s Super Brain

In the study room, there was a language book in front of Lilly, and Drake was teaching her patiently.

Lilly listened very carefully, and quickly sank down.

Because of the epiphany in the Abyss, Lilly quickly entered a state of efficient and focused learning. The words and vocabulary she had learned could be fully memorized after reading it-

Whether it was writing or memorizing, she had no difficulties at all!

Furthermore, Drake had taught her to read and write before, and although most of the characters she learned at that time were traditional characters, she also learned simplified characters,

So Lilly learned the language quickly, and she memorized it completely after flipping through the book.

Drake couldn’t believe it, her speed… People who didn’t know would think she was just flipping through books!

“You can write these and see. Drake put the classroom exercises of last semester in front of her.

Lilly nodded, picked up the pen and swished…

Soon she discovered: She could do it all!

She remembered it vividly in her mind! Every stroke, every punctuation mark… Were all very clear!

In less than half an hour, Lilly finished the whole classroom exercise.

Drake, “!!!”

Drake opened his eyes wide, “No way…

She had learnt so fast?!

Could it be because he thought his brother taught her how to read before?

No, no, no, he could not think that way, it must be because his sister was smart!

Drake hurriedly took out the first grade math book and began to teach Lilly.

Lilly still finished reading after turning a page. Drake only needed to go through it once, and she immediately understood it.

Drake’s mind was buzzing, she had learned the entire mathematics book at once, and he hurriedly took out the mathematics classroom exercises.

Lilly looked at the math workbook, and her little brows couldn’t help frowning.

It was too easy!

It was to fool the children, she was not a kindergarten child!

The difficulty of counting to 12345 was almost the same as teaching Polly!

Lilly swished her pen again and again! In less than half an hour, she finished a book of math exercises!

Both Drake and Josh were shocked.

The two were stunned, Josh’s face was dull, even Drake, who was always calm and elegant, couldn’t control his expression.

Lilly raised her head in doubt, “Brother, what’s wrong?

She was suddenly a little uneasy. She just wrote it after reading it. Could it be that she made a mistake?

Her brother said at the beginning that she must be serious in her studies, and carefully review the questions when doing the questions, and she must not be impetuous.

She should not be careless…

Lilly suddenly became unsure, cautiously stretched out a finger, and quietly turned a page to see if everything was wrong……..

However, Drake suddenly jumped up and shouted excitedly. “Wow!!”

“A super genius was born in our family!”

Their sister was better than him and his brother!

Super brain, photographic memory, she could understand everything at a glance!

Super smart, she could master it after only teaching once or even without teaching herself!

This brain could definitely defeat 99.99999% of the world’s geniuses!

He was going to be so proud!

“Long live my sister!” Josh was so excited that he couldn’t help but pick up Lilly and spin around in circles!

Old Mrs. Crawford heard the croaking in the study, and thought it was Drake and Josh having a dispute. and the two brothers had quarreled again.

“It was really outrageous, arguing in front of your sister, do you behave like a brother?” Old Mrs. Crawford said to herself, and pushed open the study.

She saw Josh almost lifted Lilly up and spun her around wildly.

She was shocked and said, “Put her down quickly! It’s dangerous!”

What if she fell!

Josh said excitedly, “Grandma, my sister is a genius!”

He immediately told her how well Lilly studied just now.

Old Mrs. Crawford doubted, “Is it really so magical?”

The entire Crawford family knew how much Josh doted on her sister.

Old Mrs, Crawford wondered if he was just biased for his sister.

As a result, she stood by the side and watched as Lilly finished a test paper, she was also shocked!

“Old man… old man, come quickly! Something has happened!! Old Mrs. Crawford went out in shock and panic to call someone.

As a result, the rest of the Crawford family came!

Old Mr. Crawford panicked and ran away with one shor. “What’s the matter?”

He looked flustered, thinking that something happened to Lilly.

Anthony was in the middle of the meeting when he heard this and threw the computer away! He also quickly arrived at the study….

He looked around, and first thing first he confirmed that Lilly was fine, the second thing that Old Mrs. Crawford was fine, and finally that his two sons were fine.

“What?” He asked, walking to the desk with steady steps.

Blake arrived at the same time as Anthony, Lisa was behind him, and finally the impatient aunt almost threw Blake out.

“Are you okay?” Blake also immediately confirmed that everyone was fine, and stood on Lilly’s right side.

Zachary, Hannah who was doing homework, and a few other uncles all rushed over. This space was considered small with so many people, so it was easy for each other to hear the movement outside.

“Are you okay?” Edward lifted the nearest chair and put it aside.

Liam looked nervously at the children.

Jonas raised his eyebrows, “What happened, our Lilly pierced the ceiling?”

Bryson said, “If she did, then just let it be. Our Lilly is not an ordinary person, it’s a normal thing”

Max said. The ceiling is not broken…. No, we can redecorate it another day and install Stacy No. 2.……..”

Gilbert asked gently, “Lilly, what happened? Why is your grandfather missing a shoe?”

Lilly was stunned.

She innocently looked at grandma, then at grandpa, and then at the ceiling.

“L… I don’t know either?”

Lilly swore, she really didn’t know anything!


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