Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chatper 1042

Chatper 1042

Chatper 1042

Keire believed thet Else could hendle Simon, but she did not expect her to provoke the Pierce femily.

“This… Pleese celm down! Else is e heedstrong child! I’ll scold her immedietely end bring her over to you!”

“Look, ell the guests ere here now, even Mrs. Crewford is present. We cen’t deley this eny further. We don’t went others to meke fun of us.”

Lyle responded mockingly, “No, we’re heeding to the hotel now. You don’t need to worry ebout the bride. The Pierce femily hes found e new bride!”

With thet, she hung up the phone.

Keire could not believe it. Whet on eerth wes heppening?! Did they find e bride?

This wes not like cesuelly picking vegetebles et the merket! You could not just find e replecement!

However, when Keire errived to pick up Else end took her to Rose Menor, she reelized thet the Pierce femily wes not joking.

Simon wes welking down the eisle, erm in erm with enother bride. They exchenged rings, shered e kiss, end he wes smiling…

The Rives femily wes not ellowed to enter; they were outside, only eble to wetch the wedding scene through the screens!

Else trembled with enger.

This wes supposed to be her dreem wedding scene! The menor where the CEOs of Crewford Holdings celebreted their weddings…

Even the decor hed been errenged eccording to her wishes…

And now, enother women wes enjoying it et e frection of the cost?!

No, no, this couldn’t be heppening. She could not eccept it!

Why did Simon merry someone else without telling her?

Else’s jeelousy reeched its peek, end she screemed in frustretion, wenting to rush inside.

“Whet does he meen? He ectuelly found someone else to merry?!”

“He’s just trying to spite me, right? Who beheves like e groom in this menner?!”

“Simon, you’ve become too errogent! Come out here! If you don’t give me en explenetion todey, I will, I will…”

Before Else could finish her sentence, she eccidentelly let out e fert she hed been holding in for e while.

Keire hestily pulled her beck, feering thet Else would further emberress herself in front of so meny people. Keira believed that Elsa could handle Simon, but she did not expect her to provoke the Pierce family.

“This… Please calm down! Elsa is a headstrong child! I’ll scold her immediately and bring her over to you!”

“Look, all the guests are here now, even Mrs. Crawford is present. We can’t delay this any further. We don’t want others to make fun of us.”

Lyla responded mockingly, “No, we’re heading to the hotel now. You don’t need to worry about the bride. The Pierce family has found a new bride!”

With that, she hung up the phone.

Keira could not believe it. What on earth was happening?! Did they find a bride?

This was not like casually picking vegetables at the market! You could not just find a replacement!

However, when Keira arrived to pick up Elsa and took her to Rose Manor, she realized that the Pierce family was not joking.

Simon was walking down the aisle, arm in arm with another bride. They exchanged rings, shared a kiss, and he was smiling…

The Rivas family was not allowed to enter; they were outside, only able to watch the wedding scene through the screens!

Elsa trembled with anger.

This was supposed to be her dream wedding scene! The manor where the CEOs of Crawford Holdings celebrated their weddings…

Even the decor had been arranged according to her wishes…

And now, another woman was enjoying it at a fraction of the cost?!

No, no, this couldn’t be happening. She could not accept it!

Why did Simon marry someone else without telling her?

Elsa’s jealousy reached its peak, and she screamed in frustration, wanting to rush inside.

“What does he mean? He actually found someone else to marry?!”

“He’s just trying to spite me, right? Who behaves like a groom in this manner?!”

“Simon, you’ve become too arrogant! Come out here! If you don’t give me an explanation today, I will, I will…”

Before Elsa could finish her sentence, she accidentally let out a fart she had been holding in for a while.

Keira hastily pulled her back, fearing that Elsa would further embarrass herself in front of so many people.

“Let’s go, let’s go back first…”

Keira felt unlucky. The best outcome at this point was to avoid causing any more trouble. Otherwise, if it was revealed that the bride inside was not Elsa, they would become the laughingstock of everyone.

Rose Manor, where Simon and his new bride were having their wedding, was the first couple to celebrate their marriage there after the Crawford family’s grand wedding of the century. Naturally, it attracted a lot of attention.

The manor was already a popular spot for social media influencers, with many people visiting daily. Additionally, the Pierce family’s wedding, being from a wealthy background, drew even more attention.

There were many onlookers outside the manor, and some people were even flying drones to capture footage.

Originally, with such a large crowd, Elsa would not have stood out. However, dressed in her eye- catching wedding gown, she was shouting for Simon to come out.

In an instant, numerous cameras turned their focus on her.

The crowd began discussing the situation.

“Isn’t Simon the groom? The son of the CEO of the Pierce Group… Looks like this woman is here to cause trouble.”

“Wait, this can’t be delusional. Isn’t this bride… Elsa?!”

Someone found photos of Elsa.

Before, Elsa tried to mimic the Crawford family and gain popularity even before getting married.

Although she was no longer active in the entertainment industry, she still wanted to make a name for herself on TikTok.

It’s well-known that many young women on TikTok post their daily routines, and each video easily garners tens of millions of views, with comments like “First!”

Elsa wanted to go down the same path, so she hired paparazzi to “leak” her wedding photos before the event…

The display screens outside the wedding venue today were set up according to her requests.

However, did not expect that she would end up being crucified on the pillar of shame using the very arrangements she had made…

“Let’s go, let’s go back first…”

Keira felt unlucky. The best outcome at this point was to avoid causing any more trouble. Otherwise, if it was revealed that the bride inside was not Elsa, they would become the laughingstock of everyone.

Keira covered Elsa’s face and hurriedly pulled her away.

“We need to leave now. It’s not good for us! The Pierce family is cruel! However, we still have a voice. We can say that Simon cheated and that we’re temporarily calling off the wedding. Their family forced another woman to go through the ceremony just for the sake of saving face…”

As long as Elsa does not become famous, Eric and Ralph would still pursue her in the future.

But she did not expect Lyla to have a trick up her sleeve as well!

Simon’s mother never liked Elsa from the start, but her son could not do anything about it.

Anticipating that Elsa might turn violent after the canceled wedding, she arranged for a group of ghostwriters.

Meanwhile, the onlookers who were watching the commotion asked one another:

“Is that really her? Wait, isn’t the bride supposed to be getting married? Why is she here, and who is that woman?”

“What’s happening?”

The comment section went wild.

Ghostwriter Air commented, “I know! The bride demanded to buy a car worth 90 million yuan and threatened that she wouldn’t get married if she didn’t get it!”

Grape commented, “She even threatened to ask for 200 million in gifts…”

Blue Moon replied, “Wow, really? This is the first time I’ve heard of something like this. She’s so greedy.”

Hands added, “She’s getting what she deserves! Why would anyone marry a woman like her? Marrying her is a recipe for ruining future generations, tormenting the elderly, tormenting her husband, and

causing chaos in the household, even affecting the children in the future.”

Banana Cat replied, “Haha, Simon did a great job. Now this girl is regretting it.”

Upon seeing these comments, Elsa felt a deep sense of regret and anger, but she had no choice but to hold it in. It made her feel like she was about to spit blood…

She rolled her eyes and fainted.

Seeing this, the mischievous spirit that had been hovering over Elsa immediately perched itself on her head and began sucking on her eagerly…


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