Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 101 - Competition For Attention

Chapter 101 - Competition For Attention

Cassidy was staring out to the window when the whole bouquets showdown was taking place, completely unaware of the Millicent brothers' mini confrontation.

Only then did she realize how lovely the evening scenery was. The sea of city lights seems to outshine the crystal-like brilliance of the stars above. There are also the hustles and bustles down below that make her sigh with a sense of yearning. As always, the outside world appears more enjoyable in her eyes - much more than the lavish setting of the dining hall she's currently in.

With those in mind, Cassidy can't help but mind the glass window as if it's the one that's separating her from the world she used to live in before. 

'What if the orphanage is no longer there, though? I don't have any other home. Where else would I go once I left...?' she brooded quietly before suddenly stiffening at what she just thought.

'No longer there...? That can't be. What am I thinking? Why do I sound like... like it's indeed...'

"Aunty...!" Hugo called from behind her out of nowhere, making her snap out of her train of gloomy thoughts.

"Lookie here, Aunty! I've got a flower for you!"

At that, Cassidy turns around and finds the ecstatic-looking toddler. Hugo seems so exhilarated that his cute, fluffy cheeks are already flushed red. At the sight of his excitement alone, she can't help but smile broadly in endearment. 

"My, thank you for this, Hugo. You're so sweet," Cassidy said before taking the red rose, making him brighten up even more in delight. 

"It matches well with your dress!" Hugo chirped blithely.

"Here you go too, Aunt Cassidy," Joshua offered as he appeared behind his brother and handed a pink rose to her, catching her off guard.

"Oh, how kind of you, Joshua. Thank you as well. Both of your roses look beautiful..." she trailed off gratefully before mustering a questioning look.

"Where did you get these, by the way?"

"W-Well, ummm... I made it from air, Aunty-"

"Don't lie to her, Hugo!"

"But they won't be my gift anymore if I told her! Credits would go to Uncle Bossman."


That's when Cassidy tilted her head back up again and looked at the direction where they came from. It was their eldest brother's approaching figure that greeted her

Damien smiles at his aunt as soon as they lock eye contact. He then goes ahead and offers two roses to her, much to her pleasant surprise.

"Goodness..." Cassidy breathed out as she took the flowers.

"Thank you, Damien. To the three of you, thank you."

"You're welcome, Aunt. By the way, you look very beautiful tonight," Damien complimented like a debonair gentleman, making her giggle.

Seeing their aunt make such an airy, hearty laughter while blushing a little, both Hugo and Joshua get a bit jealous since she reacts that way only to their brother. With that, the former cuddles her lap once again while the latter pouts and huffs.

"I also think you look very beautiful, Aunty! Very, very beautiful!" Hugo chimed in again, looking desperate to be praised back.

"Not just tonight, but Aunt is very, very beautiful everyday!" Joshua remarked, lifting his chin up and boasting like he just said an amazing punchline.

"Goodness, you three! Y'all making me blush~ It's my first time getting complimented for how I look tonight," Cassidy cooed with a flattered smile and a shade of pink blooming on her cheeks. 

"Your... first time?" Damien murmured in surprise, dropping his smile.

As the children continue to hog Cassidy's attention all to themselves, both Adrian and Edward remain uncertain of how exactly they will barge in their conversation. They make their way to them with their bouquets in hand, silently wishing that she will be the one to notice them instead. 

With those boys around, they doubt they can have the spotlight for even a minute. 

"Oh, you two!"

Fortunately, Cassidy seems to have heard their wish. She turns to the two the moment she notices them closing in. With her eyes now on them, the three children come to a halt and look at them as well. That's also when her smile curves down a little as her eyes dart at the bouquets.

"This is for you, Cassidy. I wanted to express my gratitude. Thank you for always watching over my sons," Edward greeted amicably before handing his bouquet to her, throwing her off guard.

"Oh no, you really don't have to do this," Cassidy replied bashfully as the realization that this was her first time receiving a full-blown bouquet struck her.

"Please, do accept it. I haven't really done anything to return the favor."

"O-Oh, ummm... Alright. Thank you very much."

Thinking that it would be rude to reject it, Cassidy decided to accept the bouquet, making him smile delightfully.

She is quite grateful for the good will that Edward has towards her. Much like her first impression of him, he is a kind and humble man. He is really down-to-earth like his sons, and among the older members of this family, he is definitely the most approachable one.

'Well, there is that and everything, but...' Cassidy quietly thought before glancing at her husband.

'I really hope that bossman got his brother's gentlemanly side. Just what is up with him now? Why the heck is he glaring as if there's no tomorrow? Is that how you should look when you're about to give a bouquet?'

It just happened that Adrian kept glaring at nothing in particular from behind Edward, obviously not pleased.

Even though he gave his permission, he couldn't help but feel bitter about the thought of another man giving his wife a bouquet. If they were not brothers, he probably wouldn't even allow such a thing no matter if their intentions were clean.

At any rate, Adrian should have picked another time to give his bouquet. Being surrounded by guys who are eager to keep her attention to themselves is really not the best setting.

"You're giving me one too, bossman?" Cassidy called out to him, unable to stand his dagger-like gaze any longer.

"Well, yeah, though I would have preferred a better timing," Adrian replied with a hint of regret in his tone. 

"It's fine, it's fine... Thank you."

As soon as he hears her expressing her gratitude with a soft voice, he stills and blushes for a bit. He feels overjoyed that she has accepted it easily. At one point earlier, he thought that she was going to hesitate or worse, turn it down.

To her, this may just be a bundle of flowers. But for him, he gives it as if he is offering his heart to her. He wants to hand it over with all seriousness, sincerity and genuine devotion. 

Now, if only he knew that this was how he was going to feel like, he should have really picked a better setting and timing.

Hide it as he might, Damien could see Adrian blushing ever so faintly, especially when he leaned down to Cassidy and gave his bouquet. At this point, he doesn't completely support his uncle on pursuing her. But perhaps now that Sophie and all the essential characters of this real life drama are in one place, he might soon find him proving something by doing more than courting his aunt like this. 

For now, though, he isn't going to ship her with anyone. 

"By the way, Aunt Cassidy..." Damien chimed in all of the sudden, catching everyone's attention.

"You said that we're the first ones who told you how beautiful you looked tonight. Didn't Uncle Bossman try to compliment you or something?"josei

While Cassidy only blinks at him in nonplus, Adrian jolts a little before stiffening all of the sudden.

For some reason, Damien pointed that out as if he's trying to ruffle his feathers and push his buttons, especially with how he started looking at him with feigned incredulity and even pity. It's almost like he's implying how much of a massive idiot he was for not complimenting his own wife before anyone else. 

'But, yeah, he's right. Have I told Cassidy that she looked so beautiful tonight?' Adrian begrudgingly brooded, his face paling at such a missed opportunity.

"No, not really. Of course, he won't do that. Your uncle doesn't like this kind of look on women to begin with..." Cassidy quipped with a nonchalant shrug before smirking at her husband teasingly. 

"He's an old-fashioned man, you know. Can't you see the distaste in his eyes? He ain't pleased at all. I know he's repelled, but I'm not sure why he isn't showing it. Must be a martyr."

"Is that why you dressed yourself up like that, then? To repel me?" Adrian asked, unamused.

"Yeah, that's right-"

Then, she paused.

Realizing that she just kind of spilled the beans, she instantly cut herself off and froze on her seat. She probably got too carried away with poking fun on his fashion taste that she didn't realize that she was heading to that topic. While her brother-in-law and her nephews didn't seem to fully catch on that, her husband got the message almost immediately. 

"So, you dressed like that because you wanted to repel me, huh?" 

At Adrian's remark, Edward can't help but snort a little, finally catching on.

His brother doesn't seem to find it even a bit amusing, though. If anything, he is irked. He then suddenly appears intimidating as he crosses his arms and regards his wife seriously.

"Let's talk after this, Cassidy," Adrian then ordered with an ominous smile, making Cassidy shudder for a second.

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