Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 171 - History Repeats Itself

Chapter 171 - History Repeats Itself

Damien has never been this mortified in all his years of existence.

So, it was true that he was misunderstood - someone really thought he was going to commit suicide. And because of this certain someone's reaction, he found himself having a hard time to explain and clear it up. He never experienced something like this before, and he never thought that he would ever be scolded by a stranger.

If they were to know who he really was, he doubted they would even have the audacity to do so.

"What are you talking about...?" Damien started a little reluctantly, not really used to this kind of confrontation.

"I think you're misunderstanding something here."

"Huh...?" Aira blurted out, dumbfounded.

"You mean to say that you aren't trying to end your life?"

He did not respond to that - he only stared at her as if she had grown two heads. The answer is already obvious. And with that, she finds herself blushing in embarrassment this time.

"Why were you on the edge of the bridge, then?! Why were you looking down like you were about to throw yourself?!" Aira exclaimed, flailing her hands about as she was no longer sure of what to do.

"I wasn't..." Damien said before casting down his gaze.josei

"I'm lost. I'm new around this place, and I've been trying to look around."

Her brow twitched at that.

She felt her face heating up even more, completely mortified. Feeling like she had really made a total fool out of herself, she pouted and fiddled with her fingers. It's too late to take that back now.

She just had to shrug it off, play it cool, and start all over again - like what Cassidy used to tell her whenever she slipped up. 

"You're not planning on staying down there all day, though, are you...?" Aira asked Damien with a smile before offering her hand to him, taking him aback.

"Come on. I won't bite. Promise."

He still appears a little wary of her. But if she continues smiling at him like that, he will not be able to refuse. With that, he slowly placed his hand on top of her hers. She then pulled him up and helped him stand on his feet again.

For some reason, Aira could sense that Damien was different from the other boys she met. For the most part, he behaved in a way that raised concerns before proceeding to blush furiously and act all sheepish. That was probably something she would never see a typical guy do.

"So, what's your name?" she inquired but only to earn his silence.

When she noticed him taking a step away from her, she felt a bit hurt. She probably scared him with her reaction earlier.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Aira continued and smiled in understanding, making Damien feel a bit guilty.

"I apologize I can't tell you."

"Hmmm.... You sure talk formally. Are your parents strict?"

"Well, ummm... Y-Yeah...? I mean yes. Yes, my family as a whole is." 

Hearing that, she couldn't keep herself from beaming at him again - he could actually open up. He seemed like a nice guy for apologizing for such a small thing too. In reality, she should be the one apologizing for jumping to conclusions.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Aira, by the way. I'm very sorry about earlier. I thought you were going to jump down or something..." she introduced herself before letting out a small giggle.

"Silly me, huh?"

"I'm sorry for causing misunderstandings too," he apologized once more, a little amazed by how she could comfortably talk with a stranger like him.

"No, it's okay. I guess I wasn't thinking straight... Anyway, did you say you were lost? That must be awful."

"Yes. Thank you for worrying about me... M-Ms. Aira."

"Just call me Aira. We're only probably around the same age."

"Right, then... Aira."

Aira feels a bit of sympathy and compassion for him. She didn't know why, but for some reason, she wanted to get to know him better. Not only was he nice and gentle, but he was also polite. Those are rare in boys nowadays.

With those in mind, she gives him a warm smile.

"If you like, I can help you find your way home! I know this place pretty well. I'm sure we'll be able to find it in no time - if you want to, that is."

Damien brightens up at that. 

He actually wanted to ask for help from others, but he was afraid he would chance upon someone who would recognize him. This was his first time sneaking out of their manor, and this was also the first time he had gone out without a bodyguard. Those were probably why he was a bit paranoid and a little too cautious. 

But even when Damien knew he lacked a lot of things, he still went there to search for a certain aunt of his.

"Oh, it's big sis!"

Right at that moment, he saw Aira waving at someone from the sidewalk below the footbridge.

Surprised, he only looked at her for a second before he turned in that direction. That was when he froze on his spot, his eyes widening like saucers and his jaw dropping to the floor.

This 'big sis' she is waving at turns out to be the person he has been looking for.

Damien was thoroughly stunned to find Cassidy down there, but before she could spot him, he immediately backed away and hid from her. He wasn't supposed to since this was what he wanted all along - he wanted to see her and reunite with her. This was what he had been longing for. 

But then, Damien heard Aira calling Cassidy her big sister.

And once again, he realized that he knew nothing about her at all.

'To begin with, would she even be happy that I searched around for her? What if she doesn't want to be found out? What if she treats me like a stranger? What if she tells me to go home? I don't know what really happened between her and Uncle Adrian, so I also don't know what to expect...' Damien pondered as he saw himself getting all worked up and hesitant at the last minute.

'Does she have her own family now? Is she happy now?'

And when Damien tried to take a glimpse of Cassidy again to see her smiling back at Aira, his fears and insecurities eventually took over him. 

He feels out of place. He feels somewhat unwanted. He feels like he is only meddling at this point. 

And so, he slowly turned around in an attempt to leave.

"Hey, wait! I thought you're lost...?!" Aira called out to Damien all of the sudden, grabbing him by his hoodie and ending up nearly strangling him - for a girl, he swore she was kind of strong. 

"Wait here. I'll tell big sis to go home without me, and I'll be back to tour you around, okay?"

For some reason, instead of turning that down like he wanted to, he only nodded.

Perhaps, a part of him still wanted to fit in Cassidy's life after all. Even if she already had a new home, he wanted to have a place in there too. And with this little sister of hers treating him so similarly to how she would treat him, he found it hard to back out and leave just like that. He feels like he wants to learn more about who these people really are - to get to know them better.

"Alright, Aira. And if it's alright with you, may I ask to meet you again after this?" 

In the end, Damien decided to spend more time with Aira and watch over Cassidy in the meantime - hence, unknowingly following a certain someone's footsteps. 



In the present, Cassidy is bursting out in laughter.

After hearing the whole story, she just could not help but do so.

While Damien burns up and lowers his head in embarrassment, Aira only pouts and gives her an unamused look. It seems like she is the only one here who is enjoying herself thoroughly.

They're still inside the ice cream shop where they happened to chance upon one another. And at this moment, they're starting to gather attention from both the customers and employees. Then again, with one of them being so loud, that is inevitable. 

"Oh, man! You really are something, my dearest Damien...!" Cassidy continued to laugh out, practically flipping over at that point. 

"I guess you're not that man's nephew for nothing at all!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Damien blurted out in puzzlement. 

"Well... It's just that... You two are... Pfffftttt...!!!"

"Big sis, you're laughing too much. You're gonna throw up all those ice creams at this rate," Aira deadpanned, still unable to see what was so amusing about this whole thing.

Of course, Cassidy could find a lot of things to be amused about here, considering that what Damien did was kind of similar to what Adrian did in the past - indeed, fate must have been playing with them this entire time.

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