Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 54 - A Show-stopping Entrance

Chapter 54 - A Show-stopping Entrance

Everyone at the courtyard comes to a halt as soon as a black clad hot-wheeled motorcycle comes rushing in the scene.

It just happened that the vehicle stopped right exactly at the middle of the venue - in the midst of the sea of well-dressed ladies and spruce-looking gentlemen. At this uncalled-for arrival, a round of chatters immediately ensues and follows the gasps of surprise. 

While some react astonished, others are utterly confounded. Their entrance was so sudden that they thought there's a flash mob that's about to happen.

"Huh? Who are those two?" Joshua asked from beside his brothers.

"I... have no idea," Damien blurted out with a dumbfounded look, thinking that they couldn't be invited by his grandmother nor aunts - considering how audacious they were to bring a motorcycle all the way in. 

"Scary... That woman in black looks scary, brother..." Hugo said tremulously as he hid behind the two, though he still continued to take a peek at the scene.

Everyone can't make out who these two latecomers are since they're still wearing their helmets. Nevertheless, the woman's daring attire and her companion's prepossessing aura are undeniably compelling.

Knowing that youngsters like them can only do little in this situation, Damien just discreetly glances at the direction of their father and grandmother. They should know what's up since they're the ones who handled the guests list.

Contrary to his expectation, though, both of them appear to be as clueless as everybody else. 

"What a brash way of showing up late and gathering people's attention like this..." Gertrude muttered underneath her breath, not pleased with the commotion they're stirring.

"Where are the security guards? They should know better than letting strangers in."

Since everyone in the party had arrived in cars and vans, she came up with the idea that these people were uninvited. Then again, all the visitors are more than aware that this is a high-class event. That's why it takes quite a strong sense of audacity to bring a mere motorbike in a posh and fancy setting like this.

"Oh, wow~ How romantic!" Irish suddenly cooed as she stood behind her mother together with her sister.

"I can't see how's arriving late is romantic, sis..." Olivia deadpanned while she continued to watch the latecomers with a blank expression. 

"Many things must've happened that caused them to arrive late! Sexy things included. Think about those~!" 

"This is no time for side comments, girls. Your nephew's party is being disrupted," their mother chided with her arms crossed, shooting a sharp gaze at them. 

"But Mother, they're not even doing anything yet-"

"Oh, shush. They already dragged their toy bike here."

"Calm down, ladies. And no need for guards. I'll go attend to them," Edward chimed in from beside the three, finally silencing them.

With that, he excuses himself and proceeds to make his way to the latecomers. All the while, everyone's eyes just trail after him along with the awkward quietude. Judging by the heavy atmosphere, they appear as if they're watching a sacrificial lamb that's about to be offered to the demons. 

"Well, that's a bit much, but..." Edward thought quietly as he looked straight ahead, not really that fazed. 

"Going by these two's attention-catching presence and dramatic entrance, they do look strange and kinda otherworldly-"

"Hey, watch where you're holding me, bossman!" 

Then, he paused.

That's when an all-too familiar voice suddenly erupted in a fit of miff, making him halt on his tracks. Much to his and the other spectators' nonplus, the two started bantering at that very moment.

"How long had you been holding my hips?!" bolted out the female rider.

"Ever since you attempted that crazy stunt. Why did you only notice now?" retorted her companion.

"Ughhh... Just get off, will ya?"

"I would've if you didn't shout. Can't believe you still had that energy."

"That's normal for someone whose personal space is being invaded."

"Not like there's enough space to move around in at the first place."

As their childish exchange carries on, they finally unmount their vehicle and step on the grassy ground. With that, a new kind of exhilarating tension builds in the air, especially when they begin to remove their helmets.

Right then, everyone is struck astonished once more.

The first one to reveal himself is the youngest of the current generation of Millicent's. Like some sort of a supreme being, Adrian unleashes more of his majestic aura by unveiling his breath-taking frame - a luscious sight that everyone can't help but behold in awe and wonder.

Edward only stands still for the next seconds to come, thunderstruck by the fact that he hasn't recognized his own brother.

"Adrian," he then eventually called out in surprise, making him look at his direction. 

"Oh, Edward. Sorry for running late," his brother simply blurted out as he tucked his helmet under his arm. 

"Goodness... It really is you, Adrian. Then, this person is..."

That's when Edward darts his eyes back to the female rider. He could already feel himself gaping in nonplus and incredulity as he stared at the woman he never thought would change so much - perhaps to the point he couldn't recognize her anymore.

At that very moment, Cassidy finally takes off her helmet. 

She flips her hair from side to side as she does so, making her look so jaw-droppingly stunning. The way those smooth-looking strands fly everywhere has ended up accentuating the sexiness of her current attire. That sight certainly brings out her hidden boldness and intrepidity.

Far from that amenable woman who often seems to be cowering in fear, Cassidy now appears like a free and wild spirit. josei

To say that Edward is astounded is probably an understatement. After all, he can't even move an inch at this point, much less say a word. He remains frozen and visibly captivated on his spot - with his wide blue eyes glued on the fascinating woman before him.

"Oh, you're..." Cassidy blurted out in surprise as soon as they locked eye contact.

"Hmmm... Let me guess... Brother-in-law, right?"

But then, Edward didn't respond.

He's still too busy drinking in her mesmerizingly ethereal presence, especially when she suddenly flashes him a toothy grin. Her large, beaming eyes somehow knock him breathless for a second, and perhaps that's because no one has ever looked at him like that before -

No one but his deceased wife.

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