Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 60 - When The Wine Speaks And Doubles The Trouble

Chapter 60 - When The Wine Speaks And Doubles The Trouble

Charles had already been through a lot of tests and challenges back then. 

That's only natural in his field of work where there's always an endless list of things to do, hurdles to overcome, and tasks to finish. He had improved and developed over the years because of those, though - thus becoming the unrelenting and determined man that he now was. 

However, dealing with his boss's drunk wife was something he never experienced before nor expected to do any sooner, and to say that its difficulty was of a whole new level would only be appropriate. 

"Oh, come on, Chamberlain...!" Cassidy exasperatedly bolted out before suddenly turning to cooing and pleading next. 

"Just one more glass, please...! Pretty pleaseeeeee~?!"

She is now on all fours, facing him and scooting closer. At this point, her face is beet red while her way of speaking is no longer that of a person who can still think properly.

All in all, she's having a typical reaction of someone who had already drunk more than enough for tonight. Yet on the contrary, his dilemma this time isn't typical at all.

Charles had no idea how he should go around this situation. He tried talking sense to her and making her settle down but to no avail. Just a minute ago, he even had to steal the bottle of wine and put it away from her reach since she kept snatching it. 

"That's not all, though. As if her insisting to drink more isn't enough, she has to act like this either," he grimaced as he leaned and crawled backward in an attempt to maintain his distance from the restless woman. 

Cassidy is blushing so fiercely that she appears endearingly blooming amidst the dimness of their surroundings. Her guards and defenses are all over the place either. She probably isn't even aware that her current pose is a little seductive as she continues to crawl and try to back him into a corner.

Charles had dealt with a number of temptresses in the past. Ranging from voluptuous beauties to playful coquettes, he already had his fair share of them.

But as of this moment, he feels as if his self-restrain is truly being tested for once. He keeps clenching his hold on his unruly emotions, his clutter of thoughts and his self-control. In other words, he was trying not to do what he knew he should never do, keeping his hormones on check all the while. 

"Please, get your grip, Ma'am Cassidy. It's already getting really late now..." Charles nearly begged before stretching out his hand and lightly brushing her cheeks with the back of his fingers. 

"Not to mention, you look very exhausted."

"Of course not! I'm still full of energy...!" Cassidy protested as she picked up her pace and came pouncing on him at long last. 

"See~? I still managed to do this!"

At that very minute, she went so close to pinning him on the sand that he lost his balance and ended up falling backward even more. He has his elbows supporting him at the moment while he keeps leaning further to save the remaining gap between them.

"M-Ma'am Cassidy, please settle down. I-I'm serious," Charles stuttered a little, feeling his face heat up as she continued to inch her own nearer and nearer to his.

"Oh~? But I'm serious too," Cassidy breathed out with a deep and vehement tone, narrowing her gaze down at him like a predator hunting her prey.josei

Too benumbed by the overwhelming rush of emotions that surge within him at that second, he finds himself completely knocked speechless and unmoving. 

This was so not like him at all. He never wavered in the face of any trouble. But the trouble in front of him in the present - perhaps, deep within him, he's seeking for something like it all this time. 

Ever since those times that Charles spent with Cassidy back at the hospital, he had been feeling strange things. He already knew what they were since they're so unusual and somewhat peculiar. But then, up until now, he is neither accepting nor denying them.

Right now, however, he might finally go for the former. 

"No, stop that, Charles...!" he then thought firmly, cutting off his train of impure thoughts. 

"She's already married for goodness's sake, and to your own boss at that-"

Then, he paused. 

That's when Cassidy snatched the bottle of wine from his back all of the sudden, flashing him a smirk of triumph all the while. 

Dumbfounded, Charles ended up gaping at the dirty trick she just pulled on him. While he was clearly distracted and flustered, she had taken that opportunity to steal what she's originally going after. 

"Thanks for this, Charlie~!" she cooed giddily before rising on her feet again and turning around to run away with the wine.

"Ma'am Cassidy...!" he blurted out in panic as he stood up as well and went to chase after her.

"Wait, Ma'am!"

Indeed, she wasn't lying about still being full of energy.

She even had some left for a childish game of tag. He would catch up to her in less than a minute, though. Her petty attempt to dash away was too wobbly and slow. 

"Now, I really feel like I'm eighteen...!" Cassidy chirped with a bubbly, ear-splitting grin as she raised the bottle of wine in the air like some trophy, taking her companion aback.

"I'mma go do whatever I want, be whoever I want, and live however the fucking hell I want~!"

"Ughhhhh... Now, she's cursing. She  really is drunk..." Charles sighed with a guilt-ridden expression. 

"I should've just brought some juice instead."

"There ain't no Karen nor Maleficent nor bossman who's gonna order me around! I'm Cassidy freaking Eleanor! And I'm supposed to be wild, young and free-!"

Right then, though, she lets out a loud, surprised screech as she feels her feet get swept off of the sandy ground. 

Then, in the blink of an eye, her whole body has been lifted up and put on a sturdy, broad shoulder. Completely thrown off guard, she thrashes about to break free but the one who suddenly starts carrying her like a potato bag has his huge and strong arm pinning her down.

"President?!" Charles exclaimed in flummox the moment he recognized who this body snatcher was.

Adrian appeared out of nowhere and went straight ahead to catch his fleeing wife. He locked his arm around her from the back before swiftly lifting her up and placing her on his shoulder without any trouble at all.

"Gyahhhhh...! It's bossman...!" Cassidy shrieked and flailed about in horror as if she'd just been caught by a supervillain. 

"Quiet down, you. Just how much did you drink?" Adrian grumbled before sighing out loud.

"None of your business! Put me down at once, you naughty, big-headed snob! Otherwise, you'll really get aimed at the balls this time!"

"Try to reach them, then."

While his wife only stammered out an appalled gasp at that, his secretary couldn't help but drop his jaw in incredulity. They didn't expect that he could retort such a thing with a new kind of haughtiness that they're seeing on him.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Adrian snickered with a conceited smirk, feeling satisfied by her speechless reaction.

He already had enough getting dragged around the place by his wife's unpredictable tendencies. It's about time for him to loosen up and adjust to the way she wants to play these new games of hers.

For now, though, he needs to settle one more thing before he can continue this exchange with her.

"By the way, Charles..." Adrian called out to his secretary, deciding to focus on him for now.

"Thanks for all your service today, but I believe you're already past your work hours."

Charles falls silent at this for a second.

For some reason, he can point out an underlying weight behind what he just said. Though he's looking at him with a smile, he can tell that it's the ambiguous expression he often uses whenever he notices something that piques his wariness or concern.

It's giving him the impression that he saw the position he and his wife were in earlier, but since he didn't want to cross any more borders tonight, he just chose to keep the thought to himself.

"You go and rest now. It's been a long day for all of us. I'll talk with you tomorrow in the morning," Adrian said for the last time before finally bidding him goodbye and taking his leave.

"H-Hey, wait, bossman! I haven't said goodbye yet. Ughhh...!" Cassidy bolted out exasperatedly before choosing to turn her head back to their companion.

"Bye bye, Chamberlain...! Sweet dreams~! And thanks for the wine!"

Since they're already a bit far at that point, thanks to Adrian walking in a rapid pace for another unknown reason, Charles just decided to raise his hand and wave Cassidy farewell. 

"You, too... Sweet dreams, and thanks for a pleasant evening," he then whispered to the air with a small smile gracing his features.

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