Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 99 - Excluding The Incongruous

Chapter 99 - Excluding The Incongruous

Stunned by Cassidy's casual greeting that seems to come out like a foreign language to them, most of them blink in bewilderment while others gape a little as they are unsure of how to respond.

Silence then stretches on for a moment. Their expressions are saying that this is their first time seeing her unrefined side. Right now, she appears anything but a fine lady of high society that she is supposed to be known of. 

'Homies? What homies? Is that a crude word...?' Olivia wondered with a stupefied look, uncertain if she already heard that word before even though she used to study foreign languages in college.

'Nevertheless, what an impolite way of greeting the guests. Adrian will not be pleased by that-'

Contrary to her expectation, though, Adrian is far from displeased.

If anything, he looks like he is trying so hard to stay straight-faced. He seems to be holding back his laughter at everyone's dumbfounded reaction to his wife's otherworldly greeting - or at least, it's otherworldly for people of their status and league.   

'My brother? Holding back his laughter? T-That can't be,' Olivia thought in incredulity, stupefied all over again.

"Cassidy..." Adrian then finally started as he put his arm over her shoulders this time, breaking the silence.josei

"I think everyone wants to know what 'homies' mean before they can respond to you. Care to teach them your language?"

At that, Olivia only makes a deadpan expression, unamused.

She never imagined a day that this impassive brother of hers would make such a petty attempt in humor. Perhaps, that's also what Edward and Irish are thinking since they only continue looking at their sibling with incredulity, wondering if he's really just kidding around. 

"Ughhh...  You two..." Gertrude called with an exhausted and raspy voice, sounding like she just woke up from a nightmare.

"Just settle down already. Our dinner has seen enough interruptions. Go get to your seats."

Like a kindergarten teacher beckoning a couple of toddlers to sit down, she waves at them dismissively. She can't afford to lose her composure in front of their visitors. They already made quite a scene, so she was not about to add another one and continue to go off track.

As much as Gertrude wants to take out her stress on her daughter-in-law tonight, she knows that she doesn't have enough time. With that, she only glances at Irish who is still scowling beside her, entrusting the plan to deal with the troublemaker. Her daughter picks up almost instantly and simply nods.

"See? I told you that she's gonna faint. Go call an ambulance," Cassidy whispered to her husband.

"She's just probably mad 'cause we showed up late again and you're dressed like that. You already know how Mother exaggerates things when she's angry," Adrian mumbled back as he escorted her to their seats.

Right then, though, they find out that there is only one remaining chair.

This is understandable in a way since there are already fifteen of them gathered at that table. Adding one more will make them look crowded. But then, with these people, one can never be sure.

Cassidy can sense that they did this on purpose, especially when a certain blonde woman called Adrian's attention while patting the vacant chair beside her. 

"Here, Adrian. I reserved one seat for you..." Sophie offered with a sickeningly sweet tone before pretending to be troubled all of the sudden.

"Oh, but there's two of you. What should we do?"

"Just sit there, Adrian..." Gertrude ordered as soon as she noticed their current dilemma.

"Cassidy, go sit at another table."

While Cassidy only scowls in miff at such an obvious attempt to ostracize her, Adrian reacts taken aback for a moment before scrunching his brows together and sighing.

He knows what Gertrude is trying to do here by making him sit beside Sophie. It's also not that hard to tell that they prepared this set-up. Even Irish who's smirking knowingly seems to be in it.

'Well, at least, I can finally go off on my own. The air around this table is going to get stuffy with Maleficent around,' Cassidy thought as a way of looking at the bright side of this situation.

"Come on, Adrian. We're still not done with the appetizers, so your food isn't cold yet," Sophie chimed in again with an innocent-sounding tone and a sweet smile.

'Huh? Wait a minute... This woman...'

That's when the redhead suddenly recognizes the blonde. It's as if a warning signal begins to blare in her head as soon as she does so. There's no mistaking it. She's that person who followed her out of the jewelry store in the mall.

"Hey, you're the one before, right?" Cassidy asked out of nowhere, much to her husband's surprise.

"Oh, you mean at the mall...?" Sophie replied while still smiling, hiding her own surprise by acting unbothered and calm.

"Yes, I met you there, Cassidy. I tried to introduce myself, but you did not trust me at all. To be honest, I was really hurt by all the rude things you said to me back then. However, I understand your unfortunate situation, so it's all good now."

Now, Cassidy finds herself making a scene again, though it's really Sophie who starts it.

Their other companions probably began showing interest once more after getting the impression that she offended her before. Going by how she seems to be acting like a victim who kindly forgives her unaware offender, she can tell that she's going for that impression - that she wants to make her look bad in front of everyone.

Making a scene is fine for Cassidy, though. After all, she is here to learn more about the threats in the family. Even when she didn't expect that an outsider like Sophie would be the first one to step up, she'd gladly take her on. 

"Listen here, blondie..." Cassidy then started again while crossing her arms.

"If you found it rude that I told you how I was only following my husband's advice to be careful around strangers, then I don't think you really understood. If you found it rude that I did not talk to you because I couldn't remember who you were, then no - you hadn't understood. If you found it rude that I had amnesia, then you never truly understood."

"H-Huh? That wasn't what I was meaning to say," Sophie retaliated with a disbelieving scoff.

"Well, could you tell me what were these 'rude things' I said to you? Aside from those, I don't recall saying anything to you at all."

This wasn't what Sophie expected.

She isn't really aiming to make a narration of their confrontation in the mall. Since she got used to Cassidy's usual reaction of keeping silent to this kind of accusation, she said those things out of impulse.

With no prepared rebuttal in mind, Sophie just took her turn to stay quiet this time - not without feeling her face flush a little from mortification.     

"Anyway, you can sit here now, bossman..." Cassidy continued as she turned back to her husband.

"The lady might find it 'rude' if someone who doesn't know her will sit beside her."

"No, wait..." Adrian muttered, holding her wrist before she could walk away.

"Let's get ourselves a new table instead. I'll accompany you."

Though still a bit stunned by how his wife speaks out her mind, he goes ahead and takes the lead again. He pulls her away from that table - away from the people who are starting to think how oddly incongruous she is in this circle. From the corners of his eyes, he can also see that Gertrude is all ready to blow a fuse at how she talks back to Sophie in front of everyone.

While Adrian will do anything in Cassidy's defense, he thinks that it's still better to prevent it first.

In the end, they finally settle down on a table for two beside the wall windows. She doesn't seem to be grateful for the company, but he still sits there with her.

"You don't have to come with me, you know," Cassidy said with a sigh.

"You're my wife. Why would I just leave you like that?" Adrian replied and smiled. 

"I bet you used to do that all the time when I still had my memories, though."

Of course, she'd have to bring that up again.

Even then, he has long admitted his mistakes. It doesn't matter if it takes him an eternity to convince her that his actions and words in the present are all genuine. He's more than willing to reassure her as many times as it takes.

"Yeah, I had been a huge asshole back then. Looking back at it now, I feel like punching myself a thousand times. I'd honestly like it if you do that to me, Cassidy. Punch me or kick me as much as you want. You can stab me too, but I don't wanna make you a murderer, so..." he confessed out of nowhere, taking her aback.

"Huh? W-What are you saying now?" she blurted out incredulously, wondering what kind of masochistic spirit was possessing him all of the sudden. 

"What I'm just trying to say is... I'll do anything to get your forgiveness and acceptance again."

As much as Cassidy wants to think that Adrian is only comforting her after being ostracized by the others earlier, she can't help but be a little drawn by how genuine and sincere he looks at this very moment.   

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